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Source code in muxtools/misc/
class Chapters:
    chapters: list[Chapter] = []
    fps: Fraction | PathLike

    def __init__(
        self, chapter_source: PathLike | GlobSearch | Chapter | list[Chapter], fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001), _print: bool = True
    ) -> None:
        Convenience class for chapters

        :param chapter_source:      Input either txt with ogm chapters, xml or (a list of) self defined chapters.
        :param fps:                 Needed for timestamp convertion. Assumes 24000/1001 by default. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
        :param _print:              Prints chapters after parsing and after trimming.
        self.fps = fps
        if isinstance(chapter_source, tuple):
            self.chapters = [chapter_source]
        elif isinstance(chapter_source, list):
            self.chapters = chapter_source
            # Handle both OGM .txt files and xml files
            if isinstance(chapter_source, GlobSearch):
                chapter_source = chapter_source.paths[0]
            chapter_source = chapter_source if isinstance(chapter_source, Path) else Path(chapter_source)

            self.chapters = parse_xml(chapter_source) if chapter_source.suffix.lower() == ".xml" else parse_ogm(chapter_source)
            if _print:

        # Convert all framenumbers to timedeltas
        chapters = []
        for ch in self.chapters:
            if isinstance(ch[0], int):
                current = list(ch)
                current[0] = frame_to_timedelta(current[0], self.fps)
        self.chapters = chapters

    def trim(self: ChaptersSelf, trim_start: int = 0, trim_end: int = 0, num_frames: int = 0) -> ChaptersSelf:
        Trims the chapters
        if trim_start > 0:
            chapters: list[Chapter] = []
            for chapter in self.chapters:
                if timedelta_to_frame(chapter[0]) == 0:
                if timedelta_to_frame(chapter[0]) - trim_start < 0:
                current = list(chapter)
                current[0] = current[0] - frame_to_timedelta(trim_start, self.fps)
                if num_frames:
                    if current[0] > frame_to_timedelta(num_frames - 1, self.fps):

            self.chapters = chapters
        if trim_end != 0:
            if trim_end > 0:
                chapters: list[Chapter] = []
                for chapter in self.chapters:
                    if timedelta_to_frame(chapter[0], self.fps) < trim_end:
                self.chapters = chapters

        return self

    def set_names(self: ChaptersSelf, names: list[str | None]) -> ChaptersSelf:
        Renames the chapters

        :param names:   List of names
        old: list[str] = [chapter[1] for chapter in self.chapters]
        if len(names) > len(old):
            raise error("Chapters: too many names!", self)
        if len(names) < len(old):
            names += [None] * (len(old) - len(names))

        chapters: list[Chapter] = []
        for i, name in enumerate(names):
            current = list(self.chapters[i])
            current[1] = name

        self.chapters = chapters
        return self

    def add(self: ChaptersSelf, chapters: Chapter | list[Chapter], index: int = 0) -> ChaptersSelf:
        Adds a chapter at the specified index
        if isinstance(chapters, tuple):
            chapters = [chapters]
            chapters = chapters

        converted = []
        for ch in chapters:
            if isinstance(ch[0], int):
                current = list(ch)
                current[0] = frame_to_timedelta(current[0], self.fps)

        for ch in converted:
            self.chapters.insert(index, ch)
            index += 1
        return self

    def shift_chapter(self: ChaptersSelf, chapter: int = 0, shift_amount: int = 0) -> ChaptersSelf:
        Used to shift a single chapter by x frames

        :param chapter:         Chapter number (starting at 0)
        :param shift_amount:    Frames to shift by
        ch = list(self.chapters[chapter])
        shift_delta = frame_to_timedelta(abs(shift_amount), self.fps)
        if shift_amount < 0:
            shifted_frame = ch[0] - shift_delta
            shifted_frame = ch[0] + shift_delta

        if shifted_frame.total_seconds() > 0:
            ch[0] = shifted_frame
            ch[0] = timedelta(seconds=0)
        self.chapters[chapter] = tuple(ch)
        return self

    def shift(self: ChaptersSelf, shift_amount: int) -> ChaptersSelf:
        Shifts all chapters by x frames.

        :param shift_amount:    Frames to shift by
        return [self.shift_chapter(i, shift_amount) for i, _ in enumerate(self.chapters)][-1]

    def print(self: ChaptersSelf) -> ChaptersSelf:
        Prettier print for these because default timedelta formatting sucks
        for time, name in self.chapters:
            print(f"{name}: {format_timedelta(time)} | {timedelta_to_frame(time, self.fps)}")
        print("", end="\n")
        return self

    def to_file(self: ChaptersSelf, out: PathLike | None = None) -> str:
        Outputs the chapters to an OGM file

        :param out:     Can be either a directory or a full file path
        if not out:
            out = get_workdir()
        out = ensure_path(out, self)
        if out.is_dir():
            out_file = os.path.join(out, "chapters.txt")
            out_file = out
        with open(out_file, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
                    f"CHAPTER{i:02d}={format_timedelta(chapter[0])}\nCHAPTER{i:02d}NAME=" f'{chapter[1] if chapter[1] else ""}\n'
                    for i, chapter in enumerate(self.chapters)
        return out_file

    def from_sub(
        file: PathLike | SubFile,
        fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001),
        use_actor_field: bool = False,
        markers: str | list[str] = ["chapter", "chptr"],
        _print: bool = True,
        encoding: str = "utf_8_sig",
    ) -> "Chapters":
        Extract chapters from an ass file or a SubFile.

        :param file:            Input ass file or SubFile
        :param fps:             FPS passed to the chapter class for further operations. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
        :param use_actor_field: Uses the actor field instead of the effect field for identification.
        :param markers:         Markers to check for.
        :param _print:          Prints the chapters after parsing
        :param encoding:        Encoding used to read the ass file if need be
        from ass import parse_file, Comment

        if isinstance(markers, str):
            markers = [markers]

        if isinstance(file, SubFile):
            doc = file._read_doc()
            file = ensure_path_exists(file, "Chapters")
            with open(file if not file else file, "r", encoding=encoding) as reader:
                doc = parse_file(reader)

        pattern = re.compile(r"\{([^\\].+?)\}")
        chapters = list[Chapter]()
        for line in
            field_value = str( if use_actor_field else str(line.effect).lower()
            found = [m in field_value for m in markers]
            if any(found):
                match =
                if match:
                elif isinstance(line, Comment) and line.text:
                    chapters.append((line.start, str(line.text).strip()))
                    warn(f"Chapter {(len(chapters) + 1):02.0f} does not have a name!", "Chapters")
                    chapters.append((line.start, ""))

        if not chapters:
            warn("Could not find any chapters in subtitle!", "Chapters")
        ch = Chapters(chapters, fps)
        if _print and chapters:
        return ch

    def from_mkv(file: PathLike, fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001), _print: bool = True, quiet: bool = True) -> "Chapters":
        Extract chapters from mkv.

        :param file:            Input mkv file
        :param fps:             FPS passed to the chapter class for further operations. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
        :param _print:          Prints the chapters after parsing
        caller = "Chapters.from_mkv"
        file = ensure_path_exists(file, caller)

        mkvextract = get_executable("mkvextract")
        out = Path(get_temp_workdir(), f"{file.stem}_chapters.txt")
        args = [mkvextract, str(file), "chapters", "-s", str(out)]
        if run_commandline(args, quiet):
            raise error("Failed to extract chapters!", caller)
        chapters = Chapters(out, fps, _print)
        return chapters

__init__(chapter_source, fps=Fraction(24000, 1001), _print=True)

Convenience class for chapters


Name Type Description Default
chapter_source PathLike | GlobSearch | Chapter | list[Chapter]

Input either txt with ogm chapters, xml or (a list of) self defined chapters.

fps Fraction | PathLike

Needed for timestamp convertion. Assumes 24000/1001 by default. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

Fraction(24000, 1001)
_print bool

Prints chapters after parsing and after trimming.

Source code in muxtools/misc/
def __init__(
    self, chapter_source: PathLike | GlobSearch | Chapter | list[Chapter], fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001), _print: bool = True
) -> None:
    Convenience class for chapters

    :param chapter_source:      Input either txt with ogm chapters, xml or (a list of) self defined chapters.
    :param fps:                 Needed for timestamp convertion. Assumes 24000/1001 by default. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
    :param _print:              Prints chapters after parsing and after trimming.
    self.fps = fps
    if isinstance(chapter_source, tuple):
        self.chapters = [chapter_source]
    elif isinstance(chapter_source, list):
        self.chapters = chapter_source
        # Handle both OGM .txt files and xml files
        if isinstance(chapter_source, GlobSearch):
            chapter_source = chapter_source.paths[0]
        chapter_source = chapter_source if isinstance(chapter_source, Path) else Path(chapter_source)

        self.chapters = parse_xml(chapter_source) if chapter_source.suffix.lower() == ".xml" else parse_ogm(chapter_source)
        if _print:

    # Convert all framenumbers to timedeltas
    chapters = []
    for ch in self.chapters:
        if isinstance(ch[0], int):
            current = list(ch)
            current[0] = frame_to_timedelta(current[0], self.fps)
    self.chapters = chapters

add(chapters, index=0)

Adds a chapter at the specified index

Source code in muxtools/misc/
def add(self: ChaptersSelf, chapters: Chapter | list[Chapter], index: int = 0) -> ChaptersSelf:
    Adds a chapter at the specified index
    if isinstance(chapters, tuple):
        chapters = [chapters]
        chapters = chapters

    converted = []
    for ch in chapters:
        if isinstance(ch[0], int):
            current = list(ch)
            current[0] = frame_to_timedelta(current[0], self.fps)

    for ch in converted:
        self.chapters.insert(index, ch)
        index += 1
    return self

from_mkv(file, fps=Fraction(24000, 1001), _print=True, quiet=True) staticmethod

Extract chapters from mkv.


Name Type Description Default
file PathLike

Input mkv file

fps Fraction | PathLike

FPS passed to the chapter class for further operations. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

Fraction(24000, 1001)
_print bool

Prints the chapters after parsing

Source code in muxtools/misc/
def from_mkv(file: PathLike, fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001), _print: bool = True, quiet: bool = True) -> "Chapters":
    Extract chapters from mkv.

    :param file:            Input mkv file
    :param fps:             FPS passed to the chapter class for further operations. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
    :param _print:          Prints the chapters after parsing
    caller = "Chapters.from_mkv"
    file = ensure_path_exists(file, caller)

    mkvextract = get_executable("mkvextract")
    out = Path(get_temp_workdir(), f"{file.stem}_chapters.txt")
    args = [mkvextract, str(file), "chapters", "-s", str(out)]
    if run_commandline(args, quiet):
        raise error("Failed to extract chapters!", caller)
    chapters = Chapters(out, fps, _print)
    return chapters

from_sub(file, fps=Fraction(24000, 1001), use_actor_field=False, markers=['chapter', 'chptr'], _print=True, encoding='utf_8_sig') staticmethod

Extract chapters from an ass file or a SubFile.


Name Type Description Default
file PathLike | SubFile

Input ass file or SubFile

fps Fraction | PathLike

FPS passed to the chapter class for further operations. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

Fraction(24000, 1001)
use_actor_field bool

Uses the actor field instead of the effect field for identification.

markers str | list[str]

Markers to check for.

['chapter', 'chptr']
_print bool

Prints the chapters after parsing

encoding str

Encoding used to read the ass file if need be

Source code in muxtools/misc/
def from_sub(
    file: PathLike | SubFile,
    fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001),
    use_actor_field: bool = False,
    markers: str | list[str] = ["chapter", "chptr"],
    _print: bool = True,
    encoding: str = "utf_8_sig",
) -> "Chapters":
    Extract chapters from an ass file or a SubFile.

    :param file:            Input ass file or SubFile
    :param fps:             FPS passed to the chapter class for further operations. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
    :param use_actor_field: Uses the actor field instead of the effect field for identification.
    :param markers:         Markers to check for.
    :param _print:          Prints the chapters after parsing
    :param encoding:        Encoding used to read the ass file if need be
    from ass import parse_file, Comment

    if isinstance(markers, str):
        markers = [markers]

    if isinstance(file, SubFile):
        doc = file._read_doc()
        file = ensure_path_exists(file, "Chapters")
        with open(file if not file else file, "r", encoding=encoding) as reader:
            doc = parse_file(reader)

    pattern = re.compile(r"\{([^\\].+?)\}")
    chapters = list[Chapter]()
    for line in
        field_value = str( if use_actor_field else str(line.effect).lower()
        found = [m in field_value for m in markers]
        if any(found):
            match =
            if match:
            elif isinstance(line, Comment) and line.text:
                chapters.append((line.start, str(line.text).strip()))
                warn(f"Chapter {(len(chapters) + 1):02.0f} does not have a name!", "Chapters")
                chapters.append((line.start, ""))

    if not chapters:
        warn("Could not find any chapters in subtitle!", "Chapters")
    ch = Chapters(chapters, fps)
    if _print and chapters:
    return ch


Prettier print for these because default timedelta formatting sucks

Source code in muxtools/misc/
def print(self: ChaptersSelf) -> ChaptersSelf:
    Prettier print for these because default timedelta formatting sucks
    for time, name in self.chapters:
        print(f"{name}: {format_timedelta(time)} | {timedelta_to_frame(time, self.fps)}")
    print("", end="\n")
    return self


Renames the chapters


Name Type Description Default
names list[str | None]

List of names

Source code in muxtools/misc/
def set_names(self: ChaptersSelf, names: list[str | None]) -> ChaptersSelf:
    Renames the chapters

    :param names:   List of names
    old: list[str] = [chapter[1] for chapter in self.chapters]
    if len(names) > len(old):
        raise error("Chapters: too many names!", self)
    if len(names) < len(old):
        names += [None] * (len(old) - len(names))

    chapters: list[Chapter] = []
    for i, name in enumerate(names):
        current = list(self.chapters[i])
        current[1] = name

    self.chapters = chapters
    return self


Shifts all chapters by x frames.


Name Type Description Default
shift_amount int

Frames to shift by

Source code in muxtools/misc/
def shift(self: ChaptersSelf, shift_amount: int) -> ChaptersSelf:
    Shifts all chapters by x frames.

    :param shift_amount:    Frames to shift by
    return [self.shift_chapter(i, shift_amount) for i, _ in enumerate(self.chapters)][-1]

shift_chapter(chapter=0, shift_amount=0)

Used to shift a single chapter by x frames


Name Type Description Default
chapter int

Chapter number (starting at 0)

shift_amount int

Frames to shift by

Source code in muxtools/misc/
def shift_chapter(self: ChaptersSelf, chapter: int = 0, shift_amount: int = 0) -> ChaptersSelf:
    Used to shift a single chapter by x frames

    :param chapter:         Chapter number (starting at 0)
    :param shift_amount:    Frames to shift by
    ch = list(self.chapters[chapter])
    shift_delta = frame_to_timedelta(abs(shift_amount), self.fps)
    if shift_amount < 0:
        shifted_frame = ch[0] - shift_delta
        shifted_frame = ch[0] + shift_delta

    if shifted_frame.total_seconds() > 0:
        ch[0] = shifted_frame
        ch[0] = timedelta(seconds=0)
    self.chapters[chapter] = tuple(ch)
    return self


Outputs the chapters to an OGM file


Name Type Description Default
out PathLike | None

Can be either a directory or a full file path

Source code in muxtools/misc/
def to_file(self: ChaptersSelf, out: PathLike | None = None) -> str:
    Outputs the chapters to an OGM file

    :param out:     Can be either a directory or a full file path
    if not out:
        out = get_workdir()
    out = ensure_path(out, self)
    if out.is_dir():
        out_file = os.path.join(out, "chapters.txt")
        out_file = out
    with open(out_file, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
                f"CHAPTER{i:02d}={format_timedelta(chapter[0])}\nCHAPTER{i:02d}NAME=" f'{chapter[1] if chapter[1] else ""}\n'
                for i, chapter in enumerate(self.chapters)
    return out_file

trim(trim_start=0, trim_end=0, num_frames=0)

Trims the chapters

Source code in muxtools/misc/
def trim(self: ChaptersSelf, trim_start: int = 0, trim_end: int = 0, num_frames: int = 0) -> ChaptersSelf:
    Trims the chapters
    if trim_start > 0:
        chapters: list[Chapter] = []
        for chapter in self.chapters:
            if timedelta_to_frame(chapter[0]) == 0:
            if timedelta_to_frame(chapter[0]) - trim_start < 0:
            current = list(chapter)
            current[0] = current[0] - frame_to_timedelta(trim_start, self.fps)
            if num_frames:
                if current[0] > frame_to_timedelta(num_frames - 1, self.fps):

        self.chapters = chapters
    if trim_end != 0:
        if trim_end > 0:
            chapters: list[Chapter] = []
            for chapter in self.chapters:
                if timedelta_to_frame(chapter[0], self.fps) < trim_end:
            self.chapters = chapters

    return self