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DescaleTarget dataclass

Bases: TargetVals

Basically an entirely self contained rescaling utility class that can do pretty much everything.


Name Type Description Default
height float | int

Height to be descaled to.

kernel KernelT

The kernel used for descaling.

upscaler Doubler | ScalerT

Either a vodesfunc doubler or any scaler from vsscale used to upscale/double the descaled clip.

downscaler ScalerT

Any kernel or scaler used for downscaling the upscaled/doubled clip back to input res.

base_height int | None

Needed for fractional descales.

width float | int | None

Width to be descaled to.

base_width int | None

Needed for fractional descales. (will be calculated if None)

shift tuple[float, float]

Shifts to apply during the descaling and reupscaling.

(0, 0)
do_post_double Callable[[VideoNode], VideoNode] | None

A function that's called on the doubled clip. Can be used to do sensitive processing on a bigger clip. (e. g. Dehaloing)

do_post_descale Callable[[VideoNode], VideoNode] | None

Same thing as do_post_double but instead on the descaled clip.

credit_mask VideoNode | bool | None

Can be used to pass a mask that'll be used or False to disable error masking.

credit_mask_thr float

The error threshold of the automatically generated credit mask.

credit_mask_bh bool

Generates an error mask based on a descale using the base_height. For some reason had better results with this on some shows.

line_mask VideoNode | bool | Sequence[Union[EdgeDetectT, ScalerT, float | None]] | GenericVSFunction | None

Can be used to pass a mask that'll be used or False to disable line masking. You can also pass a list containing edgemask function, scaler and thresholds to generate the mask on the doubled clip for potential better results. If None is passed to the first threshold then the mask won't be binarized. It will also run a Maximum and Inflate call on the mask. Example: line_mask=(KirschTCanny, Bilinear, 50 / 255, 150 / 255) You can also pass a function to create a mask on the doubled clip. Example: line_mask=lambda clip: create_linemask(clip)

field_based FieldBasedT | None

Per-field descaling. Must be a FieldBased object. For example, field_based=FieldBased.TFF. This indicates the order the fields get operated in, and whether it needs special attention. Defaults to checking the input clip for the frameprop.

border_handling int

Adjust the way the clip is padded internally during the scaling process. Accepted values are: 0: Assume the image was resized with mirror padding. 1: Assume the image was resized with zero padding. 2: Assume the image was resized with extend padding, where the outermost row was extended infinitely far. Defaults to 0.

border_radius int | None

Radius for the border mask. Only used when border_handling is set to 1 or 2. Defaults to kernel radius if possible, else 2.

Source code in vodesfunc/
class DescaleTarget(TargetVals):
    Basically an entirely self contained rescaling utility class that can do pretty much everything.

    :param height:          Height to be descaled to.
    :param kernel:          The kernel used for descaling.
    :param upscaler:        Either a vodesfunc doubler or any scaler from vsscale used to upscale/double the descaled clip.
    :param downscaler:      Any kernel or scaler used for downscaling the upscaled/doubled clip back to input res.
    :param base_height:     Needed for fractional descales.
    :param width:           Width to be descaled to.
    :param base_width:      Needed for fractional descales. (will be calculated if None)
    :param shift:           Shifts to apply during the descaling and reupscaling.
    :param do_post_double:  A function that's called on the doubled clip. Can be used to do sensitive processing on a bigger clip. (e. g. Dehaloing)
    :param do_post_descale: Same thing as do_post_double but instead on the descaled clip.
    :param credit_mask:     Can be used to pass a mask that'll be used or False to disable error masking.
    :param credit_mask_thr: The error threshold of the automatically generated credit mask.
    :param credit_mask_bh:  Generates an error mask based on a descale using the base_height. For some reason had better results with this on some shows.
    :param line_mask:       Can be used to pass a mask that'll be used or False to disable line masking.
                            You can also pass a list containing edgemask function, scaler and thresholds to generate the mask on the doubled clip for potential better results.
                            If None is passed to the first threshold then the mask won't be binarized. It will also run a Maximum and Inflate call on the mask.
                            Example: `line_mask=(KirschTCanny, Bilinear, 50 / 255, 150 / 255)`
                            You can also pass a function to create a mask on the doubled clip.
                            Example: `line_mask=lambda clip: create_linemask(clip)`
    :param field_based:     Per-field descaling. Must be a FieldBased object. For example, `field_based=FieldBased.TFF`.
                            This indicates the order the fields get operated in, and whether it needs special attention.
                            Defaults to checking the input clip for the frameprop.
    :param border_handling: Adjust the way the clip is padded internally during the scaling process. Accepted values are:
                                0: Assume the image was resized with mirror padding.
                                1: Assume the image was resized with zero padding.
                                2: Assume the image was resized with extend padding, where the outermost row was extended infinitely far.
                            Defaults to 0.
    :param border_radius:   Radius for the border mask. Only used when border_handling is set to 1 or 2.
                            Defaults to kernel radius if possible, else 2.

    height: float | int
    kernel: KernelT = Catrom
    upscaler: Doubler | ScalerT = NNEDI_Doubler()
    downscaler: ScalerT = Catrom
    base_height: int | None = None
    width: float | int | None = None
    base_width: int | None = None
    shift: tuple[float, float] = (0, 0)
    do_post_double: Callable[[vs.VideoNode], vs.VideoNode] | None = None
    do_post_descale: Callable[[vs.VideoNode], vs.VideoNode] | None = None
    credit_mask: vs.VideoNode | bool | None = None
    credit_mask_thr: float = 0.04
    credit_mask_bh: bool = False
    line_mask: vs.VideoNode | bool | Sequence[Union[EdgeDetectT, ScalerT, float | None]] | GenericVSFunction | None = None
    field_based: FieldBasedT | None = None
    border_handling: int = 0
    border_radius: int | None = None

    def generate_clips(self, clip: vs.VideoNode) -> "DescaleTarget":
        Generates descaled and rescaled clips of the given input clip

        :param clip:    Clip to descale and rescale
        self.kernel = Kernel.ensure_obj(self.kernel)
        self.input_clip = clip.std.SetFrameProp("Target", self.index + 1)
        self.border_handling = self.kernel.kwargs.pop("border_handling", self.border_handling)
        self.kernel.kwargs.update({"border_handling": self.border_handling})

        if not self.width:
            raise CustomValueError("Width is a mandatory parameter now.", self.__class__.__name__)

        self.builder = RescaleBuilder(self.input_clip)
        self.builder.descale(self.kernel, self.width, self.height, self.base_height, self.base_width, self.shift, self.field_based)
        if self.do_post_descale:
        self.descale = self.builder.descaled
        self.rescale = self.builder.rescaled

        if self.line_mask is not False and not isinstance(self.line_mask, Sequence) and not isinstance(self.line_mask, Callable):
            if isinstance(self.line_mask, vs.VideoNode):
                    KirschTCanny, inflate_iter=1 if self.do_post_double else 0, lthr=80 / 255, hthr=150 / 255, kernel_window=self._kernel_window
            self.line_mask = self.builder.linemask_clip

        if self.credit_mask is not False or self.credit_mask_thr <= 0:
            if not isinstance(self.credit_mask, vs.VideoNode):
                self.builder.errormask(self.credit_mask_thr, inflate_iter=4 if self.do_post_double else 3)
            self.credit_mask = self.builder.errormask_clip

        return self

    def get_diff(self, clip: vs.VideoNode) -> vs.VideoNode:
        Returns a clip used for diff measuring ala getnative

        :param clip:    Clip to compare the rescaled clip to
        :return:        Diff clip
        clip = depth(get_y(clip), 32)
        diff = core.std.Expr([depth(self.rescale, 32), clip], ["x y - abs dup 0.015 > swap 0 ?"])
        return diff.std.Crop(5, 5, 5, 5).std.PlaneStats()

    def get_upscaled(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, chroma: vs.VideoNode | None = None) -> vs.VideoNode:
        Generates and returns the fully upscaled & masked & what not clip
        if self.descale is None or self.rescale is None:

        if self.do_post_double:

        self.doubled = self.builder.doubled

        if self.line_mask is not False:
            if isinstance(self.line_mask, Sequence):
                if len(self.line_mask) < 4:
                    raise CustomValueError(
                        "line_mask must contain an Edgemask, Downscaler, lthr and hthr if you passed a list.", self.__class__.__name__
                    self.line_mask[0], self.line_mask[1], lthr=self.line_mask[2], hthr=self.line_mask[3], kernel_window=self._kernel_window
            elif isinstance(self.line_mask, Callable):

            self.line_mask = self.builder.linemask_clip

        final =[1]
        if chroma:
            final = join(get_y(final), chroma, vs.YUV)
        return final

    def _return_creditmask(self) -> vs.VideoNode:
        return self.credit_mask if isinstance(self.credit_mask, vs.VideoNode) else core.std.BlankClip(self.input_clip)

    def _return_linemask(self) -> vs.VideoNode:
        return self.line_mask if isinstance(self.line_mask, vs.VideoNode) else core.std.BlankClip(self.input_clip)

    def _return_doubled(self) -> vs.VideoNode:
        return core.std.BlankClip(self.input_clip, width=self.input_clip * 2) if not self.doubled else self.doubled

    def _kernel_window(self) -> int:
        if (bord_rad := self.border_radius) is None:
                bord_rad = self.kernel.kernel_radius
            except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
                bord_rad = 2

        return bord_rad


Generates descaled and rescaled clips of the given input clip


Name Type Description Default
clip VideoNode

Clip to descale and rescale

Source code in vodesfunc/
def generate_clips(self, clip: vs.VideoNode) -> "DescaleTarget":
    Generates descaled and rescaled clips of the given input clip

    :param clip:    Clip to descale and rescale
    self.kernel = Kernel.ensure_obj(self.kernel)
    self.input_clip = clip.std.SetFrameProp("Target", self.index + 1)
    self.border_handling = self.kernel.kwargs.pop("border_handling", self.border_handling)
    self.kernel.kwargs.update({"border_handling": self.border_handling})

    if not self.width:
        raise CustomValueError("Width is a mandatory parameter now.", self.__class__.__name__)

    self.builder = RescaleBuilder(self.input_clip)
    self.builder.descale(self.kernel, self.width, self.height, self.base_height, self.base_width, self.shift, self.field_based)
    if self.do_post_descale:
    self.descale = self.builder.descaled
    self.rescale = self.builder.rescaled

    if self.line_mask is not False and not isinstance(self.line_mask, Sequence) and not isinstance(self.line_mask, Callable):
        if isinstance(self.line_mask, vs.VideoNode):
                KirschTCanny, inflate_iter=1 if self.do_post_double else 0, lthr=80 / 255, hthr=150 / 255, kernel_window=self._kernel_window
        self.line_mask = self.builder.linemask_clip

    if self.credit_mask is not False or self.credit_mask_thr <= 0:
        if not isinstance(self.credit_mask, vs.VideoNode):
            self.builder.errormask(self.credit_mask_thr, inflate_iter=4 if self.do_post_double else 3)
        self.credit_mask = self.builder.errormask_clip

    return self


Returns a clip used for diff measuring ala getnative


Name Type Description Default
clip VideoNode

Clip to compare the rescaled clip to



Type Description

Diff clip

Source code in vodesfunc/
def get_diff(self, clip: vs.VideoNode) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Returns a clip used for diff measuring ala getnative

    :param clip:    Clip to compare the rescaled clip to
    :return:        Diff clip
    clip = depth(get_y(clip), 32)
    diff = core.std.Expr([depth(self.rescale, 32), clip], ["x y - abs dup 0.015 > swap 0 ?"])
    return diff.std.Crop(5, 5, 5, 5).std.PlaneStats()

get_upscaled(clip, chroma=None)

Generates and returns the fully upscaled & masked & what not clip

Source code in vodesfunc/
def get_upscaled(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, chroma: vs.VideoNode | None = None) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Generates and returns the fully upscaled & masked & what not clip
    if self.descale is None or self.rescale is None:

    if self.do_post_double:

    self.doubled = self.builder.doubled

    if self.line_mask is not False:
        if isinstance(self.line_mask, Sequence):
            if len(self.line_mask) < 4:
                raise CustomValueError(
                    "line_mask must contain an Edgemask, Downscaler, lthr and hthr if you passed a list.", self.__class__.__name__
                self.line_mask[0], self.line_mask[1], lthr=self.line_mask[2], hthr=self.line_mask[3], kernel_window=self._kernel_window
        elif isinstance(self.line_mask, Callable):

        self.line_mask = self.builder.linemask_clip

    final =[1]
    if chroma:
        final = join(get_y(final), chroma, vs.YUV)
    return final


Source code in vodesfunc/
class MixedRescale:
    def __init__(self, src: vs.VideoNode, *targets: DescaleTarget) -> None:
        A naive per-frame diff approach of trying to get the best descale.
        Credits to Setsu for most of this class.

        Example usage:
        t1 = DT(847.1, Bilinear(), base_height=848)
        t2 = DescaleTarget(843.75, Bilinear(), base_height=846)

        rescaled = MixedRescale(clip, t1, t2)

        y = get_y(src)

        for i, d in enumerate(targets):
            d.index = i

        prop_srcs = [d.get_diff(y) for d in targets]
        targets_idx = tuple(range(len(targets)))

        blank = core.std.BlankClip(None, 1, 1, vs.GRAY8, src.num_frames, keep=True)

        map_prop_srcs = [blank.std.CopyFrameProps(prop_src).akarin.Expr("x.PlaneStatsAverage", vs.GRAYS) for prop_src in prop_srcs]

        base_frame, idx_frames = blank.get_frame(0), []

        for i in targets_idx:
            fcurr = base_frame.copy()

            fcurr[0][0, 0] = i

            idx_frames.append((i, fcurr))

        def _select(n: int, f: vs.VideoFrame) -> vs.VideoFrame:
            return min(idx_frames, key=lambda i: f[i[0]][0][0, 0])[1]

        _select_clip = blank.std.ModifyFrame(map_prop_srcs, _select)

        def _selector(clips: list[vs.VideoNode | None]) -> vs.VideoNode:
            base = next(filter(None, clips), None)

            if base is None:
                raise ValueError("Requested clip was None")

            base = base.std.BlankClip(keep=True)
            clips = [c or base for c in clips]

            return core.std.FrameEval(base, lambda n, f: clips[f[0][0, 0]], _select_clip)

        self.upscaled = _selector(
            [t.get_upscaled(t.input_clip) if src.format.color_family == vs.GRAY else t.get_upscaled(t.input_clip, src) for t in targets]
        # self.upscaled = depth(self.upscaled, get_depth(src)) = self.upscaled

        self.rescaled = _selector([t.rescale for t in targets])
        # These two are not working yet because I need to figure out how to make the base clip up there use varres
        # self.descaled = _selector([t.descale for t in targets])
        # self.doubled = _selector([t._return_doubled() for t in targets])
        self.credit_mask = _selector([t._return_creditmask() for t in targets])
        self.line_mask = _selector([t._return_linemask() for t in targets])

    def get_upscaled(self, *_) -> vs.VideoNode:
        return self.upscaled

__init__(src, *targets)

A naive per-frame diff approach of trying to get the best descale. Credits to Setsu for most of this class.

Example usage:

t1 = DT(847.1, Bilinear(), base_height=848)
t2 = DescaleTarget(843.75, Bilinear(), base_height=846)

rescaled = MixedRescale(clip, t1, t2)


Source code in vodesfunc/
def __init__(self, src: vs.VideoNode, *targets: DescaleTarget) -> None:
    A naive per-frame diff approach of trying to get the best descale.
    Credits to Setsu for most of this class.

    Example usage:
    t1 = DT(847.1, Bilinear(), base_height=848)
    t2 = DescaleTarget(843.75, Bilinear(), base_height=846)

    rescaled = MixedRescale(clip, t1, t2)

    y = get_y(src)

    for i, d in enumerate(targets):
        d.index = i

    prop_srcs = [d.get_diff(y) for d in targets]
    targets_idx = tuple(range(len(targets)))

    blank = core.std.BlankClip(None, 1, 1, vs.GRAY8, src.num_frames, keep=True)

    map_prop_srcs = [blank.std.CopyFrameProps(prop_src).akarin.Expr("x.PlaneStatsAverage", vs.GRAYS) for prop_src in prop_srcs]

    base_frame, idx_frames = blank.get_frame(0), []

    for i in targets_idx:
        fcurr = base_frame.copy()

        fcurr[0][0, 0] = i

        idx_frames.append((i, fcurr))

    def _select(n: int, f: vs.VideoFrame) -> vs.VideoFrame:
        return min(idx_frames, key=lambda i: f[i[0]][0][0, 0])[1]

    _select_clip = blank.std.ModifyFrame(map_prop_srcs, _select)

    def _selector(clips: list[vs.VideoNode | None]) -> vs.VideoNode:
        base = next(filter(None, clips), None)

        if base is None:
            raise ValueError("Requested clip was None")

        base = base.std.BlankClip(keep=True)
        clips = [c or base for c in clips]

        return core.std.FrameEval(base, lambda n, f: clips[f[0][0, 0]], _select_clip)

    self.upscaled = _selector(
        [t.get_upscaled(t.input_clip) if src.format.color_family == vs.GRAY else t.get_upscaled(t.input_clip, src) for t in targets]
    # self.upscaled = depth(self.upscaled, get_depth(src)) = self.upscaled

    self.rescaled = _selector([t.rescale for t in targets])
    # These two are not working yet because I need to figure out how to make the base clip up there use varres
    # self.descaled = _selector([t.descale for t in targets])
    # self.doubled = _selector([t._return_doubled() for t in targets])
    self.credit_mask = _selector([t._return_creditmask() for t in targets])
    self.line_mask = _selector([t._return_linemask() for t in targets])