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FDK_AAC dataclass

Bases: Encoder

Uses the libFDK implementation in ffmpeg to encode audio to AAC. It's strongly recommended to use qAAC if you're on windows because its straight up the best AAC encoder.


Name Type Description Default
bitrate_mode int

Any int value from 0 - 5 0 will be CBR and using the bitrate below, 1 - 5 are true VBR modes See

bitrate int

Any int value representing kbps

cutoff int

Hard frequency cutoff. 20 kHz is a good default and setting it to 0 will let it choose automatically.

preprocess Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None

Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.

use_binary bool

Whether to use the fdkaac encoder binary or ffmpeg. If you don't have ffmpeg compiled with libfdk it will try to fall back to the binary.

append str

Any other args one might pass to the encoder

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class FDK_AAC(Encoder):
    Uses the libFDK implementation in ffmpeg to encode audio to AAC.
    It's strongly recommended to use qAAC if you're on windows because its straight up the best AAC encoder.

    :param bitrate_mode:        Any int value from 0 - 5
                                0 will be CBR and using the bitrate below, 1 - 5 are true VBR modes

    :param bitrate:             Any int value representing kbps
    :param cutoff:              Hard frequency cutoff. 20 kHz is a good default and setting it to 0 will let it choose automatically.
    :param preprocess:          Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.
    :param use_binary:          Whether to use the fdkaac encoder binary or ffmpeg.
                                If you don't have ffmpeg compiled with libfdk it will try to fall back to the binary.
    :param append:              Any other args one might pass to the encoder
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

    bitrate_mode: int = 5
    bitrate: int = 256
    cutoff: int = 20000
    preprocess: Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None = None
    use_binary: bool = False
    append: str = ""
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def encode_audio(self, fileIn: AudioFile | PathLike, quiet: bool = True, **kwargs) -> AudioFile:
        if not isinstance(fileIn, AudioFile):
            fileIn = AudioFile.from_file(fileIn, self)
        output = make_output(fileIn.file, "m4a", "fdkaac", self.output)
        if not has_libFDK():
            exe = get_executable("fdkaac", False, False)
            if not exe:
                raise error(
                    "Your installation of ffmpeg wasn't compiled with libFDK."
                    + "\nYou can download builds with the non-free flag from"
                    + "\nYou can also use the FDKAAC binary if you can find a built version.",
            self.use_binary = True
            exe = get_executable("ffmpeg") if not self.use_binary else get_executable("fdkaac")

        if == "nt":
            warn("It is strongly recommended to use qAAC on windows. See docs.", self, 5)
        debug(f"Encoding '{fileIn.file.stem}' to AAC using libFDK...", self)
        # fmt: off
        if self.use_binary:
            source = ensure_valid_in(
                fileIn, preprocess=self.preprocess, caller=self, valid_type=ValidInputType.RF64, supports_pipe=False
            args = [exe, "-m", str(self.bitrate_mode), "-w", str(self.cutoff), "-a", "1"]
            if self.bitrate_mode == 0:
                args.extend(["-b", str(self.bitrate)])
            if self.append:
            args.extend(["-o", str(output), str(source.file)])
            args = [exe, "-hide_banner", "-i", str(fileIn.file), "-map", "0:a:0", "-c:a", "libfdk_aac", "-cutoff", str(self.cutoff)]
            if self.bitrate_mode > 0:
                args.extend(['-vbr', str(self.bitrate_mode)])
                args.extend(['-b:a', f'{self.bitrate}k'])
            args.extend(get_preprocess_args(fileIn, self.preprocess, fileIn.get_mediainfo(), self))
            if self.append:
        # fmt: on
        if self.use_binary:
            config = ProgressBarConfig("Encoding...")
            config = ProgressBarConfig("Encoding...", duration_from_file(fileIn, 0))
        if not run_cmd_pb(args, quiet, config, shell=False):
            return AudioFile(output, fileIn.container_delay, fileIn.source)
            raise crit("Encoding to AAC using libFDK failed!", self)

FF_FLAC dataclass

Bases: LosslessEncoder

Uses the ffmpeg/libav FLAC encoder to encode audio to flac.


Name Type Description Default
compression_level int

Any int value from 0 to 12 (Higher = better but slower)

preprocess Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None

Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.

append str

Any other args one might pass to the encoder.

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class FF_FLAC(LosslessEncoder):
    Uses the ffmpeg/libav FLAC encoder to encode audio to flac.

    :param compression_level:   Any int value from 0 to 12 (Higher = better but slower)
    :param preprocess:          Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.
    :param append:              Any other args one might pass to the encoder.
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

    compression_level: int = 10
    preprocess: Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None = field(default_factory=Resample)
    append: str = ""
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def _base_command(self, fileIn: AudioFile, compression: int = 0) -> list[str]:
        # fmt: off
        args = [get_executable("ffmpeg"), "-hide_banner", "-i", str(fileIn.file.resolve()), "-map", "0:a:0", "-c:a", "flac", "-compression_level", str(compression)]
        minfo = fileIn.get_mediainfo()
        args.extend(get_preprocess_args(fileIn, self.preprocess, minfo, self))
        if self.append:
        return args
        # fmt: on

    def encode_audio(self, fileIn: AudioFile | PathLike, quiet: bool = True, **kwargs) -> AudioFile:
        if not isinstance(fileIn, AudioFile):
            fileIn = AudioFile.from_file(fileIn, self)
        output = make_output(fileIn.file, "flac", "ffmpeg", self.output)
        if "temp" in kwargs.keys():
            debug("Preparing audio for input to other encoder using ffmpeg...", self)
            debug(f"Encoding '{fileIn.file.stem}' to FLAC using ffmpeg...", self)
        args = self._base_command(fileIn, self.compression_level)

        if not run_cmd_pb(
            args, quiet, ProgressBarConfig("Preparing..." if "temp" in kwargs.keys() else "Encoding...", duration_from_file(fileIn, 0))
            return AudioFile(output, fileIn.container_delay, fileIn.source)
            raise crit("Encoding to flac using ffmpeg failed!", self)

    def get_pipe(self, fileIn: AudioFile) -> subprocess.Popen:
        debug("Piping audio for input to other encoder using ffmpeg...", self)
        args = self._base_command(fileIn, 0)
        args.extend(["-f", "flac", "-"])
        p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, text=False)
        return p

FLAC dataclass

Bases: LosslessEncoder

Uses the reference libFLAC encoder to encode audio to flac.


Name Type Description Default
compression_level int

Any int value from 0 to 8 (Higher = better but slower)

preprocess Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None

Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.

verify bool

Make the encoder verify each encoded sample while encoding to ensure valid output.

append str

Any other args one might pass to the encoder

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class FLAC(LosslessEncoder):
    Uses the reference libFLAC encoder to encode audio to flac.

    :param compression_level:   Any int value from 0 to 8 (Higher = better but slower)
    :param preprocess:          Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.
    :param verify:              Make the encoder verify each encoded sample while encoding to ensure valid output.
    :param append:              Any other args one might pass to the encoder
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

    compression_level: int = 8
    preprocess: Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None = field(default_factory=Resample)
    verify: bool = True
    append: str = ""
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def encode_audio(self, fileIn: AudioFile | PathLike, quiet: bool = True, **kwargs) -> AudioFile:
        if not isinstance(fileIn, AudioFile):
            fileIn = AudioFile.from_file(fileIn, self)
        flac = get_executable("flac")
        output = make_output(fileIn.file, "flac", "libflac", self.output)
        source = ensure_valid_in(fileIn, preprocess=self.preprocess, caller=self, valid_type=ValidInputType.W64_OR_FLAC, supports_pipe=False)
        debug(f"Encoding '{fileIn.file.stem}' to FLAC using libFLAC...", self)

        args = [flac, f"-{self.compression_level}", "-o", str(output)]
        if self.verify:
        if self.append:
        args.append(str(source.file.resolve()) if isinstance(source, AudioFile) else "-")

        stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL if isinstance(source, AudioFile) else source.stdout

        if not run_cmd_pb(args, quiet, ProgressBarConfig("Encoding..."), shell=False, stdin=stdin):
            return AudioFile(output, fileIn.container_delay, fileIn.source)
            raise crit("Encoding to FLAC using libFLAC failed!", self)

FLACCL dataclass

Bases: LosslessEncoder

Uses the CUETools FLACCL encoder to encode audio to flac. This one uses OpenCL or Cuda depending on your GPU and claims to have better compression than libFLAC.


Name Type Description Default
compression_level int

Any int value from 0 to 11 (Higher = better but slower) Keep in mind that over 8 is technically out of spec so we default to 8 here.

preprocess Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None

Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.

verify bool

Make the encoder verify each encoded sample while encoding to ensure valid output.

append str

Any other args one might pass to the encoder

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class FLACCL(LosslessEncoder):
    Uses the CUETools FLACCL encoder to encode audio to flac.
    This one uses OpenCL or Cuda depending on your GPU and claims to have better compression than libFLAC.

    :param compression_level:   Any int value from 0 to 11 (Higher = better but slower)
                                Keep in mind that over 8 is technically out of spec so we default to 8 here.
    :param preprocess:          Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.
    :param verify:              Make the encoder verify each encoded sample while encoding to ensure valid output.
    :param append:              Any other args one might pass to the encoder
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

    compression_level: int = 8
    preprocess: Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None = field(default_factory=Resample)
    verify: bool = True
    append: str = ""
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def encode_audio(self, fileIn: AudioFile | PathLike, quiet: bool = True, **kwargs) -> AudioFile:
        if not isinstance(fileIn, AudioFile):
            fileIn = AudioFile.from_file(fileIn, self)
        flaccl = get_executable("CUETools.FLACCL.cmd")
        output = make_output(fileIn.file, "flac", "flaccl", self.output)
        source = ensure_valid_in(fileIn, preprocess=self.preprocess, caller=self, valid_type=ValidInputType.FLAC, supports_pipe=False)
        debug(f"Encoding '{fileIn.file.stem}' to FLAC using FLACCL...", self)

        args = [flaccl, f"-{self.compression_level}", "-o", str(output)]
        if self.compression_level > 8:
        if self.verify:
        if self.append:
        args.append(str(source.file.resolve()) if isinstance(source, AudioFile) else "-")

        stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL if isinstance(source, AudioFile) else source.stdout

        if not run_commandline(args, quiet, False, stdin):
            debug("Done", self)
            return AudioFile(output, fileIn.container_delay, fileIn.source)
            raise crit("Encoding to FLAC using FLACCL failed!", self)

Opus dataclass

Bases: Encoder

Uses opusenc to encode audio to opus.


Name Type Description Default
bitrate int | None

Any int value representing kbps from 1 to 512 Automatically chooses 192 and 320 for stereo and surround respectively if None

vbr bool

Uses VBR encoding if True

preprocess Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None

Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.

append str

Any other args one might pass to the encoder

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class Opus(Encoder):
    Uses opusenc to encode audio to opus.

    :param bitrate:             Any int value representing kbps from 1 to 512
                                Automatically chooses 192 and 320 for stereo and surround respectively if None

    :param vbr:                 Uses VBR encoding if True
    :param preprocess:          Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.
    :param append:              Any other args one might pass to the encoder
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

    bitrate: int | None = None
    vbr: bool = True
    preprocess: Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None = None
    append: str = ""
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def encode_audio(self, fileIn: AudioFile | PathLike, quiet: bool = True, **kwargs) -> AudioFile:
        if not isinstance(fileIn, AudioFile):
            fileIn = AudioFile.from_file(fileIn, self)

        exe = get_executable("opusenc")
        source = ensure_valid_in(fileIn, preprocess=self.preprocess, caller=self, valid_type=ValidInputType.FLAC, supports_pipe=True)
        bitrate = self.bitrate
        if not bitrate:
            info = fileIn.get_mediainfo()
            match info.channel_s:
                case _ if info.channel_s == 2 or [p for p in sanitize_pre(self.preprocess) if isinstance(p, Downmix)]:
                    bitrate = 192
                case _ if info.channel_s > 6:
                    bitrate = 420
                case _:
                    bitrate = 320
            debug(f"Encoding '{fileIn.file.stem}' to Opus ({bitrate} kbps) using opusenc...", self)
            debug(f"Encoding '{fileIn.file.stem}' to Opus using opusenc...", self)

        output = make_output(fileIn.file, "opus", "opusenc", self.output)

        args = [exe, "--vbr" if self.vbr else "--cvbr", "--bitrate", str(bitrate)]
        if self.append:
        args.append(str(source.file.resolve()) if isinstance(source, AudioFile) else "-")

        stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL if isinstance(source, AudioFile) else source.stdout

        if isinstance(source, AudioFile):
            config = ProgressBarConfig("Encoding...")
            config = ProgressBarConfig("Encoding...", duration_from_file(fileIn, 0), regex=r".*\] (\d+:\d+:\d+.\d+).*")

        if not run_cmd_pb(args, quiet, config, shell=False, stdin=stdin):
            return AudioFile(output, fileIn.container_delay, fileIn.source)
            raise crit("Encoding to opus using opusenc failed!", self)

qAAC dataclass

Bases: Encoder

Uses qAAC to encode audio to AAC.


Name Type Description Default
q int

Quality value ranging from 0 to 127 if using TVBR, otherwise bitrate in kbps

mode qAAC_MODE | int

Encoding mode, Defaults to TVBR

preprocess Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None

Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.

append str

Any other args one might pass to the encoder Adds " --no-delay --no-optimize" by default to prevent desync with video

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class qAAC(Encoder):
    Uses qAAC to encode audio to AAC.

    :param q:                   Quality value ranging from 0 to 127 if using TVBR, otherwise bitrate in kbps
    :param mode:                Encoding mode, Defaults to TVBR
    :param preprocess:          Any amount of preprocessors to run before passing it to the encoder.
    :param append:              Any other args one might pass to the encoder
                                Adds " --no-delay --no-optimize" by default to prevent desync with video
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

    q: int = 127
    mode: qAAC_MODE | int = qAAC_MODE.TVBR
    preprocess: Preprocessor | Sequence[Preprocessor] | None = None
    append: str = ""
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def encode_audio(self, fileIn: AudioFile | PathLike, quiet: bool = True, **kwargs) -> AudioFile:
        if not isinstance(fileIn, AudioFile):
            fileIn = AudioFile.from_file(fileIn, self)
        output = make_output(fileIn.file, "aac", "qaac", self.output)
        source = ensure_valid_in(fileIn, preprocess=self.preprocess, caller=self, valid_type=ValidInputType.AIFF_OR_FLAC, supports_pipe=False)
        qaac = get_executable("qaac")

        debug(f"Encoding '{fileIn.file.stem}' to AAC using qAAC...", self)
        args = [qaac, "--no-delay", "--no-optimize", "--threading", f"--{}", str(self.q)]
        if self.append:
        args.extend(["-o", str(output), str(source.file.resolve()) if isinstance(source, AudioFile) else "-"])

        stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL if isinstance(source, AudioFile) else source.stdout

        if not run_cmd_pb(args, quiet, ProgressBarConfig("Encoding..."), shell=False, stdin=stdin):
            return AudioFile(output, fileIn.container_delay, fileIn.source)
            raise crit("Encoding to AAC using qAAC failed!", self)