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Eac3to dataclass

Bases: Extractor

Extracts audio files using eac3to


Name Type Description Default
track int

Relative audio track number

preserve_delay bool

Will preserve existing container delay

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

append str

Specify a string of args you can pass to Eac3to

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class Eac3to(Extractor):
    Extracts audio files using eac3to

    :param track:               Relative audio track number
    :param preserve_delay:      Will preserve existing container delay
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.
    :param append:              Specify a string of args you can pass to Eac3to

    track: int = 0
    preserve_delay: bool = True
    output: PathLike | None = None
    append: str = ""

    def extract_audio(self, input: PathLike, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
        eac3to = get_executable("eac3to")
        input = ensure_path_exists(input, self)
        track = get_absolute_track(input, self.track, TrackType.AUDIO, self)
        form = format_from_track(track)
        if not form:
            error(f"Unrecognized format: {track.format}", self.extract_audio)
            warn("Will extract as wav instead.", self.extract_audio)
            extension = "wav"
            extension = form.ext

        out = make_output(input, extension, f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output)
        p = run_commandline(f'"{eac3to}" "{input}" {track.track_id+1}: "{out}" {self.append}', quiet)
        if p == 0:
            if not out.exists():
                pattern_str = rf"{re.escape(out.stem)} DELAY.*\.{extension}"
                pattern = re.compile(pattern_str, re.IGNORECASE)
                for f in os.listdir(out.parent):
                    if pattern.match(f):
                        f = Path(out.parent, f)
                        out = f.rename(f.with_stem(out.stem))

            return AudioFile(
                out, getattr(track, "delay_relative_to_video", 0) if self.preserve_delay else 0, input, duration=duration_from_file(input, self.track)
            raise error(f"eac3to failed to extract audio track {self.track} from '{input}'", self.extract_audio)


Bases: HasExtractor, HasTrimmer

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class FFMpeg(HasExtractor, HasTrimmer):
    class Extractor(Extractor):
        Extracts audio files using FFMPEG

        :param track:               Relative audio track number
        :param preserve_delay:      Will preserve existing container delay
        :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                    Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.
        :param append:              Specify a string of args you can pass to Eac3to

        track: int = 0
        preserve_delay: bool = True
        output: PathLike | None = None

        def extract_audio(self, input: PathLike, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
            ffmpeg = get_executable("ffmpeg")
            input = ensure_path_exists(input, self)
            track = get_absolute_track(input, self.track, TrackType.AUDIO, self)
            form = format_from_track(track)
            debug(f"Extracting audio track from '{input.stem}' using ffmpeg...", self)
            if not form:
                ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input, self.track, self)
                lossy = getattr(track, "compression_mode", "lossless").lower() == "lossy"
                if lossy:
                    raise error(f"Unrecognized lossy format found: {track.format}", self)
                    extension = "wav"
                    warn("Unrecognized format: {track.format}\nWill extract as wav instead.", self, 2)
                    out = make_output(input, extension, f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output)
                ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input, self.track, self, form.ext == "thd")
                lossy = form.lossy
                extension = form.ext
                out = make_output(input, extension, f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output)

            args = [ffmpeg, "-hide_banner", "-i", str(input.resolve()), "-map_chapters", "-1", "-map", f"0:a:{self.track}"]

            specified_depth = getattr(track, "bit_depth", 16)
            if str(specified_depth) not in ainfo.stats.bit_depth and not lossy and not is_fancy_codec(track) and specified_depth is not None:
                actual_depth = int(ainfo.stats.bit_depth) if "/" not in ainfo.stats.bit_depth else int(ainfo.stats.bit_depth.split("/")[0])
                debug(f"Detected fake/padded {specified_depth} bit. Actual depth is {actual_depth} bit.", self)
                if specified_depth - actual_depth > 4:
                    debug("Track will be outputted as flac and truncated to 16 bit instead.", self)
                    out = make_output(input, "flac", f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output)
                    args.extend(["-c:a", "flac", "-sample_fmt", "s16"])
                if extension == "wav":
                    args.extend(["-c:a", "pcm_s16le" if specified_depth == 16 else "pcm_s24le", "-rf64", "auto"])
                    args.extend(["-c:a", "copy"])
                    if extension == "dtshd" or extension == "dts":
                        # FFMPEG screams about dtshd not being a known output format but ffmpeg -formats lists it....
                        args.extend(["-f", "dts"])
            duration = duration_from_file(input, self.track)
            if not run_cmd_pb(args, quiet, ProgressBarConfig("Extracting...", duration)):
                return AudioFile(out, getattr(track, "delay_relative_to_video", 0) if self.preserve_delay else 0, input, ainfo, duration)
                raise error("Failed to extract audio track using ffmpeg", self)

    class Trimmer(Trimmer):
        Trims audio files using FFMPEG.
        If you're working with lossless files it is strongly recommended to use SoX instead.

        :param trim:                Can be a single trim or a sequence of trims.
        :param trim_use_ms:         Will use milliseconds instead of frame numbers
        :param fps:                 Fps fraction that will be used for the conversion. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
        :param preserve_delay:      Will preserve existing container delay
        :param num_frames:          Total number of frames used for calculations
        :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                    Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

        trim: Trim | list[Trim] | None = None
        preserve_delay: bool = False
        trim_use_ms: bool = False
        fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001)
        num_frames: int = 0
        output: PathLike | None = None

        def _escape_name(self, s: str) -> str:
            """Makes filepaths suitable for ffmpeg concat files"""
            return s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'").replace(" ", "\\ ")

        def _calc_delay(self, delay: int = 0, num_samples: int = 0, sample_rate: int = 48000) -> int:
            Calculates the delay needed to fix the remaining sync for lossy audio.
            from math import ceil, floor

            frame = num_samples * 1000 / sample_rate
            leftover = (round(delay / frame) * frame) - delay
            return ceil(leftover) if leftover > 0 else floor(leftover)

        def _targs(self, trim: Trim) -> str:
            Converts trim to ffmpeg seek args.
            arg = ""
            if trim[1] and trim[1] < 0 and not self.trim_use_ms:
                raise error("Negative input is not allowed for ms based trims.", FFMpeg())

            if trim[0] is not None and trim[0] > 0:
                if self.trim_use_ms:
                    arg += f" -ss {format_timedelta(timedelta(milliseconds=trim[0]))}"
                    arg += f" -ss {format_timedelta(frame_to_timedelta(trim[0], self.fps))}"
            if trim[1] is not None and trim[1] != 0:
                end_frame = self.num_frames + trim[1] if trim[1] < 0 else trim[1]
                if self.trim_use_ms:
                    arg += f" -to {format_timedelta(timedelta(milliseconds=trim[1]))}"
                    arg += f" -to {format_timedelta(frame_to_timedelta(end_frame, self.fps))}"
            return arg

        def trim_audio(self, input: AudioFile, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
            if not isinstance(input, AudioFile):
                input = AudioFile.from_file(input, self)
            self.trim = sanitize_trims(self.trim, self.num_frames, not self.trim_use_ms, caller=self)
            minfo = input.get_mediainfo()
            form = format_from_track(minfo)
            lossy = input.is_lossy()
            if not form and lossy:
                raise error(f"Unrecognized lossy format: {minfo.format}", self)

            args = [get_executable("ffmpeg"), "-hide_banner", "-i", str(input.file.resolve()), "-map", "0:a:0"]
            if lossy or is_fancy_codec(minfo):
                args.extend(["-c:a", "copy"])
                extension = form.ext
                args.extend(["-c:a", "flac", "-compression_level", "0"])
                extension = "flac"

            out = make_output(input.file, extension, "trimmed", self.output)
            ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input.file, caller=self) if not else

            if len(self.trim) == 1:
                debug(f"Trimming '{input.file.stem}' with ffmpeg...", self)
                tr = self.trim[0]
                if lossy:
                    args[2:1] = splitcommand(self._targs(tr))
                if not run_commandline(args, quiet):
                    if tr[0] and lossy:
                        ms = tr[0] if self.trim_use_ms else frame_to_ms(tr[0], self.fps)
                        cont_delay = self._calc_delay(ms, ainfo.num_samples(), getattr(minfo, "sampling_rate", 48000))
                        debug(f"Additional delay of {cont_delay} ms will be applied to fix remaining sync", self)
                        if self.preserve_delay:
                            cont_delay += input.container_delay
                        cont_delay = input.container_delay if self.preserve_delay else 0

                    debug("Done", self)
                    return AudioFile(out, cont_delay, input.source)
                    raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)
                debug(f"Generating trimmed tracks for '{input.file.stem}'...", self)
                concat: list = []
                first = True
                for i, tr in enumerate(self.trim):
                    nArgs = args.copy()
                    if lossy:
                        nArgs[2:1] = splitcommand(self._targs(tr))
                        if first:
                            cont_delay = self._calc_delay(ms, ainfo.num_samples(), getattr(minfo, "sampling_rate", 48000))
                            debug(f"Additional delay of {cont_delay} ms will be applied to fix remaining sync", self)
                            first = False
                        if first:
                            cont_delay = input.container_delay if self.preserve_delay else 0
                            first = False
                    nout = os.path.join(get_temp_workdir(), f"{input.file.stem}_part{i}.{extension}")
                    if not run_commandline(nArgs, quiet):
                        raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)
                debug("Concatenating the tracks...", self)
                concat_f = os.path.join(get_temp_workdir(), "concat.txt")
                with open(concat_f, "w") as f:
                    f.writelines([f"file {self._escape_name(c)}\n" for c in concat])

                args[3] = concat_f
                args[2:1] = ["-f", "concat", "-safe", "0"]

                if not run_commandline(args, quiet):
                    debug("Done", self)
                    return AudioFile(out, cont_delay, input.source)
                    raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)

Extractor dataclass

Bases: Extractor

Extracts audio files using FFMPEG


Name Type Description Default
track int

Relative audio track number

preserve_delay bool

Will preserve existing container delay

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.


Specify a string of args you can pass to Eac3to

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class Extractor(Extractor):
    Extracts audio files using FFMPEG

    :param track:               Relative audio track number
    :param preserve_delay:      Will preserve existing container delay
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.
    :param append:              Specify a string of args you can pass to Eac3to

    track: int = 0
    preserve_delay: bool = True
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def extract_audio(self, input: PathLike, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
        ffmpeg = get_executable("ffmpeg")
        input = ensure_path_exists(input, self)
        track = get_absolute_track(input, self.track, TrackType.AUDIO, self)
        form = format_from_track(track)
        debug(f"Extracting audio track from '{input.stem}' using ffmpeg...", self)
        if not form:
            ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input, self.track, self)
            lossy = getattr(track, "compression_mode", "lossless").lower() == "lossy"
            if lossy:
                raise error(f"Unrecognized lossy format found: {track.format}", self)
                extension = "wav"
                warn("Unrecognized format: {track.format}\nWill extract as wav instead.", self, 2)
                out = make_output(input, extension, f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output)
            ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input, self.track, self, form.ext == "thd")
            lossy = form.lossy
            extension = form.ext
            out = make_output(input, extension, f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output)

        args = [ffmpeg, "-hide_banner", "-i", str(input.resolve()), "-map_chapters", "-1", "-map", f"0:a:{self.track}"]

        specified_depth = getattr(track, "bit_depth", 16)
        if str(specified_depth) not in ainfo.stats.bit_depth and not lossy and not is_fancy_codec(track) and specified_depth is not None:
            actual_depth = int(ainfo.stats.bit_depth) if "/" not in ainfo.stats.bit_depth else int(ainfo.stats.bit_depth.split("/")[0])
            debug(f"Detected fake/padded {specified_depth} bit. Actual depth is {actual_depth} bit.", self)
            if specified_depth - actual_depth > 4:
                debug("Track will be outputted as flac and truncated to 16 bit instead.", self)
                out = make_output(input, "flac", f"extracted_{self.track}", self.output)
                args.extend(["-c:a", "flac", "-sample_fmt", "s16"])
            if extension == "wav":
                args.extend(["-c:a", "pcm_s16le" if specified_depth == 16 else "pcm_s24le", "-rf64", "auto"])
                args.extend(["-c:a", "copy"])
                if extension == "dtshd" or extension == "dts":
                    # FFMPEG screams about dtshd not being a known output format but ffmpeg -formats lists it....
                    args.extend(["-f", "dts"])
        duration = duration_from_file(input, self.track)
        if not run_cmd_pb(args, quiet, ProgressBarConfig("Extracting...", duration)):
            return AudioFile(out, getattr(track, "delay_relative_to_video", 0) if self.preserve_delay else 0, input, ainfo, duration)
            raise error("Failed to extract audio track using ffmpeg", self)

Trimmer dataclass

Bases: Trimmer

Trims audio files using FFMPEG. If you're working with lossless files it is strongly recommended to use SoX instead.


Name Type Description Default
trim Trim | list[Trim] | None

Can be a single trim or a sequence of trims.

trim_use_ms bool

Will use milliseconds instead of frame numbers

fps Fraction | PathLike

Fps fraction that will be used for the conversion. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

Fraction(24000, 1001)
preserve_delay bool

Will preserve existing container delay

num_frames int

Total number of frames used for calculations

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class Trimmer(Trimmer):
    Trims audio files using FFMPEG.
    If you're working with lossless files it is strongly recommended to use SoX instead.

    :param trim:                Can be a single trim or a sequence of trims.
    :param trim_use_ms:         Will use milliseconds instead of frame numbers
    :param fps:                 Fps fraction that will be used for the conversion. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
    :param preserve_delay:      Will preserve existing container delay
    :param num_frames:          Total number of frames used for calculations
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

    trim: Trim | list[Trim] | None = None
    preserve_delay: bool = False
    trim_use_ms: bool = False
    fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001)
    num_frames: int = 0
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def _escape_name(self, s: str) -> str:
        """Makes filepaths suitable for ffmpeg concat files"""
        return s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'").replace(" ", "\\ ")

    def _calc_delay(self, delay: int = 0, num_samples: int = 0, sample_rate: int = 48000) -> int:
        Calculates the delay needed to fix the remaining sync for lossy audio.
        from math import ceil, floor

        frame = num_samples * 1000 / sample_rate
        leftover = (round(delay / frame) * frame) - delay
        return ceil(leftover) if leftover > 0 else floor(leftover)

    def _targs(self, trim: Trim) -> str:
        Converts trim to ffmpeg seek args.
        arg = ""
        if trim[1] and trim[1] < 0 and not self.trim_use_ms:
            raise error("Negative input is not allowed for ms based trims.", FFMpeg())

        if trim[0] is not None and trim[0] > 0:
            if self.trim_use_ms:
                arg += f" -ss {format_timedelta(timedelta(milliseconds=trim[0]))}"
                arg += f" -ss {format_timedelta(frame_to_timedelta(trim[0], self.fps))}"
        if trim[1] is not None and trim[1] != 0:
            end_frame = self.num_frames + trim[1] if trim[1] < 0 else trim[1]
            if self.trim_use_ms:
                arg += f" -to {format_timedelta(timedelta(milliseconds=trim[1]))}"
                arg += f" -to {format_timedelta(frame_to_timedelta(end_frame, self.fps))}"
        return arg

    def trim_audio(self, input: AudioFile, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
        if not isinstance(input, AudioFile):
            input = AudioFile.from_file(input, self)
        self.trim = sanitize_trims(self.trim, self.num_frames, not self.trim_use_ms, caller=self)
        minfo = input.get_mediainfo()
        form = format_from_track(minfo)
        lossy = input.is_lossy()
        if not form and lossy:
            raise error(f"Unrecognized lossy format: {minfo.format}", self)

        args = [get_executable("ffmpeg"), "-hide_banner", "-i", str(input.file.resolve()), "-map", "0:a:0"]
        if lossy or is_fancy_codec(minfo):
            args.extend(["-c:a", "copy"])
            extension = form.ext
            args.extend(["-c:a", "flac", "-compression_level", "0"])
            extension = "flac"

        out = make_output(input.file, extension, "trimmed", self.output)
        ainfo = parse_audioinfo(input.file, caller=self) if not else

        if len(self.trim) == 1:
            debug(f"Trimming '{input.file.stem}' with ffmpeg...", self)
            tr = self.trim[0]
            if lossy:
                args[2:1] = splitcommand(self._targs(tr))
            if not run_commandline(args, quiet):
                if tr[0] and lossy:
                    ms = tr[0] if self.trim_use_ms else frame_to_ms(tr[0], self.fps)
                    cont_delay = self._calc_delay(ms, ainfo.num_samples(), getattr(minfo, "sampling_rate", 48000))
                    debug(f"Additional delay of {cont_delay} ms will be applied to fix remaining sync", self)
                    if self.preserve_delay:
                        cont_delay += input.container_delay
                    cont_delay = input.container_delay if self.preserve_delay else 0

                debug("Done", self)
                return AudioFile(out, cont_delay, input.source)
                raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)
            debug(f"Generating trimmed tracks for '{input.file.stem}'...", self)
            concat: list = []
            first = True
            for i, tr in enumerate(self.trim):
                nArgs = args.copy()
                if lossy:
                    nArgs[2:1] = splitcommand(self._targs(tr))
                    if first:
                        cont_delay = self._calc_delay(ms, ainfo.num_samples(), getattr(minfo, "sampling_rate", 48000))
                        debug(f"Additional delay of {cont_delay} ms will be applied to fix remaining sync", self)
                        first = False
                    if first:
                        cont_delay = input.container_delay if self.preserve_delay else 0
                        first = False
                nout = os.path.join(get_temp_workdir(), f"{input.file.stem}_part{i}.{extension}")
                if not run_commandline(nArgs, quiet):
                    raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)
            debug("Concatenating the tracks...", self)
            concat_f = os.path.join(get_temp_workdir(), "concat.txt")
            with open(concat_f, "w") as f:
                f.writelines([f"file {self._escape_name(c)}\n" for c in concat])

            args[3] = concat_f
            args[2:1] = ["-f", "concat", "-safe", "0"]

            if not run_commandline(args, quiet):
                debug("Done", self)
                return AudioFile(out, cont_delay, input.source)
                raise error("Failed to trim audio using FFMPEG!", self)

Sox dataclass

Bases: Trimmer

Trim lossless audio using SoX.


Name Type Description Default
trim Trim | list[Trim] | None

List of Trims or a single Trim, which is a Tuple of two frame numbers or milliseconds

preserve_delay bool

Keeps existing container delay if True

trim_use_ms bool

Will use milliseconds instead of frame numbers

fps Fraction | PathLike

The fps fraction used for the calculations. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.

Fraction(24000, 1001)
num_frames int

Total number of frames used for calculations

output PathLike | None

Custom output. Can be a dir or a file. Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

Source code in muxtools/audio/
class Sox(Trimmer):
    Trim lossless audio using SoX.

    :param trim:                List of Trims or a single Trim, which is a Tuple of two frame numbers or milliseconds
    :param preserve_delay:      Keeps existing container delay if True
    :param trim_use_ms:         Will use milliseconds instead of frame numbers
    :param fps:                 The fps fraction used for the calculations. Also accepts a timecode (v2) file.
    :param num_frames:          Total number of frames used for calculations
    :param output:              Custom output. Can be a dir or a file.
                                Do not specify an extension unless you know what you're doing.

    trim: Trim | list[Trim] | None = None
    preserve_delay: bool = False
    trim_use_ms: bool = False
    fps: Fraction | PathLike = Fraction(24000, 1001)
    num_frames: int = 0
    output: PathLike | None = None

    def _conv(self, val: int | None):
        if val is None:
            return None

        if self.trim_use_ms:
            return abs(val) / 1000
            return frame_to_timedelta(abs(val), self.fps).total_seconds()

    def trim_audio(self, input: AudioFile, quiet: bool = True) -> AudioFile:
        import sox

        if not isinstance(input, AudioFile):
            input = AudioFile.from_file(input, self)
        out = make_output(input.file, "flac", "trimmed", self.output)
        self.trim = sanitize_trims(self.trim, self.num_frames, not self.trim_use_ms, allow_negative_start=True, caller=self)
        source = ensure_valid_in(input, caller=self, supports_pipe=False)

        if len(self.trim) > 1:
            files_to_concat = []
            first = True
            debug(f"Generating trimmed tracks for '{input.file.stem}'...", self)
            for i, t in enumerate(self.trim):
                soxr = sox.Transformer()
                soxr.set_globals(multithread=True, verbosity=0 if quiet else 1)
                if t[0] < 0 and first:
                    soxr.trim(0, self._conv(t[1]))
                    soxr.trim(self._conv(t[0]), self._conv(t[1]))
                first = False
                tout = os.path.join(get_temp_workdir(), f"{input.file.stem}_trimmed_part{i}.wav")
      , tout)

            debug("Concatenating the tracks...", self)
            soxr = sox.Combiner()
            soxr.set_globals(multithread=True, verbosity=0 if quiet else 1)
            formats = ["wav" for file in files_to_concat]
  , str(out.resolve()), "concatenate")
            debug("Done", self)
            soxr = sox.Transformer()
            soxr.set_globals(multithread=True, verbosity=0 if quiet else 1)
            debug(f"Applying trim to '{input.file.stem}'", self)
            t = self.trim[0]
            if t[0] < 0:
                soxr.trim(0, self._conv(t[1]))
                soxr.trim(self._conv(t[0]), self._conv(t[1]))
  , str(out.resolve()))
            debug("Done", self)

        return AudioFile(out.resolve(), input.container_delay if self.preserve_delay else 0, input.source)