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Uses lsmas for previewing and bestsource otherwise. Still supports dgi files directly if dgdecodenv is installed to not break existing scripts.


Name Type Description Default

Path to video or dgi file

force_lsmas bool

Force the use of lsmas.LWLibavSource

force_bs bool

Force the use of bs.VideoSource. This takes priority over the force_lsmas param.

kwargs KwargsT

Other arguments you may or may not wanna pass to the indexer.



Type Description

Video Node

Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
def src(filePath: PathLike, force_lsmas: bool = False, force_bs: bool = False, **kwargs: KwargsT) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Uses lsmas for previewing and bestsource otherwise.
    Still supports dgi files directly if dgdecodenv is installed to not break existing scripts.

    :param filepath:        Path to video or dgi file
    :param force_lsmas:     Force the use of lsmas.LWLibavSource
    :param force_bs:        Force the use of bs.VideoSource. This takes priority over the force_lsmas param.
    :param kwargs:          Other arguments you may or may not wanna pass to the indexer.
    :return:                Video Node
    filePath = ensure_path_exists(filePath, src)
    dgiFile = filePath.with_suffix(".dgi")
    if filePath.suffix.lower() == ".dgi" or dgiFile.exists():
        if not hasattr(core, "dgdecodenv"):
            raise error("Trying to use a dgi file without dgdecodenv installed.", src)
        return core.lazy.dgdecodenv.DGSource(str(filePath.resolve()) if not dgiFile.exists() else str(dgiFile.resolve()), **kwargs)

    has_bestsource, has_lsmas = hasattr(core, "bs"), hasattr(core, "lsmas")
    if not has_bestsource and not has_lsmas:
        raise error("Neither bestsource nor lsmas are installed.", src)
    if force_lsmas and not has_lsmas and not force_bs:
        raise error("You cannot force lsmas indexing without lsmas installed!", src)
    if force_bs and not has_bestsource:
        raise error("You cannot force bestsource indexing without bestsource installed!", src)

    is_previewing = False
        from vspreview import is_preview

        is_previewing = is_preview()

    if (is_previewing or force_lsmas) and not force_bs and has_lsmas:
        info(f"Indexing '{}' using lsmas LWLibavSource", src)
        return core.lazy.lsmas.LWLibavSource(str(filePath.resolve()), **kwargs)
        info(f"Indexing '{}' using bestsource.", src)
        show_progress = kwargs.pop("showprogress", True)
        return, showprogress=show_progress, **kwargs)


Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
class src_file:
    file: Path | list[Path]
    force_lsmas: bool = False
    force_bs: bool = False
    trim: Trim = None
    idx: Callable[[str], vs.VideoNode] | None = None
    idx_args = {}

    def __init__(
        file: PathLike | GlobSearch | Sequence[PathLike],
        force_lsmas: bool = False,
        trim: Trim = None,
        idx: Callable[[str], vs.VideoNode] | None = None,
        force_bs: bool = False,
        Custom `FileInfo` kind of thing for convenience

        :param file:            Either a string based filepath or a Path object
        :param force_lsmas:     Forces the use of lsmas inside of the default indexer function.
        :param trim:            Can be a single trim or a sequence of trims.
        :param idx:             Indexer for the input file. Pass a function that takes a string in and returns a vs.VideoNode.
        :param force_bs:        Forces the use of bestsource inside of the default indexer function.
        if isinstance(file, Sequence) and not isinstance(file, str) and len(file) == 1:
            file = file[0]

        self.file = (
            [ensure_path_exists(f, self) for f in file]
            if isinstance(file, Sequence) and not isinstance(file, str)
            else ensure_path_exists(file, self)
        self.force_lsmas = force_lsmas
        self.force_bs = force_bs
        self.trim = trim
        self.idx = idx
        self.idx_args = kwargs

    def __call_indexer(self, fileIn: Path):
        if self.idx:
            return self.idx(str(fileIn.resolve()))
            return src(fileIn, self.force_lsmas, self.force_bs, **self.idx_args)

    def __index_clip(self):
        if isinstance(self.file, list):
            indexed = core.std.Splice([self.__call_indexer(f) for f in self.file])
            indexed = self.__call_indexer(self.file)
        cut = indexed
        if self.trim:
            self.trim = list(self.trim)
            if self.trim[0] is None:
                self.trim[0] = 0
            if self.trim[1] is None or self.trim[1] == 0:
                if self.trim[0] < 0:
                    cut = (indexed[0] * abs(self.trim[0])) + indexed
                    cut = indexed[self.trim[0] :]
                if self.trim[0] < 0:
                    cut = (indexed[0] * abs(self.trim[0])) + indexed[: self.trim[1]]
                    cut = indexed[self.trim[0] : self.trim[1]]
            self.trim = tuple(self.trim)

        if not isinstance(self.file, list) and self.file.suffix.lower() == ".dgi":
            if self.file.with_suffix(".m2ts").exists():
                self.file = self.file.with_suffix(".m2ts")
                self.file = parse_m2ts_path(self.file)

        setattr(self, "clip", indexed)
        setattr(self, "clip_cut", cut)

    def src(self) -> vs.VideoNode:
        if not hasattr(self, "clip"):
        return self.clip

    def src_cut(self) -> vs.VideoNode:
        if not hasattr(self, "clip_cut"):
        return self.clip_cut

    def init(self, *args, **kwargs) -> vs.VideoNode:
        Getter that calls `vstools.initialize_clip` on the src clip for convenience

        :param kwargs:      Any other args passed to initialize_clip
        return initialize_clip(self.src, *args, **kwargs)

    def init_cut(self, *args, **kwargs) -> vs.VideoNode:
        Getter that calls `vstools.initialize_clip` on the src_cut clip for convenience

        :param kwargs:      Any other args passed to initialize_clip
        return initialize_clip(self.src_cut, *args, **kwargs)

    def get_audio(self, track: int = 0, **kwargs) -> vs.AudioNode:
        Indexes the specified audio track from the input file(s).
        file = self.file if isinstance(self.file, list) else [self.file]

        nodes = list[vs.AudioNode]()
        for f in file:
            absolute = get_absolute_track(f, track, TrackType.AUDIO)
            nodes.append(, absolute, **kwargs))

        return nodes[0] if len(nodes) == 1 else core.std.AudioSplice(nodes)

    def get_audio_trimmed(self, track: int = 0, **kwargs) -> vs.AudioNode:
        Gets the indexed audio track with the trim specified in the src_file.
        node = self.get_audio(track, **kwargs)
        if self.trim:
            if self.trim[1] is None or self.trim[1] == 0:
                node = node[f2s(self.trim[0], node, self.src) :]
                node = node[f2s(self.trim[0], node, self.src) : f2s(self.trim[1], node, self.src)]
        return node

    def BDMV(
        root_dir: PathLike,
        playlist: int = 0,
        entries: int | list[int] | Trim | None = None,
        angle: int = 0,
        trim: Trim | None = None,
        force_lsmas: bool = False,
        force_bs: bool = False,
        idx: Callable[[str], vs.VideoNode] | None = None,
        **kwargs: KwargsT,
    ) -> "src_file":
        root_dir = ensure_path_exists(root_dir, "BDMV", True)
        mpls = core.mpls.Read(str(root_dir), playlist, angle)
        clips: list[str] = mpls["clip"]
        if entries is not None:
            if isinstance(entries, int):
                clips = clips[entries]
            elif isinstance(entries, list):
                entries = sanitize_trims(entries)
                if entries[0] is None and entries[1]:
                    clips = clips[: entries[1]]
                elif entries[1] is None:
                    clips = clips[entries[0] :]
                    clips = clips[entries[0] : entries[1]]
        return src_file(clips, force_lsmas, trim, idx, force_bs, **kwargs)

__init__(file, force_lsmas=False, trim=None, idx=None, force_bs=False, **kwargs)

Custom FileInfo kind of thing for convenience


Name Type Description Default
file PathLike | GlobSearch | Sequence[PathLike]

Either a string based filepath or a Path object

force_lsmas bool

Forces the use of lsmas inside of the default indexer function.

trim Trim

Can be a single trim or a sequence of trims.

idx Callable[[str], VideoNode] | None

Indexer for the input file. Pass a function that takes a string in and returns a vs.VideoNode.

force_bs bool

Forces the use of bestsource inside of the default indexer function.

Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
def __init__(
    file: PathLike | GlobSearch | Sequence[PathLike],
    force_lsmas: bool = False,
    trim: Trim = None,
    idx: Callable[[str], vs.VideoNode] | None = None,
    force_bs: bool = False,
    Custom `FileInfo` kind of thing for convenience

    :param file:            Either a string based filepath or a Path object
    :param force_lsmas:     Forces the use of lsmas inside of the default indexer function.
    :param trim:            Can be a single trim or a sequence of trims.
    :param idx:             Indexer for the input file. Pass a function that takes a string in and returns a vs.VideoNode.
    :param force_bs:        Forces the use of bestsource inside of the default indexer function.
    if isinstance(file, Sequence) and not isinstance(file, str) and len(file) == 1:
        file = file[0]

    self.file = (
        [ensure_path_exists(f, self) for f in file]
        if isinstance(file, Sequence) and not isinstance(file, str)
        else ensure_path_exists(file, self)
    self.force_lsmas = force_lsmas
    self.force_bs = force_bs
    self.trim = trim
    self.idx = idx
    self.idx_args = kwargs

get_audio(track=0, **kwargs)

Indexes the specified audio track from the input file(s).

Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
def get_audio(self, track: int = 0, **kwargs) -> vs.AudioNode:
    Indexes the specified audio track from the input file(s).
    file = self.file if isinstance(self.file, list) else [self.file]

    nodes = list[vs.AudioNode]()
    for f in file:
        absolute = get_absolute_track(f, track, TrackType.AUDIO)
        nodes.append(, absolute, **kwargs))

    return nodes[0] if len(nodes) == 1 else core.std.AudioSplice(nodes)

get_audio_trimmed(track=0, **kwargs)

Gets the indexed audio track with the trim specified in the src_file.

Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
def get_audio_trimmed(self, track: int = 0, **kwargs) -> vs.AudioNode:
    Gets the indexed audio track with the trim specified in the src_file.
    node = self.get_audio(track, **kwargs)
    if self.trim:
        if self.trim[1] is None or self.trim[1] == 0:
            node = node[f2s(self.trim[0], node, self.src) :]
            node = node[f2s(self.trim[0], node, self.src) : f2s(self.trim[1], node, self.src)]
    return node

init(*args, **kwargs)

Getter that calls vstools.initialize_clip on the src clip for convenience


Name Type Description Default

Any other args passed to initialize_clip

Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
def init(self, *args, **kwargs) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Getter that calls `vstools.initialize_clip` on the src clip for convenience

    :param kwargs:      Any other args passed to initialize_clip
    return initialize_clip(self.src, *args, **kwargs)

init_cut(*args, **kwargs)

Getter that calls vstools.initialize_clip on the src_cut clip for convenience


Name Type Description Default

Any other args passed to initialize_clip

Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
def init_cut(self, *args, **kwargs) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Getter that calls `vstools.initialize_clip` on the src_cut clip for convenience

    :param kwargs:      Any other args passed to initialize_clip
    return initialize_clip(self.src_cut, *args, **kwargs)

SRC_FILE (alias)

FileInfo (alias)

Converts a frame number to a sample number


Name Type Description Default
frame int

The frame number

sample_rate AudioNode | int

Can be a flat number like 48000 (=48 kHz) or an AudioNode to get the sample rate from

fps VideoNode | Fraction

Can be a Fraction or a VideoNode to get the fps from

Fraction(24000, 1001)


Type Description

The sample number

Source code in vsmuxtools/utils/
def frames_to_samples(frame: int, sample_rate: vs.AudioNode | int = 48000, fps: vs.VideoNode | Fraction = Fraction(24000, 1001)) -> int:
    Converts a frame number to a sample number

    :param frame:           The frame number
    :param sample_rate:     Can be a flat number like 48000 (=48 kHz) or an AudioNode to get the sample rate from
    :param fps:             Can be a Fraction or a VideoNode to get the fps from

    :return:                The sample number
    if frame == 0:
        return 0
    sample_rate = sample_rate.sample_rate if isinstance(sample_rate, vs.AudioNode) else sample_rate
    fps = Fraction(fps.fps_num, fps.fps_den) if isinstance(fps, vs.VideoNode) else fps
    return int(sample_rate * (fps.denominator / fps.numerator) * frame)