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Eac3to dataclass

Bases: Extractor

Extracts audio files using eac3to


Name Type Description Default
track int

Relative audio track number

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

append str

Specify a string of args you can pass to Eac3to

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class Eac3to(Extractor):
    Extracts audio files using eac3to

    :param track:               Relative audio track number
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.
    :param append:              Specify a string of args you can pass to Eac3to

    track: int = 0
    output: PathLike | None = None
    append: str = ""

    def extract_audio(self, input: PathLike, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
        eac3to = get_executable("eac3to")
        input = ensure_path_exists(input, self)
        track = get_absolute_track(input, self.track, TrackType.AUDIO, self)
        form = format_from_track(track)
        if not form:
            lossy = getattr(track, "compression_mode", "lossless").lower() == "lossy"
            if lossy:
                raise error(f"Unrecognized lossy format: {track.format}", self)
                warn(f"Unrecognized format: {track.format}\nWill extract as wav instead.", self, 2)
            extension = "wav"
            extension = form.ext

        info(f"Extracting audio track {self.track} from '{input.stem}'...", self)

        out = make_output(input, extension, f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output)
        code, stdout = communicate_stdout(f'"{eac3to}" "{input}" {track.track_id+1}: "{out}" {self.append}')
        if code == 0:
            if not out.exists():
                pattern_str = rf"{re.escape(out.stem)} DELAY.*\.{extension}"
                pattern = re.compile(pattern_str, re.IGNORECASE)
                for f in os.listdir(out.parent):
                    if pattern.match(f):
                        f = Path(out.parent, f)
                        out = f.rename(f.with_stem(out.stem))
            delay = 0

            pattern = re.compile(EAC3TO_DELAY_REGEX)
            for line in stdout.splitlines():
                match =, line)
                if match:
                    delay = int("delay"))
                    debug(f"Additional delay of {delay} ms will be applied to fix remaining sync.", self)
            return AudioFile(out, delay, input, duration=duration_from_file(input, self.track))
            print("", stdout, "")
            raise error(f"eac3to failed to extract audio track {self.track} from '{input}'", self.extract_audio)


Bases: HasExtractor, HasTrimmer

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class FFMpeg(HasExtractor, HasTrimmer):
    class Extractor(Extractor):
        Extracts audio files using FFMPEG

        :param track:               Relative audio track number
        :param preserve_delay:      Will preserve existing container delay
        :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                    Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.
        :param full_analysis:       Analyze entire track for bitdepth and other statistics.
                                    This *will* take quite a bit of time.

        track: int = 0
        preserve_delay: bool = True
        output: PathLike | None = None
        full_analysis: bool = False

        def extract_audio(self, input: PathLike, quiet: bool = True, is_temp: bool = False, force_flac: bool = False) -> AudioFile:
            ffmpeg = get_executable("ffmpeg")
            input = ensure_path_exists(input, self)
            track = get_absolute_track(input, self.track, TrackType.AUDIO, self, quiet_fail=self._no_print)
            form = format_from_track(track)
            if not self._no_print:
                info(f"Extracting audio track {self.track} from '{input.stem}'...", self)
            if not form:
                ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input, self.track, self, full_analysis=self.full_analysis, quiet=self._no_print)
                lossy = getattr(track, "compression_mode", "lossless").lower() == "lossy"
                if lossy:
                    raise error(f"Unrecognized lossy format found: {track.format}", self)
                    extension = "wav"
                    warn("Unrecognized format: {track.format}\nWill extract as wav instead.", self, 2)
                    out = make_output(input, extension, f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output, temp=is_temp)
                ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input, self.track, self, form.ext == "thd", full_analysis=self.full_analysis, quiet=self._no_print)
                lossy = form.lossy
                extension = form.ext
                out = make_output(input, extension, f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output, temp=is_temp)

            args = [ffmpeg, "-hide_banner", "-i", str(input.resolve()), "-map_chapters", "-1", "-map", f"0:a:{self.track}"]

            specified_depth = getattr(track, "bit_depth", 16)
            if str(specified_depth) not in ainfo.stats.bit_depth and not lossy and not is_fancy_codec(track) and specified_depth is not None:
                actual_depth = int(ainfo.stats.bit_depth) if "/" not in ainfo.stats.bit_depth else int(ainfo.stats.bit_depth.split("/")[0])
                debug(f"Detected fake/padded {specified_depth} bit. Actual depth is {actual_depth} bit.", self)
                if specified_depth - actual_depth > 4:
                    debug("Track will be outputted as flac and truncated to 16 bit instead.", self)
                    out = make_output(input, "flac", f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output, temp=is_temp)
                    args.extend(["-c:a", "flac", "-sample_fmt", "s16"])
                if force_flac and extension in ["dts", "wav"] and not lossy:
                    out = make_output(input, "flac", f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output, temp=is_temp)
                    args.extend(["-c:a", "flac", "-compression_level", "0"])
                    if extension == "wav":
                        args.extend(["-c:a", "pcm_s16le" if specified_depth <= 16 else "pcm_s24le", "-rf64", "auto"])
                        args.extend(["-c:a", "copy"])
                        if extension == "dtshd" or extension == "dts":
                            # FFMPEG screams about dtshd not being a known output format but ffmpeg -formats lists it....
                            args.extend(["-f", "dts"])

            duration = duration_from_file(input, self.track)
            if not run_cmd_pb(args, quiet, ProgressBarConfig("Extracting...", duration)):
                return AudioFile(out, getattr(track, "delay_relative_to_video", 0) if self.preserve_delay else 0, input, None, ainfo, duration)
                raise error("Failed to extract audio track using ffmpeg", self)

    class Trimmer(Trimmer):
        Trims audio files using FFMPEG.
        If you're working with lossless files it is strongly recommended to use SoX instead.

        :param trim:                Can be a single trim or a sequence of trims.
        :param trim_use_ms:         Will use milliseconds instead of frame numbers
        :param fps:                 Fps fraction that will be used for the conversion. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
        :param preserve_delay:      Will preserve existing container delay
        :param num_frames:          Total number of frames used for calculations
        :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                    Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

        trim: Trim | list[Trim] | None = None
        preserve_delay: bool = False
        trim_use_ms: bool = False
        fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001)
        num_frames: int = 0
        output: PathLike | None = None

        def _calc_delay(self, delay: int = 0, num_samples: int = 0, sample_rate: int = 48000) -> int:
            Calculates the delay needed to fix the remaining sync for lossy audio.
            from math import ceil, floor

            frame = num_samples * 1000 / sample_rate
            leftover = (round(delay / frame) * frame) - delay
            return ceil(leftover) if leftover > 0 else floor(leftover)

        def _targs(self, trim: Trim) -> str:
            Converts trim to ffmpeg seek args.
            arg = ""
            if trim[1] and trim[1] < 0 and not self.trim_use_ms:
                raise error("Negative input is not allowed for ms based trims.", FFMpeg())

            if trim[0] is not None and trim[0] > 0:
                if self.trim_use_ms:
                    arg += f" -ss {format_timedelta(timedelta(milliseconds=trim[0]))}"
                    arg += f" -ss {format_timedelta(frame_to_timedelta(trim[0], self.fps))}"
            if trim[1] is not None and trim[1] != 0:
                end_frame = self.num_frames + trim[1] if trim[1] < 0 else trim[1]
                if self.trim_use_ms:
                    arg += f" -to {format_timedelta(timedelta(milliseconds=trim[1]))}"
                    arg += f" -to {format_timedelta(frame_to_timedelta(end_frame, self.fps))}"
            return arg

        def trim_audio(self, input: AudioFile, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
            if not isinstance(input, AudioFile):
                input = AudioFile.from_file(input, self)
            self.trim = sanitize_trims(self.trim, self.num_frames, not self.trim_use_ms, caller=self)
            minfo = input.get_mediainfo()
            form = format_from_track(minfo)
            lossy = input.is_lossy()
            if not form and lossy:
                raise error(f"Unrecognized lossy format: {minfo.format}", self)

            args = [get_executable("ffmpeg"), "-hide_banner", "-i", str(input.file.resolve()), "-map", "0:a:0"]
            if lossy or is_fancy_codec(minfo):
                args.extend(["-c:a", "copy"])
                extension = form.ext
                args.extend(["-c:a", "flac", "-compression_level", "0"])
                extension = "flac"

            out = make_output(input.file, extension, "trimmed", self.output)
            ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input.file, caller=self) if not else

            if len(self.trim) == 1:
                info(f"Trimming '{input.file.stem}' with ffmpeg...", self)
                tr = self.trim[0]
                if lossy:
                    args[2:1] = splitcommand(self._targs(tr))
                if not run_commandline(args, quiet):
                    if tr[0] and lossy:
                        ms = tr[0] if self.trim_use_ms else frame_to_ms(tr[0], self.fps)
                        cont_delay = self._calc_delay(ms, ainfo.num_samples(), getattr(minfo, "sampling_rate", 48000))
                        debug(f"Additional delay of {cont_delay} ms will be applied to fix remaining sync", self)
                        if self.preserve_delay:
                            cont_delay += input.container_delay
                        cont_delay = input.container_delay if self.preserve_delay else 0

                    debug("Done", self)
                    return AudioFile(out, cont_delay, input.source)
                    raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)
                info(f"Generating trimmed tracks for '{input.file.stem}'...", self)
                concat: list = []
                first = True
                for i, tr in enumerate(self.trim):
                    nArgs = args.copy()
                    if lossy:
                        nArgs[2:1] = splitcommand(self._targs(tr))
                        if first:
                            cont_delay = self._calc_delay(ms, ainfo.num_samples(), getattr(minfo, "sampling_rate", 48000))
                            debug(f"Additional delay of {cont_delay} ms will be applied to fix remaining sync", self)
                            first = False
                        if first:
                            cont_delay = input.container_delay if self.preserve_delay else 0
                            first = False
                    nout = os.path.join(get_temp_workdir(), f"{input.file.stem}_part{i}.{extension}")
                    if not run_commandline(nArgs, quiet):
                        raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)
                info("Concatenating the tracks...", self)
                concat_f = os.path.join(get_temp_workdir(), "concat.txt")
                with open(concat_f, "w") as f:
                    f.writelines([f"file {_escape_name(c)}\n" for c in concat])

                args[3] = concat_f
                args[2:1] = ["-f", "concat", "-safe", "0"]

                if not run_commandline(args, quiet):
                    debug("Done", self)
                    return AudioFile(out, cont_delay, input.source)
                    raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)

    class Concat:
        Concat two or more audio files using FFMPEG.
        (Also transcodes to FLAC if the formats don't match)

        :param files:       List of PathLike or AudioFile to concat.


        files: Sequence[PathLike] | Sequence[AudioFile]
        output: PathLike | None = None

        def concat_audio(self, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
            audio_files = list[AudioFile]()
            for f in self.files:
                if isinstance(f, AudioFile):

            if any([af.has_multiple_tracks(self) for af in audio_files]):
                raise error("One or more files passed have more than one audio track!", self)

            info(f"Concatenating {len(audio_files)} audio tracks...", self)

            concat_file = get_temp_workdir() / "concat.txt"
            with open(concat_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                f.writelines([f"file {_escape_name(str(af.file.resolve()))}\n" for af in audio_files])

            first_format = format_from_track(audio_files[0].get_mediainfo())

            format_mismatch = not all([format_from_track(af.get_mediainfo()).format == first_format.format for af in audio_files[1:]])
            if format_mismatch or first_format.ext == "wav":
                out_codec = "flac"
                out_ext = "flac"
                out_codec = "copy"
                out_ext = first_format.ext

            output = make_output(audio_files[0].file, out_ext, "concat", self.output)
            args = [get_executable("ffmpeg"), "-f", "concat", "-safe", "0", "-i", str(concat_file), "-c", out_codec, str(output)]

            if not run_commandline(args, quiet):
                debug("Done", self)

                durations = [af.duration for af in audio_files if af.duration]
                final_dura = timedelta(milliseconds=0)
                for dura in durations:
                    final_dura += dura

                return AudioFile(output, audio_files[0].container_delay, audio_files[0].source, duration=final_dura)
                raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)

Concat dataclass

Concat two or more audio files using FFMPEG. (Also transcodes to FLAC if the formats don't match)


Name Type Description Default
files Sequence[PathLike] | Sequence[AudioFile]

List of PathLike or AudioFile to concat.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class Concat:
    Concat two or more audio files using FFMPEG.
    (Also transcodes to FLAC if the formats don't match)

    :param files:       List of PathLike or AudioFile to concat.


    files: Sequence[PathLike] | Sequence[AudioFile]
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def concat_audio(self, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
        audio_files = list[AudioFile]()
        for f in self.files:
            if isinstance(f, AudioFile):

        if any([af.has_multiple_tracks(self) for af in audio_files]):
            raise error("One or more files passed have more than one audio track!", self)

        info(f"Concatenating {len(audio_files)} audio tracks...", self)

        concat_file = get_temp_workdir() / "concat.txt"
        with open(concat_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            f.writelines([f"file {_escape_name(str(af.file.resolve()))}\n" for af in audio_files])

        first_format = format_from_track(audio_files[0].get_mediainfo())

        format_mismatch = not all([format_from_track(af.get_mediainfo()).format == first_format.format for af in audio_files[1:]])
        if format_mismatch or first_format.ext == "wav":
            out_codec = "flac"
            out_ext = "flac"
            out_codec = "copy"
            out_ext = first_format.ext

        output = make_output(audio_files[0].file, out_ext, "concat", self.output)
        args = [get_executable("ffmpeg"), "-f", "concat", "-safe", "0", "-i", str(concat_file), "-c", out_codec, str(output)]

        if not run_commandline(args, quiet):
            debug("Done", self)

            durations = [af.duration for af in audio_files if af.duration]
            final_dura = timedelta(milliseconds=0)
            for dura in durations:
                final_dura += dura

            return AudioFile(output, audio_files[0].container_delay, audio_files[0].source, duration=final_dura)
            raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)

Extractor dataclass

Bases: Extractor

Extracts audio files using FFMPEG


Name Type Description Default
track int

Relative audio track number

preserve_delay bool

Will preserve existing container delay

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

full_analysis bool

Analyze entire track for bitdepth and other statistics. This will take quite a bit of time.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class Extractor(Extractor):
    Extracts audio files using FFMPEG

    :param track:               Relative audio track number
    :param preserve_delay:      Will preserve existing container delay
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.
    :param full_analysis:       Analyze entire track for bitdepth and other statistics.
                                This *will* take quite a bit of time.

    track: int = 0
    preserve_delay: bool = True
    output: PathLike | None = None
    full_analysis: bool = False

    def extract_audio(self, input: PathLike, quiet: bool = True, is_temp: bool = False, force_flac: bool = False) -> AudioFile:
        ffmpeg = get_executable("ffmpeg")
        input = ensure_path_exists(input, self)
        track = get_absolute_track(input, self.track, TrackType.AUDIO, self, quiet_fail=self._no_print)
        form = format_from_track(track)
        if not self._no_print:
            info(f"Extracting audio track {self.track} from '{input.stem}'...", self)
        if not form:
            ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input, self.track, self, full_analysis=self.full_analysis, quiet=self._no_print)
            lossy = getattr(track, "compression_mode", "lossless").lower() == "lossy"
            if lossy:
                raise error(f"Unrecognized lossy format found: {track.format}", self)
                extension = "wav"
                warn("Unrecognized format: {track.format}\nWill extract as wav instead.", self, 2)
                out = make_output(input, extension, f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output, temp=is_temp)
            ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input, self.track, self, form.ext == "thd", full_analysis=self.full_analysis, quiet=self._no_print)
            lossy = form.lossy
            extension = form.ext
            out = make_output(input, extension, f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output, temp=is_temp)

        args = [ffmpeg, "-hide_banner", "-i", str(input.resolve()), "-map_chapters", "-1", "-map", f"0:a:{self.track}"]

        specified_depth = getattr(track, "bit_depth", 16)
        if str(specified_depth) not in ainfo.stats.bit_depth and not lossy and not is_fancy_codec(track) and specified_depth is not None:
            actual_depth = int(ainfo.stats.bit_depth) if "/" not in ainfo.stats.bit_depth else int(ainfo.stats.bit_depth.split("/")[0])
            debug(f"Detected fake/padded {specified_depth} bit. Actual depth is {actual_depth} bit.", self)
            if specified_depth - actual_depth > 4:
                debug("Track will be outputted as flac and truncated to 16 bit instead.", self)
                out = make_output(input, "flac", f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output, temp=is_temp)
                args.extend(["-c:a", "flac", "-sample_fmt", "s16"])
            if force_flac and extension in ["dts", "wav"] and not lossy:
                out = make_output(input, "flac", f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output, temp=is_temp)
                args.extend(["-c:a", "flac", "-compression_level", "0"])
                if extension == "wav":
                    args.extend(["-c:a", "pcm_s16le" if specified_depth <= 16 else "pcm_s24le", "-rf64", "auto"])
                    args.extend(["-c:a", "copy"])
                    if extension == "dtshd" or extension == "dts":
                        # FFMPEG screams about dtshd not being a known output format but ffmpeg -formats lists it....
                        args.extend(["-f", "dts"])

        duration = duration_from_file(input, self.track)
        if not run_cmd_pb(args, quiet, ProgressBarConfig("Extracting...", duration)):
            return AudioFile(out, getattr(track, "delay_relative_to_video", 0) if self.preserve_delay else 0, input, None, ainfo, duration)
            raise error("Failed to extract audio track using ffmpeg", self)

Trimmer dataclass

Bases: Trimmer

Trims audio files using FFMPEG. If you're working with lossless files it is strongly recommended to use SoX instead.


Name Type Description Default
trim Trim | list[Trim] | None

Can be a single trim or a sequence of trims.

trim_use_ms bool

Will use milliseconds instead of frame numbers

fps Fraction | PathLike

Fps fraction that will be used for the conversion. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

Fraction(24000, 1001)
preserve_delay bool

Will preserve existing container delay

num_frames int

Total number of frames used for calculations

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class Trimmer(Trimmer):
    Trims audio files using FFMPEG.
    If you're working with lossless files it is strongly recommended to use SoX instead.

    :param trim:                Can be a single trim or a sequence of trims.
    :param trim_use_ms:         Will use milliseconds instead of frame numbers
    :param fps:                 Fps fraction that will be used for the conversion. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
    :param preserve_delay:      Will preserve existing container delay
    :param num_frames:          Total number of frames used for calculations
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

    trim: Trim | list[Trim] | None = None
    preserve_delay: bool = False
    trim_use_ms: bool = False
    fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001)
    num_frames: int = 0
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def _calc_delay(self, delay: int = 0, num_samples: int = 0, sample_rate: int = 48000) -> int:
        Calculates the delay needed to fix the remaining sync for lossy audio.
        from math import ceil, floor

        frame = num_samples * 1000 / sample_rate
        leftover = (round(delay / frame) * frame) - delay
        return ceil(leftover) if leftover > 0 else floor(leftover)

    def _targs(self, trim: Trim) -> str:
        Converts trim to ffmpeg seek args.
        arg = ""
        if trim[1] and trim[1] < 0 and not self.trim_use_ms:
            raise error("Negative input is not allowed for ms based trims.", FFMpeg())

        if trim[0] is not None and trim[0] > 0:
            if self.trim_use_ms:
                arg += f" -ss {format_timedelta(timedelta(milliseconds=trim[0]))}"
                arg += f" -ss {format_timedelta(frame_to_timedelta(trim[0], self.fps))}"
        if trim[1] is not None and trim[1] != 0:
            end_frame = self.num_frames + trim[1] if trim[1] < 0 else trim[1]
            if self.trim_use_ms:
                arg += f" -to {format_timedelta(timedelta(milliseconds=trim[1]))}"
                arg += f" -to {format_timedelta(frame_to_timedelta(end_frame, self.fps))}"
        return arg

    def trim_audio(self, input: AudioFile, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
        if not isinstance(input, AudioFile):
            input = AudioFile.from_file(input, self)
        self.trim = sanitize_trims(self.trim, self.num_frames, not self.trim_use_ms, caller=self)
        minfo = input.get_mediainfo()
        form = format_from_track(minfo)
        lossy = input.is_lossy()
        if not form and lossy:
            raise error(f"Unrecognized lossy format: {minfo.format}", self)

        args = [get_executable("ffmpeg"), "-hide_banner", "-i", str(input.file.resolve()), "-map", "0:a:0"]
        if lossy or is_fancy_codec(minfo):
            args.extend(["-c:a", "copy"])
            extension = form.ext
            args.extend(["-c:a", "flac", "-compression_level", "0"])
            extension = "flac"

        out = make_output(input.file, extension, "trimmed", self.output)
        ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input.file, caller=self) if not else

        if len(self.trim) == 1:
            info(f"Trimming '{input.file.stem}' with ffmpeg...", self)
            tr = self.trim[0]
            if lossy:
                args[2:1] = splitcommand(self._targs(tr))
            if not run_commandline(args, quiet):
                if tr[0] and lossy:
                    ms = tr[0] if self.trim_use_ms else frame_to_ms(tr[0], self.fps)
                    cont_delay = self._calc_delay(ms, ainfo.num_samples(), getattr(minfo, "sampling_rate", 48000))
                    debug(f"Additional delay of {cont_delay} ms will be applied to fix remaining sync", self)
                    if self.preserve_delay:
                        cont_delay += input.container_delay
                    cont_delay = input.container_delay if self.preserve_delay else 0

                debug("Done", self)
                return AudioFile(out, cont_delay, input.source)
                raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)
            info(f"Generating trimmed tracks for '{input.file.stem}'...", self)
            concat: list = []
            first = True
            for i, tr in enumerate(self.trim):
                nArgs = args.copy()
                if lossy:
                    nArgs[2:1] = splitcommand(self._targs(tr))
                    if first:
                        cont_delay = self._calc_delay(ms, ainfo.num_samples(), getattr(minfo, "sampling_rate", 48000))
                        debug(f"Additional delay of {cont_delay} ms will be applied to fix remaining sync", self)
                        first = False
                    if first:
                        cont_delay = input.container_delay if self.preserve_delay else 0
                        first = False
                nout = os.path.join(get_temp_workdir(), f"{input.file.stem}_part{i}.{extension}")
                if not run_commandline(nArgs, quiet):
                    raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)
            info("Concatenating the tracks...", self)
            concat_f = os.path.join(get_temp_workdir(), "concat.txt")
            with open(concat_f, "w") as f:
                f.writelines([f"file {_escape_name(c)}\n" for c in concat])

            args[3] = concat_f
            args[2:1] = ["-f", "concat", "-safe", "0"]

            if not run_commandline(args, quiet):
                debug("Done", self)
                return AudioFile(out, cont_delay, input.source)
                raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)

Sox dataclass

Bases: Trimmer

Trim lossless audio using SoX.


Name Type Description Default
trim Trim | list[Trim] | None

List of Trims or a single Trim, which is a Tuple of two frame numbers or milliseconds

preserve_delay bool

Keeps existing container delay if True

trim_use_ms bool

Will use milliseconds instead of frame numbers

fps Fraction | PathLike

The fps fraction used for the calculations. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

Fraction(24000, 1001)
num_frames int

Total number of frames used for calculations

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class Sox(Trimmer):
    Trim lossless audio using SoX.

    :param trim:                List of Trims or a single Trim, which is a Tuple of two frame numbers or milliseconds
    :param preserve_delay:      Keeps existing container delay if True
    :param trim_use_ms:         Will use milliseconds instead of frame numbers
    :param fps:                 The fps fraction used for the calculations. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
    :param num_frames:          Total number of frames used for calculations
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

    trim: Trim | list[Trim] | None = None
    preserve_delay: bool = False
    trim_use_ms: bool = False
    fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001)
    num_frames: int = 0
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def _conv(self, val: int | None):
        if val is None:
            return None

        if self.trim_use_ms:
            return abs(val) / 1000
            return frame_to_timedelta(abs(val), self.fps).total_seconds()

    def trim_audio(self, input: AudioFile, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
        import sox

        if not isinstance(input, AudioFile):
            input = AudioFile.from_file(input, self)
        out = make_output(input.file, "flac", "trimmed", self.output)
        self.trim = sanitize_trims(self.trim, self.num_frames, not self.trim_use_ms, allow_negative_start=True, caller=self)
        source = ensure_valid_in(input, caller=self, supports_pipe=False)

        if len(self.trim) > 1:
            files_to_concat = []
            first = True
            info(f"Generating trimmed tracks for '{input.file.stem}'...", self)
            for i, t in enumerate(self.trim):
                soxr = sox.Transformer()
                soxr.set_globals(multithread=True, verbosity=0 if quiet else 1)
                if t[0] < 0 and first:
                    soxr.trim(0, self._conv(t[1]))
                    soxr.trim(self._conv(t[0]), self._conv(t[1]))
                first = False
                tout = os.path.join(get_temp_workdir(), f"{input.file.stem}_trimmed_part{i}.wav")
      , tout)

            info("Concatenating the tracks...", self)
            soxr = sox.Combiner()
            soxr.set_globals(multithread=True, verbosity=0 if quiet else 1)
            formats = ["wav" for file in files_to_concat]
  , str(out.resolve()), "concatenate")
            debug("Done", self)
            soxr = sox.Transformer()
            soxr.set_globals(multithread=True, verbosity=0 if quiet else 1)
            info(f"Applying trim to '{input.file.stem}'", self)
            t = self.trim[0]
            if t[0] < 0:
                soxr.trim(0, self._conv(t[1]))
                soxr.trim(self._conv(t[0]), self._conv(t[1]))
  , str(out.resolve()))
            debug("Done", self)

        return AudioFile(out.resolve(), input.container_delay if self.preserve_delay else 0, input.source)