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format_timedelta(time, precision=3)

Formats a timedelta to hh:mm:ss.s[*precision] and pads with 0 if there aren't more numbers to work with. Mostly to be used for ogm/xml files.


Name Type Description Default
time timedelta

The timedelta

precision int

3 = milliseconds, 6 = microseconds, 9 = nanoseconds



Type Description

The formatted string

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def format_timedelta(time: timedelta, precision: int = 3) -> str:
    Formats a timedelta to hh:mm:ss.s[*precision] and pads with 0 if there aren't more numbers to work with.
    Mostly to be used for ogm/xml files.

    :param time:        The timedelta
    :param precision:   3 = milliseconds, 6 = microseconds, 9 = nanoseconds

    :return:            The formatted string
    dec = Decimal(time.total_seconds())
    pattern = "." + "".join(["0"] * (precision - 1)) + "1"
    rounded = float(dec.quantize(Decimal(pattern), rounding=ROUND_HALF_DOWN))
    s = trunc(rounded)
    m = s // 60
    s %= 60
    h = m // 60
    m %= 60
    return f'{h:02d}:{m:02d}:{s:02d}.{str(rounded).split(".")[1].ljust(precision, "0")}'

frame_to_ms(f, fps=Fraction(24000, 1001), compensate=False)

Converts a frame number to it's ms value.


Name Type Description Default
f int

The frame number

fps Fraction | PathLike

A Fraction containing fps_num and fps_den. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

Fraction(24000, 1001)
compensate bool

Whether to place the timestamp in the middle of said frame Useful for subtitles, not so much for audio where you'd want to be accurate



Type Description

The resulting ms

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def frame_to_ms(f: int, fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001), compensate: bool = False) -> float:
    Converts a frame number to it's ms value.

    :param f:           The frame number
    :param fps:         A Fraction containing fps_num and fps_den. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
    :param compensate:  Whether to place the timestamp in the middle of said frame
                        Useful for subtitles, not so much for audio where you'd want to be accurate

    :return:            The resulting ms
    td = frame_to_timedelta(f, fps, compensate)
    return td.total_seconds() * 1000

frame_to_timedelta(f, fps=Fraction(24000, 1001), compensate=False, rounding=True)

Converts a frame number to a timedelta. Mostly used in the conversion for manually defined chapters.


Name Type Description Default
f int

The frame number

fps Fraction | PathLike

A Fraction containing fps_num and fps_den. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

Fraction(24000, 1001)
compensate bool

Whether to place the timestamp in the middle of said frame Useful for subtitles, not so much for audio where you'd want to be accurate

rounding bool

Round compensated value to centi seconds if True



Type Description

The resulting timedelta

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def frame_to_timedelta(f: int, fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001), compensate: bool = False, rounding: bool = True) -> timedelta:
    Converts a frame number to a timedelta.
    Mostly used in the conversion for manually defined chapters.

    :param f:           The frame number
    :param fps:         A Fraction containing fps_num and fps_den. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
    :param compensate:  Whether to place the timestamp in the middle of said frame
                        Useful for subtitles, not so much for audio where you'd want to be accurate
    :param rounding:    Round compensated value to centi seconds if True
    :return:            The resulting timedelta
    result = None

    if compensate:
        result = (frame_to_timedelta(f, fps, rounding=False) + frame_to_timedelta(f + 1, fps, rounding=False)) / 2
        if not f or f < 0:
            return timedelta(seconds=0)

        if isinstance(fps, Fraction):
            fps_dec = _fraction_to_decimal(fps)
            seconds = Decimal(f) / fps_dec
            result = timedelta(seconds=float(seconds))
            result = _timedelta_from_timecodes(fps, f)

    if not rounding:
        return result
    rounded = round(result.total_seconds(), 2)
    return timedelta(seconds=rounded)


Converts a mpls timestamp (from BDMV Playlist files) to a timedelta.


Name Type Description Default
timestamp int

The mpls timestamp



Type Description

The resulting timedelta

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def mpls_timestamp_to_timedelta(timestamp: int) -> timedelta:
    Converts a mpls timestamp (from BDMV Playlist files) to a timedelta.

    :param timestamp:       The mpls timestamp

    :return:                The resulting timedelta
    seconds = Decimal(timestamp) / Decimal(45000)
    return timedelta(seconds=float(seconds))


Parses a string with the format of hh:mm:ss.sss Mostly to be used for ogm/xml files.


Name Type Description Default
formatted str

The timestamp string



Type Description

The parsed timedelta

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def timedelta_from_formatted(formatted: str) -> timedelta:
    Parses a string with the format of hh:mm:ss.sss
    Mostly to be used for ogm/xml files.

    :param formatted:       The timestamp string

    :return:                The parsed timedelta
    # 00:05:25.534...
    split = formatted.split(":")
    seconds = Decimal(split[0]) * Decimal(3600)
    seconds = seconds + (Decimal(split[1]) * Decimal(60))
    seconds = seconds + (Decimal(split[2]))
    return timedelta(seconds=seconds.__float__())

timedelta_to_frame(time, fps=Fraction(24000, 1001), exclude_boundary=False, allow_rounding=True)

Converts a timedelta to a frame number.


Name Type Description Default
time timedelta

The timedelta

fps Fraction | PathLike

A Fraction containing fps_num and fps_den. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

Fraction(24000, 1001)
exclude_boundary bool

Associate frame boundaries with the previous frame rather than the current one. Use this option when dealing with subtitle start/end times.

allow_rounding bool

Use the next int if the difference to the next frame is smaller than 0.01. This should probably not be used for subtitles. We are not sure.



Type Description

The resulting frame number

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def timedelta_to_frame(
    time: timedelta, fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001), exclude_boundary: bool = False, allow_rounding: bool = True
) -> int:
    Converts a timedelta to a frame number.

    :param time:                The timedelta
    :param fps:                 A Fraction containing fps_num and fps_den. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

    :param exclude_boundary:    Associate frame boundaries with the previous frame rather than the current one.
                                Use this option when dealing with subtitle start/end times.

    :param allow_rounding:      Use the next int if the difference to the next frame is smaller than 0.01.
                                This should *probably* not be used for subtitles. We are not sure.

    :return:                    The resulting frame number
    if exclude_boundary:
        return timedelta_to_frame(time - timedelta(milliseconds=1), fps, allow_rounding=False)

    if not isinstance(fps, Fraction):
        return _frame_from_timecodes(fps, time)

    ms = int(Decimal(time.total_seconds()).__round__(3) * 1000)
    frame = ms * fps / 1000
    frame_dec = Decimal(frame.numerator) / Decimal(frame.denominator)

    # Return next int if difference is less than 0.03
    if allow_rounding and abs(frame_dec.__round__(3) - frame_dec.__ceil__()) < 0.03:
        return frame_dec.__ceil__()

    return int(frame)