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x264 dataclass

Bases: SupportsQP

Encodes your clip to an avc/h264 file using x264.


Name Type Description Default
settings str | PathLike | None

This will by default try to look for an x264_settings file in your cwd. If it doesn't find one it will warn you and resort to the default settings_builder preset. You can either pass settings as usual or a filepath here. If the filepath doesn't exist it will assume you passed actual settings and pass those to the encoder.

zones Zone | list[Zone] | None

With this you can tweak settings of specific regions of the video. In x264 this includes but is not limited to CRF. For example (100, 300, "crf", 12) or [(100, 300, "crf", 12), (500, 750, 1.3)] If the third part is not a string it will assume a bitrate multiplier (or "b")

qp_file PathLike | bool | None

Here you can pass a bool to en/disable or an existing filepath for one.

qp_clip src_file | VideoNode | None

Can either be a straight up VideoNode or a SRC_FILE/FileInfo from this package. If neither a clip or a file are given it will simply skip. If only a clip is given it will generate one.

add_props bool | None

This will explicitly add all props taken from the clip to the command line. This will be disabled by default if you are using a file and otherwise enabled. Files can have their own tokens like in vs-encode/vardautomation that will be filled in.

sar str | None

Here you can pass your Pixel / Sample Aspect Ratio. This will overwrite whatever is in the clip if passed.


Enable or disable resumable encodes. Very useful for people that have scripts that crash their PC (skill issue tbh)

Source code in vsmuxtools/video/encoders/
class x264(SupportsQP):
    Encodes your clip to an avc/h264 file using x264.

    :param settings:            This will by default try to look for an `x264_settings` file in your cwd.
                                If it doesn't find one it will warn you and resort to the default settings_builder preset.
                                You can either pass settings as usual or a filepath here.
                                If the filepath doesn't exist it will assume you passed actual settings and pass those to the encoder.

    :param zones:               With this you can tweak settings of specific regions of the video.
                                In x264 this includes but is not limited to CRF.
                                For example (100, 300, "crf", 12) or [(100, 300, "crf", 12), (500, 750, 1.3)]
                                If the third part is not a string it will assume a bitrate multiplier (or "b")

    :param qp_file:             Here you can pass a bool to en/disable or an existing filepath for one.
    :param qp_clip:             Can either be a straight up VideoNode or a SRC_FILE/FileInfo from this package.
                                If neither a clip or a file are given it will simply skip.
                                If only a clip is given it will generate one.

    :param add_props:           This will explicitly add all props taken from the clip to the command line.
                                This will be disabled by default if you are using a file and otherwise enabled.
                                Files can have their own tokens like in vs-encode/vardautomation that will be filled in.

    :param sar:                 Here you can pass your Pixel / Sample Aspect Ratio. This will overwrite whatever is in the clip if passed.
    :param resumable:           Enable or disable resumable encodes. Very useful for people that have scripts that crash their PC (skill issue tbh)

    resumable: bool = True
    x265 = False

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.executable = get_executable("x264")

    def _encode_clip(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, out: Path, qpfile: str, start_frame: int = 0) -> Path:
        args = [self.executable, "-o", str(out.resolve())]
        if qpfile:
            args.extend(["--qpfile", qpfile])
        if self.settings:
            args.extend(self.settings if isinstance(self.settings, list) else shlex.split(self.settings))
        if self.zones:
            self.zones = norm_zones(clip, self.zones)
            if start_frame:
                self.zones = shift_zones(self.zones, start_frame)
            args.extend(zones_to_args(self.zones, False))
        args.extend(self.get_custom_args() + ["--demuxer", "y4m", "-"])

        process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
        clip.output(process.stdin, y4m=True)
        return out

x265 dataclass

Bases: SupportsQP

Encodes your clip to an hevc/h265 file using x265.


Name Type Description Default
settings str | PathLike | None

This will by default try to look for an x265_settings file in your cwd. If it doesn't find one it will warn you and resort to the default settings_builder preset. You can either pass settings as usual or a filepath here. If the filepath doesn't exist it will assume you passed actual settings and pass those to the encoder.

zones Zone | list[Zone] | None

With this you can tweak settings of specific regions of the video. In x265 you're basically limited to a flat bitrate multiplier or force QP ("q") For example (100, 300, "b", 1.2) or [(100, 300, "q", 12), (500, 750, 1.3)] If the third part is not a string it will assume a bitrate multiplier (or "b")

qp_file PathLike | bool | None

Here you can pass a bool to en/disable or an existing filepath for one.

qp_clip src_file | VideoNode | None

Can either be a straight up VideoNode or a SRC_FILE/FileInfo from this package. If neither a clip or a file are given it will simply skip. If only a clip is given it will generate one.

add_props bool | None

This will explicitly add all props taken from the clip to the command line. This will be disabled by default if you are using a file and otherwise enabled. Files can have their own tokens like in vs-encode/vardautomation that will be filled in.

sar str | None

Here you can pass your Pixel / Sample Aspect Ratio. This will overwrite whatever is in the clip if passed.


Enable or disable resumable encodes. Very useful for people that have scripts that crash their PC (skill issue tbh)


Either a bool to enable or disable csv logging or a Filepath for said csv.

Source code in vsmuxtools/video/encoders/
class x265(SupportsQP):
    Encodes your clip to an hevc/h265 file using x265.

    :param settings:            This will by default try to look for an `x265_settings` file in your cwd.
                                If it doesn't find one it will warn you and resort to the default settings_builder preset.
                                You can either pass settings as usual or a filepath here.
                                If the filepath doesn't exist it will assume you passed actual settings and pass those to the encoder.

    :param zones:               With this you can tweak settings of specific regions of the video.
                                In x265 you're basically limited to a flat bitrate multiplier or force QP ("q")
                                For example (100, 300, "b", 1.2) or [(100, 300, "q", 12), (500, 750, 1.3)]
                                If the third part is not a string it will assume a bitrate multiplier (or "b")

    :param qp_file:             Here you can pass a bool to en/disable or an existing filepath for one.
    :param qp_clip:             Can either be a straight up VideoNode or a SRC_FILE/FileInfo from this package.
                                If neither a clip or a file are given it will simply skip.
                                If only a clip is given it will generate one.

    :param add_props:           This will explicitly add all props taken from the clip to the command line.
                                This will be disabled by default if you are using a file and otherwise enabled.
                                Files can have their own tokens like in vs-encode/vardautomation that will be filled in.

    :param sar:                 Here you can pass your Pixel / Sample Aspect Ratio. This will overwrite whatever is in the clip if passed.
    :param resumable:           Enable or disable resumable encodes. Very useful for people that have scripts that crash their PC (skill issue tbh)
    :param csv:                 Either a bool to enable or disable csv logging or a Filepath for said csv.

    resumable: bool = True
    csv: bool | PathLike = True
    x265 = True

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.executable = get_executable("x265")

    def _encode_clip(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, out: Path, qpfile: str, start_frame: int = 0) -> Path:
        args = [self.executable, "-o", str(out.resolve())]
        if self.csv:
            if isinstance(self.csv, bool):
                show_name = get_setup_attr("show_name", "")
                csv_file = Path(show_name + f"{'_' if show_name else ''}log_x265.csv").resolve()
                csv_file = ensure_path(self.csv, self)
            args.extend(["--csv", str(csv_file)])
        if qpfile:
            args.extend(["--qpfile", qpfile])
        if self.settings:
            args.extend(self.settings if isinstance(self.settings, list) else shlex.split(self.settings))
        if self.zones:
            self.zones = norm_zones(clip, self.zones)
            if start_frame:
                self.zones = shift_zones(self.zones, start_frame)
            args.extend(zones_to_args(self.zones, True))
        args.extend(self.get_custom_args() + ["--y4m", "--input", "-"])

        process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
        clip.output(process.stdin, y4m=True)
        return out

LosslessX264 dataclass

Bases: VideoEncoder

Uses x264 to encode clip to a lossless avc stream.


Name Type Description Default

Can either be a string of some x264 preset or any of the 3 predefined presets.


Any other settings you might want to pass. Entirely optional.


This will explicitly add all props taken from the clip to the command line.

Source code in vsmuxtools/video/encoders/
class LosslessX264(VideoEncoder):
    Uses x264 to encode clip to a lossless avc stream.

    :param preset:          Can either be a string of some x264 preset or any of the 3 predefined presets.
    :param settings:        Any other settings you might want to pass. Entirely optional.
    :param add_props:       This will explicitly add all props taken from the clip to the command line.

    preset: str | LosslessPreset = LosslessPreset.MIDDLEGROUND
    settings: str | None = None
    add_props: bool = True

    def encode(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, outfile: PathLike | None = None) -> VideoFile:
        out = make_output("lossless", "264", user_passed=outfile)
        match self.preset:
            case LosslessPreset.SPEED:
                preset = "ultrafast"
            case LosslessPreset.COMPRESSION:
                preset = "veryslow"
            case LosslessPreset.MIDDLEGROUND:
                preset = "medium"
            case _:
                preset = self.preset
        settings = ["--preset", preset, "--qp", "0"] + self.get_custom_args()
        if clip.format.bits_per_sample > 10:
            warn("This encoder does not support a bit depth over 10.\nClip will be dithered to 10 bit.", self, 2)
            clip = finalize_clip(clip, 10)

        if self.settings:
        avc = x264(settings, add_props=self.add_props, resumable=False)
        avc._update_settings(clip, False)
        avc._encode_clip(clip, out, None, 0)
        return VideoFile(out)

SVTAV1 dataclass

Bases: VideoEncoder

Uses SVtAv1EncApp to encode clip to a av1 stream.

Do not use this for high fidelity encoding.

For better explanations of params, check the --help of the encoder or the gitlab wiki page.


Name Type Description Default

Encoder preset. Lower = slower & better The range is -1 to 13 for the regular SVTAV1 and -3 to 13 for SVTAV1-PSY


Constant rate factor, lower = better


The tuning metric. None = 2 for SVTAV1 and 3 for SVTAV1-PSY


Can either be a straight up VideoNode or a SRC_FILE/FileInfo from this package. It is highly recommended to do this so you can force keyframes.

Source code in vsmuxtools/video/encoders/
class SVTAV1(VideoEncoder):
    Uses SVtAv1EncApp to encode clip to a av1 stream.\n
    Do not use this for high fidelity encoding.\n
    For better explanations of params, check the `--help` of the encoder or the gitlab wiki page.

    :param preset:          Encoder preset. Lower = slower & better
                            The range is -1 to 13 for the regular SVTAV1 and -3 to 13 for SVTAV1-PSY
    :param crf:             Constant rate factor, lower = better
    :param tune:            The tuning metric. None = 2 for SVTAV1 and 3 for SVTAV1-PSY

    :param qp_clip:         Can either be a straight up VideoNode or a SRC_FILE/FileInfo from this package.
                            It is highly recommended to do this so you can force keyframes.

    preset: int = 4
    crf: int | float = 15
    tune: int | None = None
    qp_clip: vs.VideoNode | src_file | None = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.executable = get_executable("svtav1encapp")
        if self.get_process_affinity() is False:
            self.affinity = []
        if not self.qp_clip:
            warn("It is highly recommended to force keyframes with this encoder!\nPlease pass a qp_clip param.", self, 2)

    def _make_keyframes_config(self, clip: vs.VideoNode) -> Path | bool:
        out = get_workdir() / "svt_keyframes.cfg"
        if out.exists():
            info("Reusing existing keyframes config.", self)
            return out
        info("Generating keyframes config file...", self)

        keyframes = generate_keyframes(clip)
        if not keyframes:
            return False
        keyframes_str = f"ForceKeyFrames : {'f,'.join([str(i) for i in keyframes])}f"
        with open(out, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

        info("Done", self)
        return out

    def encode(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, outfile: PathLike | None = None) -> VideoFile:
        from import props_dict, SVT_AV1_RANGES

        clip_props = props_dict(clip, False, SVT_AV1_RANGES)
        output = make_output("svtav1", ext="ivf", user_passed=outfile)
        encoder = get_binary_version(self.executable, r"(SVT-AV1.+?v\d+.\d+.\d[^ ]+)", ["--version"])
        tags = dict[str, str](ENCODER=encoder)
        args = [self.executable, "-i", "-", "--output", str(output), "--preset", str(self.preset)]
        if self.qp_clip:
            qp_clip = self.qp_clip if isinstance(self.qp_clip, vs.VideoNode) else self.qp_clip.src_cut
            keyframes_config = self._make_keyframes_config(qp_clip)
            if keyframes_config:
                args.extend(["--keyint", "-1", "-c", str(keyframes_config)])
                warn("No keyframes found.", self)

        if self.crf:
            args.extend(["--crf", str(self.crf)])

        if self.tune is None:
            self.tune = 3 if "psy" in encoder.lower() else 2

        args.extend(["--tune", str(self.tune)])

        # fmt:off
        args.extend(self.get_custom_args() + [
            "--fps-num", clip_props.get("fps_num"),
            "--fps-denom", clip_props.get("fps_den"),
            "--input-depth", clip_props.get("depth"),
            "--chroma-sample-position", clip_props.get("chromaloc"),
            "--color-primaries", clip_props.get("primaries"),
            "--transfer-characteristics", clip_props.get("transfer"),
            "--matrix-coefficients", clip_props.get("colormatrix"),
            "--color-range", clip_props.get("range")
        # fmt: on

        process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
        clip.output(process.stdin, y4m=True)
        return VideoFile(output, tags=tags)