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Bases: RescaleClips, RescaleNumbers

Proof of concept Builder approach to rescaling.

Mostly ready for single rescale use. Not entirely sure how to handle multiple properly yet.

Doesn't handle FieldBased yet.

(Do I even have to do anything? Pretty sure vskernels does most of the work nowadays)

Example usage:

builder, rescaled = (
    .descale(Bilinear, 843.75, base_height=846)
    .post_double(lambda x: aa_dehalo(x)) # Or a function like post_double(aa_dehalo)

Source code in vodesfunc/
class RescaleBuilder(RescaleClips, RescaleNumbers):
    Proof of concept Builder approach to rescaling.\n
    Mostly ready for single rescale use. Not entirely sure how to handle multiple properly yet.

    Doesn't handle FieldBased yet.\n
    (Do I even have to do anything? Pretty sure vskernels does most of the work nowadays)

    Example usage:
    builder, rescaled = (
        .descale(Bilinear, 843.75, base_height=846)
        .post_double(lambda x: aa_dehalo(x)) # Or a function like post_double(aa_dehalo)

    funcutil: FunctionUtil
    kernel: Kernel
    post_crop: KwargsT | None = None
    rescale_args: KwargsT = KwargsT()
    shift: tuple[float, float] = (0, 0)
    border_handling: int = 0
    border_radius: int | None = None

    def __init__(self, clip: vs.VideoNode):
        self.funcutil = FunctionUtil(clip, self.__class__.__name__, planes=0, color_family=(vs.YUV, vs.GRAY), bitdepth=(16, 32))

    def descale(
        kernel: KernelT,
        height: float,
        width: float | None = None,
        base_height: int | None = None,
        base_width: int | None = None,
        shift: tuple[float, float] = (0, 0),
        mode: str = "hw",
        border_handling: int = 0,
        border_radius: int | None = None,
    ) -> Self:
        Performs descale and rescale (with the same kernel).

        :param kernel:              Kernel to descale with
        :param height:              Height to descale to
        :param width:               Width to descale to
        :param base_height:         Padded height used in a "fractional" descale
        :param base_width:          Padded width used in a "fractional" descale
                                    Both of these are technically optional but highly recommended to have set for float width/height.

        :param shift:               A custom shift to be applied
        :param mode:                Whether to descale only height, only width, or both.
                                    "h" or "w" respectively for the former two.

        :param border_handling:     Adjust the way the clip is padded internally during the scaling process. Accepted values are:\n
                                    0: Assume the image was resized with mirror padding.\n
                                    1: Assume the image was resized with zero padding.\n
                                    2: Assume the image was resized with extend padding, where the outermost row was extended infinitely far.\n
                                    Defaults to 0.

        :param border_radius:       Radius for the border mask. Only used when border_handling is set to 1 or 2.
                                    Defaults to kernel radius if possible, else 2.
        clip = self.funcutil.work_clip
        self.kernel = Kernel.ensure_obj(kernel)
        self.shift = shift
        self.border_handling = self.kernel.kwargs.pop("border_handling", border_handling)
        self.border_radius = border_radius

        if float(height).is_integer():
            if not width:
                width = get_w(height, clip)
            self.width = int(width) if "w" in mode else clip.width
            self.height = int(height) if "h" in mode else clip.height
            self.descaled = self.kernel.descale(
            self.rescaled = perform_rescale(self)
            sanitized_shift = (shift[0] if shift[0] else None, shift[1] if shift[1] else None)
            args, self.post_crop = fdescale_args(clip, height, base_height, base_width, sanitized_shift[0], sanitized_shift[1], width, mode)
            _, self.rescale_args = fdescale_args(
                clip, height, base_height, base_width, sanitized_shift[0], sanitized_shift[1], width, mode, up_rate=1
            self.height = args.get("src_height", clip.height)
            self.width = args.get("src_width", clip.width)
            self.base_height = base_height
            self.base_width = base_width

            self.descaled = self.kernel.descale(clip, border_handling=self.border_handling, **args)
            self.rescaled = perform_rescale(self, **self.rescale_args)
        return self

    def post_descale(self, func: GenericVSFunction) -> Self:
        A function to apply any arbitrary function on the descaled clip.\n
        I can't think of a good usecase/example for this but I was asked to add this before.

        :param func:    This can be any function that takes a videonode input and returns a videonode.
                        You are responsible for keeping the format the same.
        self.descaled = func(self.descaled)
        return self

    def linemask(
        mask: vs.VideoNode | EdgeDetectT | None = None,
        downscaler: ScalerT | None = None,
        maximum_iter: int = 0,
        inflate_iter: int = 0,
        expand: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 0,
    ) -> Self:
        A function to apply a linemask to the final output.

        :param mask:            This can be a masking function like `KirschTCanny` (also the default if `None`) or a clip.
        :param downscaler:      Downscaler to use if creating a linemask on the doubled clip. Defaults to `Bilinear` if `None`.
        :param maximum_iter:    Apply std.Maximum x amount of times
        :param inflate_iter:    Apply std.inflate x amount of times
        :param expand:          Apply an ellipse morpho expand with the passed amount.
                                Can be a tuple of (horizontal, vertical) or a single value for both.
        :param **kwargs:        Any other params to pass to the edgemask creation. For example `lthr` or `hthr`.
        if isinstance(mask, vs.VideoNode):
            self.linemask_clip = mask
            if self.border_handling:
                self.linemask_clip = self._crop_mask_bord(self.linemask_clip)
            return self
        edgemaskFunc = KirschTCanny.ensure_obj(mask)

        # Perform on doubled clip if exists and downscale
        if self.doubled:
            scaler = Bilinear.ensure_obj(downscaler)
            self.linemask_clip = edgemaskFunc.edgemask(self.doubled, **kwargs)
            self.linemask_clip = scaler.scale(self.linemask_clip, self.funcutil.work_clip.width, self.funcutil.work_clip.height)
            self.linemask_clip = edgemaskFunc.edgemask(self.funcutil.work_clip, **kwargs)

        self.linemask_clip = self._process_mask(self.linemask_clip, maximum_iter, inflate_iter, expand)

        if self.border_handling:
            self.linemask_clip = self._crop_mask_bord(self.linemask_clip)

        return self

    def errormask(
        self, mask: vs.VideoNode | float = 0.05, maximum_iter: int = 2, inflate_iter: int = 3, expand: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 0
    ) -> Self:
        A function to apply a basic error mask to the final output.

        :param mask:            With a float, and by default, will be created internally. Could also pass a clip.
        :param maximum_iter:    Apply std.Maximum x amount of times
        :param inflate_iter:    Apply std.inflate x amount of times
        :param expand:          Apply an ellipse morpho expand with the passed amount.
                                Can be a tuple of (horizontal, vertical) or a single value for both.
        if isinstance(mask, vs.VideoNode):
            self.errormask_clip = mask
            return self

        err_mask = core.std.Expr([depth(self.funcutil.work_clip, 32), depth(self.rescaled, 32)], f"x y - abs {mask} < 0 1 ?")
        err_mask = depth(err_mask, 16, range_out=ColorRange.FULL, range_in=ColorRange.FULL)
        err_mask = err_mask.rgvs.RemoveGrain(mode=6)
        err_mask = self._process_mask(err_mask, maximum_iter, inflate_iter, expand)
        self.errormask_clip = depth(err_mask, get_depth(self.funcutil.work_clip))

        if self.border_handling:
            self.errormask_clip = self._crop_mask_bord(self.errormask_clip)

        return self

    def double(self, upscaler: Doubler | ScalerT | None = None) -> Self:
        Upscales the descaled clip by 2x

        :param upscaler:        Any kind of vsscale scaler. Defaults to Waifu2x.
        if isinstance(upscaler, Doubler):
            self.doubled = upscaler.double(self.descaled)
            from vsscale import Waifu2x

            scaler = Waifu2x.ensure_obj(upscaler)  # type: ignore
            self.doubled = scaler.multi(self.descaled)
        return self

    def post_double(self, func: GenericVSFunction) -> Self:
        A function to apply any arbitrary function on the doubled clip.

        :param func:    This can be any function that takes a videonode input and returns a videonode.
                        You are responsible for keeping the format the same.
        if not self.doubled:
            raise SyntaxError("post_double: Doubled clip has not been generated yet. Please call this after double().")
        self.doubled = func(self.doubled)
        return self

    def downscale(self, downscaler: ScalerT | None = None) -> Self:
        Downscales the clip back the size of the original input clip and applies the masks, if any.

        :param downscaler:      Any vsscale scaler to use. Defaults to Linear Hermite.
        scaler = Hermite(linear=True).ensure_obj(downscaler)
        if not self.doubled:
            raise SyntaxError("Downscale/Final is the last one that should be called in a chain!")
        wclip = self.funcutil.work_clip
        if self.post_crop:
            self.upscaled = scaler.scale(self.doubled, wclip.width, wclip.height, **self.post_crop)
            self.upscaled = scaler.scale(self.doubled, wclip.width, wclip.height, (self.shift[0] * 2, self.shift[1] * 2))

        if isinstance(self.errormask_clip, vs.VideoNode) and isinstance(self.linemask_clip, vs.VideoNode):
            self.final_mask = core.std.Expr([self.linemask_clip.std.Limiter(), self.errormask_clip], "x y -")
            self.upscaled = wclip.std.MaskedMerge(self.upscaled, self.final_mask.std.Limiter())
        elif isinstance(self.errormask_clip, vs.VideoNode):
            self.upscaled = self.upscaled.std.MaskedMerge(wclip, self.errormask_clip.std.Limiter())
        elif isinstance(self.linemask_clip, vs.VideoNode):
            self.upscaled = wclip.std.MaskedMerge(self.upscaled, self.linemask_clip.std.Limiter())

        return self

    def final(self) -> tuple[Self, vs.VideoNode]:
        This is the last function in the chain that also returns the final clip.
        It internally calls `downscale` if you haven't done so before and then merges the resulting clip with the input chroma, if any.

        :return: A tuple of this class and the resulting final rescale.
        if not self.upscaled:
        if not self.upscaled:
            raise TypeError("No downscaled clip has been generated yet!")

        return (self, self.funcutil.return_clip(self.upscaled))

    def _process_mask(
        self, mask: vs.VideoNode, maximum_iter: int = 0, inflate_iter: int = 0, expand: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 0
    ) -> vs.VideoNode:
        if maximum_iter:
            mask = iterate(mask, core.std.Maximum, maximum_iter)

        if inflate_iter:
            mask = iterate(mask, core.std.Inflate, inflate_iter)

        if expand:
            if isinstance(expand, int):
                expand = (expand, expand)
            from vsmasktools import Morpho, XxpandMode

            mask = Morpho.expand(mask, expand[0], expand[1], XxpandMode.ELLIPSE)

        return mask

    def _crop_mask_bord(self, mask: vs.VideoNode, color: float = 0.0) -> vs.VideoNode:
        if not hasattr(self, "_bord_crop_args"):
            self._bord_crop_args = get_border_crop(self)

        return mask.std.Crop(*self._bord_crop_args).std.AddBorders(*self._bord_crop_args, color=color)

    def _kernel_window(self) -> int:
        if (bord_rad := self.border_radius) is None:
                bord_rad = self.kernel.kernel_radius
            except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
                bord_rad = 2

        return bord_rad

descale(kernel, height, width=None, base_height=None, base_width=None, shift=(0, 0), mode='hw', border_handling=0, border_radius=None)

Performs descale and rescale (with the same kernel).


Name Type Description Default
kernel KernelT

Kernel to descale with

height float

Height to descale to

width float | None

Width to descale to

base_height int | None

Padded height used in a "fractional" descale

base_width int | None

Padded width used in a "fractional" descale Both of these are technically optional but highly recommended to have set for float width/height.

shift tuple[float, float]

A custom shift to be applied

(0, 0)
mode str

Whether to descale only height, only width, or both. "h" or "w" respectively for the former two.

border_handling int

Adjust the way the clip is padded internally during the scaling process. Accepted values are: 0: Assume the image was resized with mirror padding. 1: Assume the image was resized with zero padding. 2: Assume the image was resized with extend padding, where the outermost row was extended infinitely far. Defaults to 0.

border_radius int | None

Radius for the border mask. Only used when border_handling is set to 1 or 2. Defaults to kernel radius if possible, else 2.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def descale(
    kernel: KernelT,
    height: float,
    width: float | None = None,
    base_height: int | None = None,
    base_width: int | None = None,
    shift: tuple[float, float] = (0, 0),
    mode: str = "hw",
    border_handling: int = 0,
    border_radius: int | None = None,
) -> Self:
    Performs descale and rescale (with the same kernel).

    :param kernel:              Kernel to descale with
    :param height:              Height to descale to
    :param width:               Width to descale to
    :param base_height:         Padded height used in a "fractional" descale
    :param base_width:          Padded width used in a "fractional" descale
                                Both of these are technically optional but highly recommended to have set for float width/height.

    :param shift:               A custom shift to be applied
    :param mode:                Whether to descale only height, only width, or both.
                                "h" or "w" respectively for the former two.

    :param border_handling:     Adjust the way the clip is padded internally during the scaling process. Accepted values are:\n
                                0: Assume the image was resized with mirror padding.\n
                                1: Assume the image was resized with zero padding.\n
                                2: Assume the image was resized with extend padding, where the outermost row was extended infinitely far.\n
                                Defaults to 0.

    :param border_radius:       Radius for the border mask. Only used when border_handling is set to 1 or 2.
                                Defaults to kernel radius if possible, else 2.
    clip = self.funcutil.work_clip
    self.kernel = Kernel.ensure_obj(kernel)
    self.shift = shift
    self.border_handling = self.kernel.kwargs.pop("border_handling", border_handling)
    self.border_radius = border_radius

    if float(height).is_integer():
        if not width:
            width = get_w(height, clip)
        self.width = int(width) if "w" in mode else clip.width
        self.height = int(height) if "h" in mode else clip.height
        self.descaled = self.kernel.descale(
        self.rescaled = perform_rescale(self)
        sanitized_shift = (shift[0] if shift[0] else None, shift[1] if shift[1] else None)
        args, self.post_crop = fdescale_args(clip, height, base_height, base_width, sanitized_shift[0], sanitized_shift[1], width, mode)
        _, self.rescale_args = fdescale_args(
            clip, height, base_height, base_width, sanitized_shift[0], sanitized_shift[1], width, mode, up_rate=1
        self.height = args.get("src_height", clip.height)
        self.width = args.get("src_width", clip.width)
        self.base_height = base_height
        self.base_width = base_width

        self.descaled = self.kernel.descale(clip, border_handling=self.border_handling, **args)
        self.rescaled = perform_rescale(self, **self.rescale_args)
    return self


Upscales the descaled clip by 2x


Name Type Description Default
upscaler Doubler | ScalerT | None

Any kind of vsscale scaler. Defaults to Waifu2x.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def double(self, upscaler: Doubler | ScalerT | None = None) -> Self:
    Upscales the descaled clip by 2x

    :param upscaler:        Any kind of vsscale scaler. Defaults to Waifu2x.
    if isinstance(upscaler, Doubler):
        self.doubled = upscaler.double(self.descaled)
        from vsscale import Waifu2x

        scaler = Waifu2x.ensure_obj(upscaler)  # type: ignore
        self.doubled = scaler.multi(self.descaled)
    return self


Downscales the clip back the size of the original input clip and applies the masks, if any.


Name Type Description Default
downscaler ScalerT | None

Any vsscale scaler to use. Defaults to Linear Hermite.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def downscale(self, downscaler: ScalerT | None = None) -> Self:
    Downscales the clip back the size of the original input clip and applies the masks, if any.

    :param downscaler:      Any vsscale scaler to use. Defaults to Linear Hermite.
    scaler = Hermite(linear=True).ensure_obj(downscaler)
    if not self.doubled:
        raise SyntaxError("Downscale/Final is the last one that should be called in a chain!")
    wclip = self.funcutil.work_clip
    if self.post_crop:
        self.upscaled = scaler.scale(self.doubled, wclip.width, wclip.height, **self.post_crop)
        self.upscaled = scaler.scale(self.doubled, wclip.width, wclip.height, (self.shift[0] * 2, self.shift[1] * 2))

    if isinstance(self.errormask_clip, vs.VideoNode) and isinstance(self.linemask_clip, vs.VideoNode):
        self.final_mask = core.std.Expr([self.linemask_clip.std.Limiter(), self.errormask_clip], "x y -")
        self.upscaled = wclip.std.MaskedMerge(self.upscaled, self.final_mask.std.Limiter())
    elif isinstance(self.errormask_clip, vs.VideoNode):
        self.upscaled = self.upscaled.std.MaskedMerge(wclip, self.errormask_clip.std.Limiter())
    elif isinstance(self.linemask_clip, vs.VideoNode):
        self.upscaled = wclip.std.MaskedMerge(self.upscaled, self.linemask_clip.std.Limiter())

    return self

errormask(mask=0.05, maximum_iter=2, inflate_iter=3, expand=0)

A function to apply a basic error mask to the final output.


Name Type Description Default
mask VideoNode | float

With a float, and by default, will be created internally. Could also pass a clip.

maximum_iter int

Apply std.Maximum x amount of times

inflate_iter int

Apply std.inflate x amount of times

expand int | tuple[int, int | None]

Apply an ellipse morpho expand with the passed amount. Can be a tuple of (horizontal, vertical) or a single value for both.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def errormask(
    self, mask: vs.VideoNode | float = 0.05, maximum_iter: int = 2, inflate_iter: int = 3, expand: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 0
) -> Self:
    A function to apply a basic error mask to the final output.

    :param mask:            With a float, and by default, will be created internally. Could also pass a clip.
    :param maximum_iter:    Apply std.Maximum x amount of times
    :param inflate_iter:    Apply std.inflate x amount of times
    :param expand:          Apply an ellipse morpho expand with the passed amount.
                            Can be a tuple of (horizontal, vertical) or a single value for both.
    if isinstance(mask, vs.VideoNode):
        self.errormask_clip = mask
        return self

    err_mask = core.std.Expr([depth(self.funcutil.work_clip, 32), depth(self.rescaled, 32)], f"x y - abs {mask} < 0 1 ?")
    err_mask = depth(err_mask, 16, range_out=ColorRange.FULL, range_in=ColorRange.FULL)
    err_mask = err_mask.rgvs.RemoveGrain(mode=6)
    err_mask = self._process_mask(err_mask, maximum_iter, inflate_iter, expand)
    self.errormask_clip = depth(err_mask, get_depth(self.funcutil.work_clip))

    if self.border_handling:
        self.errormask_clip = self._crop_mask_bord(self.errormask_clip)

    return self


This is the last function in the chain that also returns the final clip. It internally calls downscale if you haven't done so before and then merges the resulting clip with the input chroma, if any.


Type Description
tuple[Self, VideoNode]

A tuple of this class and the resulting final rescale.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def final(self) -> tuple[Self, vs.VideoNode]:
    This is the last function in the chain that also returns the final clip.
    It internally calls `downscale` if you haven't done so before and then merges the resulting clip with the input chroma, if any.

    :return: A tuple of this class and the resulting final rescale.
    if not self.upscaled:
    if not self.upscaled:
        raise TypeError("No downscaled clip has been generated yet!")

    return (self, self.funcutil.return_clip(self.upscaled))

linemask(mask=None, downscaler=None, maximum_iter=0, inflate_iter=0, expand=0, **kwargs)

A function to apply a linemask to the final output.


Name Type Description Default
mask VideoNode | EdgeDetectT | None

This can be a masking function like KirschTCanny (also the default if None) or a clip.

downscaler ScalerT | None

Downscaler to use if creating a linemask on the doubled clip. Defaults to Bilinear if None.

maximum_iter int

Apply std.Maximum x amount of times

inflate_iter int

Apply std.inflate x amount of times

expand int | tuple[int, int | None]

Apply an ellipse morpho expand with the passed amount. Can be a tuple of (horizontal, vertical) or a single value for both.


Any other params to pass to the edgemask creation. For example lthr or hthr.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def linemask(
    mask: vs.VideoNode | EdgeDetectT | None = None,
    downscaler: ScalerT | None = None,
    maximum_iter: int = 0,
    inflate_iter: int = 0,
    expand: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 0,
) -> Self:
    A function to apply a linemask to the final output.

    :param mask:            This can be a masking function like `KirschTCanny` (also the default if `None`) or a clip.
    :param downscaler:      Downscaler to use if creating a linemask on the doubled clip. Defaults to `Bilinear` if `None`.
    :param maximum_iter:    Apply std.Maximum x amount of times
    :param inflate_iter:    Apply std.inflate x amount of times
    :param expand:          Apply an ellipse morpho expand with the passed amount.
                            Can be a tuple of (horizontal, vertical) or a single value for both.
    :param **kwargs:        Any other params to pass to the edgemask creation. For example `lthr` or `hthr`.
    if isinstance(mask, vs.VideoNode):
        self.linemask_clip = mask
        if self.border_handling:
            self.linemask_clip = self._crop_mask_bord(self.linemask_clip)
        return self
    edgemaskFunc = KirschTCanny.ensure_obj(mask)

    # Perform on doubled clip if exists and downscale
    if self.doubled:
        scaler = Bilinear.ensure_obj(downscaler)
        self.linemask_clip = edgemaskFunc.edgemask(self.doubled, **kwargs)
        self.linemask_clip = scaler.scale(self.linemask_clip, self.funcutil.work_clip.width, self.funcutil.work_clip.height)
        self.linemask_clip = edgemaskFunc.edgemask(self.funcutil.work_clip, **kwargs)

    self.linemask_clip = self._process_mask(self.linemask_clip, maximum_iter, inflate_iter, expand)

    if self.border_handling:
        self.linemask_clip = self._crop_mask_bord(self.linemask_clip)

    return self


A function to apply any arbitrary function on the descaled clip.

I can't think of a good usecase/example for this but I was asked to add this before.


Name Type Description Default
func GenericVSFunction

This can be any function that takes a videonode input and returns a videonode. You are responsible for keeping the format the same.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def post_descale(self, func: GenericVSFunction) -> Self:
    A function to apply any arbitrary function on the descaled clip.\n
    I can't think of a good usecase/example for this but I was asked to add this before.

    :param func:    This can be any function that takes a videonode input and returns a videonode.
                    You are responsible for keeping the format the same.
    self.descaled = func(self.descaled)
    return self


A function to apply any arbitrary function on the doubled clip.


Name Type Description Default
func GenericVSFunction

This can be any function that takes a videonode input and returns a videonode. You are responsible for keeping the format the same.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def post_double(self, func: GenericVSFunction) -> Self:
    A function to apply any arbitrary function on the doubled clip.

    :param func:    This can be any function that takes a videonode input and returns a videonode.
                    You are responsible for keeping the format the same.
    if not self.doubled:
        raise SyntaxError("post_double: Doubled clip has not been generated yet. Please call this after double().")
    self.doubled = func(self.doubled)
    return self