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Source code in muxtools/subtitle/
class _Line:
    TYPE: str
    """The type of line. Should either be `Dialogue` or `Comment`."""
    layer: int
    """An integer value in the range `[0, 2³¹-1]`. Events with a lower Layer value are placed behind events with a higher value."""
    start: timedelta
    """Start of this line as a timedelta."""
    end: timedelta
    """End of this line as a timedelta."""
    style: str
    """Style name used for this line. Must exactly match one of the styles in your subtitle file."""
    name: str
    """Usually used for what character is currently speaking. Known as `Actor` in aegisub."""
    margin_l: int
    """Left margin overriding the value in the current style."""
    margin_r: int
    """Right margin overriding the value in the current style."""
    margin_v: int
    """Vertical margin overriding the value in the current style."""
    effect: str
    """A legacy effect to be applied to the event. Can usually also be used as another freeform field."""
    text: str
    """The text displayed (or not, if this is a Comment)"""

TYPE instance-attribute

The type of line. Should either be Dialogue or Comment.

effect instance-attribute

A legacy effect to be applied to the event. Can usually also be used as another freeform field.

end instance-attribute

End of this line as a timedelta.

layer instance-attribute

An integer value in the range [0, 2³¹-1]. Events with a lower Layer value are placed behind events with a higher value.

margin_l instance-attribute

Left margin overriding the value in the current style.

margin_r instance-attribute

Right margin overriding the value in the current style.

margin_v instance-attribute

Vertical margin overriding the value in the current style.

name instance-attribute

Usually used for what character is currently speaking. Known as Actor in aegisub.

start instance-attribute

Start of this line as a timedelta.

style instance-attribute

Style name used for this line. Must exactly match one of the styles in your subtitle file.

text instance-attribute

The text displayed (or not, if this is a Comment)


Bases: IntEnum

Basic enum class for some functional ASS headers.

Check for more information on each member.

Also contains the function to validate the input.

Source code in muxtools/subtitle/
class ASSHeader(IntEnum):
    Basic enum class for some functional ASS headers.\n
    Check for more information on each member.

    Also contains the function to validate the input.

    LayoutResX = 1
    """Video width this subtitle was originally authored on."""
    LayoutResY = 2
    """Video height this subtitle was originally authored on."""
    PlayResX = 3
    """Video width this subtitle is used on."""
    PlayResY = 4
    """Video height this subtitle is used on."""
    WrapStyle = 5
    """The default line-wrapping behaviour."""
    ScaledBorderAndShadow = 6
    """Scale border and shadow with playback resolution. Should ideally always be yes."""
    YCbCr_Matrix = 7
    """The color range and matrix this subtitle was authored for."""

    def validate_input(self, value: str | int | bool | None, caller: Any = None) -> str | int | None:
        if self in range(1, 6) and not isinstance(value, int) and value is not None:
            raise error(f"{} needs to be an integer!", caller)
        if self == 5 and value not in range(3) and value is not None:
            raise error(f"The valid values for {} are 0, 1 and 2.", caller)

        if self == 6 and value is not None:
            if not isinstance(value, bool) and str(value).lower() not in ["yes", "no"]:
                raise error(f"The valid values for {} are 'yes', 'no' or a boolean with the same meaning.", caller)
            if str(value).lower() == "no" or value is False:
                warn(f"There's practically no good reason for {} to be 'no'. Carry on if you are sure.", caller, 1)
            if isinstance(value, bool):
                return "yes" if value else "no"
            return str(value).lower()

        if self == 7 and value is not None:
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                raise error(f"{} needs to be a string!", caller)
            if not value.startswith(("TV.", "PC.")):
                raise error(f"{} needs to start with a range value of either 'TV' or 'PC'!", caller)
            known_matrices = ["601", "709", "240M", "FCC"]
            contains_known = False
            for matrix in known_matrices:
                if matrix in value:
                    contains_known = True
            if not contains_known:
                joined = ", ".join(known_matrices)
                warn(f"{} doesn't contain a known valid matrix! ({joined})", caller, 1)

        return value

LayoutResX = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute

Video width this subtitle was originally authored on.

LayoutResY = 2 class-attribute instance-attribute

Video height this subtitle was originally authored on.

PlayResX = 3 class-attribute instance-attribute

Video width this subtitle is used on.

PlayResY = 4 class-attribute instance-attribute

Video height this subtitle is used on.

ScaledBorderAndShadow = 6 class-attribute instance-attribute

Scale border and shadow with playback resolution. Should ideally always be yes.

WrapStyle = 5 class-attribute instance-attribute

The default line-wrapping behaviour.

YCbCr_Matrix = 7 class-attribute instance-attribute

The color range and matrix this subtitle was authored for.

BaseSubFile dataclass

Bases: ABC, MuxingFile

A base class for the SubFile class.

Mostly contains the functions to read/write the file and some commonly reused functions to manipulate headers/lines.

Source code in muxtools/subtitle/
class BaseSubFile(ABC, MuxingFile):
    A base class for the SubFile class.\n
    Mostly contains the functions to read/write the file and some commonly reused functions to manipulate headers/lines.

    def _read_doc(self, file: PathLike | None = None) -> Document:
        with open(self.file if not file else file, "r", encoding=self.encoding) as reader:
            doc = parseDoc(reader)
            return doc

    def _update_doc(self, doc: Document):
        with open(self.file, "w", encoding=self.encoding) as writer:

    def __fix_style_definition(self, doc: Document):
        fields: list[str] = doc.styles.field_order
        valid_casing = [

        for i, f in enumerate(fields):
            for valid in valid_casing:
                if f.casefold() == valid.casefold():
                    fields[i] = valid

        setattr(doc.styles, "field_order", fields)

    def manipulate_lines(self, func: Callable[[list[_Line]], list[_Line] | None]) -> None:
        doc = self._read_doc()
        returned = func(  # type: ignore
        if returned:
   = returned

    def set_header(self, header: str | ASSHeader, value: str | int | bool | None, opened_doc: None | Document = None) -> None:
        doc = opened_doc or self._read_doc()
        functional_headers = ASSHeader._member_map_.items()
        section: dict = doc.sections["Script Info"]
        if isinstance(header, str):
            corr = [
                for name, head in functional_headers
                if name.casefold() == header.casefold() or name.replace("_", " ").casefold() == header.casefold()
            if corr:
                corr = ASSHeader(corr[0])
                value = corr.validate_input(value, "SubFile.set_header")
                if value is None and != "YCbCr_Matrix":
                section.update({"_", " "): str(value)})
                section.update({header: str(value)})
            value = header.validate_input(value, "SubFile.set_header")
            if value is None and != "YCbCr_Matrix":
                if in section.keys():
                section.update({"_", " "): str(value)})

        if not opened_doc: