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__all__ = ['audio_async_render', 'WaveHeader'] module-attribute

Most if not everything in this file is stolen from this because I don't feel like waiting for setsu to add it to vapoursynth itself.


Bases: IntEnum

WAVE form wFormatTag IDs Complete list is in mmreg.h in Windows 10 SDK.

Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
class WaveFormat(IntEnum):
    WAVE form wFormatTag IDs
    Complete list is in mmreg.h in Windows 10 SDK.

    PCM = 0x0001
    IEEE_FLOAT = 0x0003


Bases: IntEnum

Wave headers

Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
class WaveHeader(IntEnum):
    Wave headers

    WAVE = 0
    WAVE64 = 1
    AUTO = 2

audio_async_render(audio, outfile, header=WaveHeader.AUTO, progress='Rendering audio...')

Render an audio by requesting frames asynchronously using audio.frames.

Implementation-like of VideoNode.output for an AudioNode that isn't in the Cython side yet.


Name Type Description Default
audio AudioNode

Audio to render.

outfile BinaryIO

Render output BinaryIO handle.

header WaveHeader

Kind of Wave header. WaveHeader.AUTO adds a Wave64 header if the audio * Has more than 2 channels * Has a bitdepth > 16 * Has more than 44100 samples

progress Optional[str]

String to use for render progress display. If empty or None, no progress display.

'Rendering audio...'
Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
def audio_async_render(
    audio: vs.AudioNode, outfile: BinaryIO, header: WaveHeader = WaveHeader.AUTO, progress: Optional[str] = "Rendering audio..."
) -> None:
    Render an audio by requesting frames asynchronously using audio.frames.

    Implementation-like of VideoNode.output for an AudioNode that isn't in the Cython side yet.

    :param audio:       Audio to render.
    :param outfile:     Render output BinaryIO handle.
    :param header:      Kind of Wave header.
                        WaveHeader.AUTO adds a Wave64 header if the audio

                        * Has more than 2 channels
                        * Has a bitdepth > 16
                        * Has more than 44100 samples

    :param progress:    String to use for render progress display.
                        If empty or ``None``, no progress display.
    if progress:
        p = get_render_progress()
        task = p.add_task(progress, total=audio.num_frames)

    bytes_per_output_sample = (audio.bits_per_sample + 7) // 8
    block_align = audio.num_channels * bytes_per_output_sample
    bytes_per_second = audio.sample_rate * block_align
    data_size = audio.num_samples * block_align

    if header == WaveHeader.AUTO:
        conditions = (audio.num_channels > 2, audio.bits_per_sample > 16, audio.num_samples > 44100)
        header_func, use_w64 = (_w64_header, WaveHeader.WAVE64) if any(conditions) else (_wav_header, WaveHeader.WAVE)
        use_w64 = header
        header_func = (_wav_header, _w64_header)[header]

    outfile.write(header_func(audio, bytes_per_second, block_align, data_size))

    for f in audio.frames(close=True):
        if progress:
            p.update(task, advance=1)
        _finish_frame_audio(f, outfile, audio.bits_per_sample == 24)
    size = outfile.tell()
    if use_w64:
        outfile.write(struct.pack("<Q", size))
        outfile.write(struct.pack("<I", size - 8))
    if progress: