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NVENC_H265 dataclass

Bases: VideoEncoder

Uses ffmpeg to encode clip to a h265 stream via nvenc. (Should this be in vsmuxtools?)


Name Type Description Default
settings str

Can either be a string of your own settings or any of the 3 presets.

ensure_props bool

Calls initialize_clip on the clip to have at the very least guessed props

Source code in vodesfunc/
class NVENC_H265(VideoEncoder):
    Uses ffmpeg to encode clip to a h265 stream via nvenc.
    (Should this be in vsmuxtools?)

    :param settings:        Can either be a string of your own settings or any of the 3 presets.
    :param ensure_props:    Calls initialize_clip on the clip to have at the very least guessed props

    settings: str = ""
    ensure_props: bool = True

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.executable = get_executable("ffmpeg")

    def encode(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, outfile: PathLike | None = None) -> VideoFile:
        bits = get_depth(clip)
        if bits > 10:
            warn("This encoder does not support a bit depth over 10.\nClip will be dithered to 10 bit.", self, 2)
            clip = finalize_clip(clip, 10)
            bits = 10
        if self.ensure_props:
            clip = initialize_clip(clip, bits)
            clip = finalize_clip(clip, bits)

        out = make_output("encoded_nvenc", "mkv", user_passed=outfile)

        args = [self.executable, "-hide_banner", "-v", "quiet", "-stats", "-f", "yuv4mpegpipe", "-i", "-", "-c:v", "hevc_nvenc"]
        if self.settings:

        process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
        clip.output(process.stdin, y4m=True, progress_update=lambda x, y: self._update_progress(x, y))  # type: ignore
        return VideoFile(out)

fetch_frames_with_sizes(fileIn, fps)

Extracts frame info with ffprobe

Source code in vodesfunc/
def fetch_frames_with_sizes(fileIn: Path, fps: Fraction) -> list[Framedata]:
    Extracts frame info with ffprobe
    bitrate_data = list[Framedata]()
    current_frame = 0
    command = [
    out =, capture_output=True, text=True, universal_newlines=True)
    output = out.stdout + out.stderr
    for line in output.splitlines():
        if len(line) == 0:
        if len(line) > 0 and line[-1] == ",":
            line = line[:-1]

        if "pts_time" in line:
                decoded = json.loads(line)
                raise Exception

            frame_bitrate = (float(decoded.get("size")) * 8 / 1000) * fps
            frame_time = float(decoded.get("pts_time"))
            bitrate_data.append(Framedata(current_frame, frame_time, frame_bitrate))
            current_frame += 1

    return bitrate_data

find_spikes(clip, threshold=11500, nvenc_settings='-preset 3 -rc vbr_hq -pix_fmt p010le -b:v 6M -maxrate:v 22M', print_ranges=False, export_file=None, ignore_existing=False)

Encodes a clip with nvenc hevc and analyzes the bitrate averages between scene changes to find spikes.


Name Type Description Default
clip VideoNode

Clip to encode

threshold int

Bitrate threshold to add to ranges (in kbps, I think)

nvenc_settings str

Settings to use for the encoder

'-preset 3 -rc vbr_hq -pix_fmt p010le -b:v 6M -maxrate:v 22M'
print_ranges bool

If you want to print the ranges with corresponding bitrates

export_file None | PathLike

Export the ranges to a bookmarks file with the given name. None to disable.

ignore_existing bool

Run again and overwrite the exported file if it exists. By default it won't run again.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def find_spikes(
    clip: vs.VideoNode,
    threshold: int = 11500,
    nvenc_settings: str = "-preset 3 -rc vbr_hq -pix_fmt p010le -b:v 6M -maxrate:v 22M",
    print_ranges: bool = False,
    export_file: None | PathLike = None,
    ignore_existing: bool = False,
) -> FrameRangesN:
    Encodes a clip with nvenc hevc and analyzes the bitrate averages between scene changes to find spikes.

    :param clip:            Clip to encode
    :param threshold:       Bitrate threshold to add to ranges (in kbps, I think)
    :param nvenc_settings:  Settings to use for the encoder
    :param print_ranges:    If you want to print the ranges with corresponding bitrates
    :param export_file:     Export the ranges to a bookmarks file with the given name. None to disable.
    :param ignore_existing: Run again and overwrite the exported file if it exists. By default it won't run again.
    if export_file:
        out_file = make_output(export_file, "bookmarks", user_passed=export_file)
        if out_file.exists():
            if ignore_existing:
                return read_ranges_bookmarks(out_file)

    ranges: list[SoftRange] = []
    info("Encoding clip using nvenc...", find_spikes)
    temp_encode = NVENC_H265(nvenc_settings).encode(clip, "temp_nvenc")
    encoded_file = ensure_path_exists(temp_encode.file, find_spikes)
    info("Extracting frame data...", find_spikes)
    framedata = fetch_frames_with_sizes(encoded_file, Fraction(clip.fps_num, clip.fps_den))
    info("Finding scene changes...")
    chunks = split_by_keyframes(framedata, clip)

    for chunk in chunks:
        size_all: float = 0.0
        for data in chunk:
            size_all += data.frame_size
        avg = size_all / len(chunk)
        if avg > threshold:
            ranges.append((chunk[0].frame, chunk[-1].frame))
            if print_ranges:
                debug(f"Frames {chunk[0].frame} - {chunk[-1].frame}: {round(avg, 2)} kbps", find_spikes)

    # To make the ranges not have single frame outliers
    ranges_int = normalize_ranges_to_list(ranges)
    final_ranges = normalize_list_to_ranges(ranges_int)

    if export_file:
        with open(out_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as writer:
            all_nums = list[int]()
            for start, end in final_ranges:
                all_nums.extend([start, end])
            writer.write(", ".join([str(it) for it in all_nums]))

    return final_ranges

split_by_keyframes(data, clip)

Search for scene changes and divide framedata into chunks that start with one.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def split_by_keyframes(data: list[Framedata], clip: vs.VideoNode) -> list[list[Framedata]]:
    Search for scene changes and divide framedata into chunks that start with one.
    keyframes = Keyframes.from_clip(clip)
    chunks = []
    current_chunk = []

    for item in data:
        if item.frame in keyframes:
            if current_chunk:
            current_chunk = [item]

    if current_chunk:

    return chunks