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ensure_path(pathIn, caller)

Utility function for other functions to make sure a path was passed to them.


Name Type Description Default
pathIn PathLike

Supposed passed Path

caller Any

Caller name used for the exception and error message

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def ensure_path(pathIn: PathLike, caller: Any) -> Path:
    Utility function for other functions to make sure a path was passed to them.

    :param pathIn:      Supposed passed Path
    :param caller:      Caller name used for the exception and error message
    if pathIn is None:
        raise crit("Path cannot be None.", caller)
        return Path(pathIn).resolve()

ensure_path_exists(pathIn, caller, allow_dir=False)

Utility function for other functions to make sure a path was passed to them and that it exists.


Name Type Description Default
pathIn PathLike | list[PathLike] | GlobSearch

Supposed passed Path

caller Any

Caller name used for the exception and error message

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def ensure_path_exists(pathIn: PathLike | list[PathLike] | GlobSearch, caller: Any, allow_dir: bool = False) -> Path:
    Utility function for other functions to make sure a path was passed to them and that it exists.

    :param pathIn:      Supposed passed Path
    :param caller:      Caller name used for the exception and error message
    from ..muxing.muxfiles import MuxingFile

    if isinstance(pathIn, MuxingFile):
        return ensure_path_exists(pathIn.file, caller)
    if isinstance(pathIn, GlobSearch):
        pathIn = pathIn.paths
    if isinstance(pathIn, list):
        pathIn = pathIn[0]
    path = ensure_path(pathIn, caller)
    if not path.exists():
        raise crit(f"Path target '{path}' does not exist.", caller)
    if not allow_dir and path.is_dir():
        raise crit("Path cannot be a directory.", caller)
    return path

find_tracks(file, name=None, lang=None, type=None, use_regex=True, reverse_lang=False, custom_condition=None)

Convenience function to find tracks with some conditions.


Name Type Description Default
file PathLike

File to parse with MediaInfo.

name str | None

Name to match, case insensitively.

lang str | None

Language to match. This can be any of the possible formats like English/eng/en and is case insensitive.

type TrackType | None

Track Type to search for.

use_regex bool

Use regex for the name search instead of checking for equality.

reverse_lang bool

If you want the lang param to actually exclude that language.

custom_condition Callable[[Track], bool] | None

Here you can pass any function to create your own conditions. (They have to return a bool) For example: custom_condition=lambda track: track.codec_id == "A_EAC3"

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def find_tracks(
    file: PathLike,
    name: str | None = None,
    lang: str | None = None,
    type: TrackType | None = None,
    use_regex: bool = True,
    reverse_lang: bool = False,
    custom_condition: Callable[[Track], bool] | None = None,
) -> list[Track]:
    Convenience function to find tracks with some conditions.

    :param file:                File to parse with MediaInfo.
    :param name:                Name to match, case insensitively.
    :param lang:                Language to match. This can be any of the possible formats like English/eng/en and is case insensitive.
    :param type:                Track Type to search for.
    :param use_regex:           Use regex for the name search instead of checking for equality.
    :param reverse_lang:        If you want the `lang` param to actually exclude that language.
    :param custom_condition:    Here you can pass any function to create your own conditions. (They have to return a bool)
                                For example: custom_condition=lambda track: track.codec_id == "A_EAC3"

    if not name and not lang and not type and not custom_condition:
        return []
    tracks = get_track_list(file)

    def name_matches(title: str) -> bool:
        if title.casefold().strip() == name.casefold().strip():
            return True
        if use_regex:
            return re.match(name, title, re.I)
        return False

    def get_languages(track: MediaInfo) -> list[str]:
        languages: list[str] = getattr(track, "other_language", None) or list[str]()
        return [lang.casefold() for lang in languages]

    if name is not None:
        tracks = [track for track in tracks if name_matches(getattr(track, "title", "") or "")]

    if lang:
        if reverse_lang:
            tracks = [track for track in tracks if lang.casefold() not in get_languages(track)]
            tracks = [track for track in tracks if lang.casefold() in get_languages(track)]

    if type:
        if type not in (TrackType.VIDEO, TrackType.AUDIO, TrackType.SUB):
            raise error("You can only search for video, audio and subtitle tracks!", find_tracks)
        type_string = (str( if type != TrackType.SUB else "Text").casefold()
        tracks = [track for track in tracks if track.track_type.casefold() == type_string]

    if custom_condition:
        tracks = [track for track in tracks if custom_condition(track)]

    return tracks

get_absolute_track(file, track, type, caller=None, quiet_fail=False)

Finds the absolute track for a relative track number of a specific type.


Name Type Description Default
file PathLike

String or pathlib based Path

track int

Relative track number

type TrackType

TrackType of the requested relative track

quiet_fail bool

Raise an exception but don't print it before. Only used for internals.

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def get_absolute_track(file: PathLike, track: int, type: TrackType, caller: Any = None, quiet_fail: bool = False) -> Track:
    Finds the absolute track for a relative track number of a specific type.

    :param file:        String or pathlib based Path
    :param track:       Relative track number
    :param type:        TrackType of the requested relative track
    :param quiet_fail:  Raise an exception but don't print it before.
                        Only used for internals.
    caller = caller if caller else get_absolute_track
    file = ensure_path_exists(file, caller)

    tracks = get_track_list(file, caller)
    videos = [track for track in tracks if track.track_type.casefold() == "Video".casefold()]
    audios = [track for track in tracks if track.track_type.casefold() == "Audio".casefold()]
    subtitles = [track for track in tracks if track.track_type.casefold() == "Text".casefold()]
    no_track_msg = "Your requested track doesn't exist."

    match type:
        case TrackType.VIDEO:
            if not videos:
                raise error(f"No video tracks have been found in '{}'!", caller)
                return videos[track]
                raise error(no_track_msg, caller) if not quiet_fail else LoggingException(no_track_msg)
        case TrackType.AUDIO:
            if not audios:
                raise error(f"No audio tracks have been found in '{}'!", caller)
                return audios[track]
                raise error(no_track_msg, caller) if not quiet_fail else LoggingException(no_track_msg)
        case TrackType.SUB:
            if not subtitles:
                raise error(f"No subtitle tracks have been found in '{}'!", caller)
                return subtitles[track]
                raise error(no_track_msg, caller) if not quiet_fail else LoggingException(no_track_msg)
        case _:
            raise error("Not implemented for anything other than Video, Audio or Subtitles.", caller)

get_absolute_tracknum(file, track, type, caller=None)

Finds the absolute track number for a relative track number of a specific type.


Name Type Description Default
file PathLike

String or pathlib based Path

track int

Relative track number

type TrackType

TrackType of the requested relative track

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def get_absolute_tracknum(file: PathLike, track: int, type: TrackType, caller: Any = None) -> int:
    Finds the absolute track number for a relative track number of a specific type.

    :param file:    String or pathlib based Path
    :param track:   Relative track number
    :param type:    TrackType of the requested relative track
    return get_absolute_track(file, track, type, caller).track_id


Generates crc32 checksum for file


Name Type Description Default
file PathLike

Input file



Type Description

Checksum for file

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def get_crc32(file: PathLike) -> str:
    Generates crc32 checksum for file

    :param file:        Input file

    :return:            Checksum for file
    buf = open(file, "rb").read()
    buf = binascii.crc32(buf) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    return "%08X" % buf

get_track_list(file, caller=None)

Makes a sanitized mediainfo track list

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def get_track_list(file: PathLike, caller: Any = None) -> list[Track]:
    """Makes a sanitized mediainfo track list"""
    caller = caller if caller else get_track_list
    file = ensure_path_exists(file, caller)
    mediainfo = MediaInfo.parse(file)

    filler_tracks = 0
    is_m2ts = False
    relative_indices = dict[str, int]()
    sanitized_list = []

    for t in mediainfo.tracks:
        ttype = t.track_type.lower()

        if ttype == "general":
            is_m2ts = getattr(t, "format", None) == "BDAV"
        if ttype not in ["video", "audio", "text"]:

        if is_m2ts and "-" in t.streamorder:
            t.streamorder = str(t.streamorder).split("-")[1]
        order = t.streamorder
        order = -1 if order is None else int(order)
        t.streamorder = order + filler_tracks

        relative = relative_indices.get(ttype, 0)
        setattr(t, "relative_id", relative)
        relative_indices[ttype] = relative + 1

        if "truehd" in (getattr(t, "commercial_name", "") or "").lower() and "extension" in (getattr(t, "muxing_mode", "") or "").lower():
            identifier = getattr(t, "format_identifier", "AC-3") or "AC-3"
            compat_track = deepcopy(t)
            compat_track.format = identifier
            compat_track.codec_id = f"A_{identifier.replace('-', '')}"
            compat_track.commercial_name = ""
            compat_track.compression_mode = "Lossy"
            compat_track.streamorder = t.streamorder + 1

            relative = relative_indices.get(ttype, 0)
            setattr(compat_track, "relative_id", relative)
            relative_indices[ttype] = relative + 1

            filler_tracks += 1

    # the actual ID is really just absolutely useless so lets try and use the order
    for t in sanitized_list:
        if isinstance(t.streamorder, int) and t.streamorder > -1:
            t.track_id = t.streamorder

    return sanitized_list


Extends path to not conflict with existing files


Name Type Description Default

Input file



Type Description

Unique path

Source code in muxtools/utils/
def uniquify_path(path: PathLike) -> str:
    Extends path to not conflict with existing files

    :param file:        Input file

    :return:            Unique path

    if isinstance(path, Path):
        path = str(path.resolve())

    filename, extension = os.path.splitext(path)
    counter = 1

    while os.path.exists(path):
        path = filename + " (" + str(counter) + ")" + extension
        counter += 1

    return path