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cope_aa(clip, multiplier=None, antialiaser=Eedi3(0.125, 0.25, gamma=65, vthresh0=40, vthresh1=60, field=1, sclip_aa=None), scaler=Lanczos, mode=CopeMode.Inverse, mask=True, no_aa_ranges=[], hybrid_cl=False, **kwargs)

Cope and lazy function to AA a doubled clip. Usually while rescaling. This is probably overall an awful idea.


Name Type Description Default
multiplier float | None

Basically rfactor. If you're doubling a 720p clip you'll only have a 1440p clip to AA. EEDI3 will fuck it. Defaults to 1.2 if the input clip is smaller than 1700p. 1 otherwise.

antialiaser Antialiaser

Antialiaser used for actually doing the stuff. Defaults to EEDI3 with some somewhat conservative settings kindof.

Eedi3(0.125, 0.25, gamma=65, vthresh0=40, vthresh1=60, field=1, sclip_aa=None)
scaler KernelT | ScalerT | Sequence[Union[KernelT, ScalerT]]

Scaler(s) or rather kernel(s) in this case. Used to up- and downscale for the rfactor. If you specify a third one it will get used to scale the mask. (Otherwise Bilinear)

mode CopeMode | int

Method to return back to input res. Available are UpDown (simple downscale), Descale and Inverse (fmtc).

mask bool | VideoNode

Mask for eedi3 possibly save some calculations. Can be a custom one, True for a Kirsch or False to disable.

no_aa_ranges FrameRangesN

Ranges you might not wanna AA for one reason or another.

hybrid_cl bool

Use eedi3cl on one of the two interpolate calls. Not sure if this is useful or not. Just wrote it to test.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def cope_aa(
    clip: vs.VideoNode,
    multiplier: float | None = None,
    antialiaser: Antialiaser = Eedi3(0.125, 0.25, gamma=65, vthresh0=40, vthresh1=60, field=1, sclip_aa=None),
    scaler: KernelT | ScalerT | Sequence[Union[KernelT, ScalerT]] = Lanczos,
    mode: CopeMode | int = CopeMode.Inverse,
    mask: bool | vs.VideoNode = True,
    no_aa_ranges: FrameRangesN = [],
    hybrid_cl: bool = False,
    **kwargs: KwargsT,
) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Cope and lazy function to AA a doubled clip. Usually while rescaling.
    This is probably overall an awful idea.

    :param multiplier:              Basically rfactor. If you're doubling a 720p clip you'll only have a 1440p clip to AA. EEDI3 will fuck it.
                                    Defaults to 1.2 if the input clip is smaller than 1700p. 1 otherwise.
    :param antialiaser:             Antialiaser used for actually doing the stuff. Defaults to EEDI3 with some somewhat conservative settings kindof.
    :param scaler:                  Scaler(s) or rather kernel(s) in this case. Used to up- and downscale for the rfactor.
                                    If you specify a third one it will get used to scale the mask. (Otherwise Bilinear)
    :param mode:                    Method to return back to input res. Available are UpDown (simple downscale), Descale and Inverse (fmtc).
    :param mask:                    Mask for eedi3 possibly save some calculations. Can be a custom one, True for a Kirsch or False to disable.
    :param no_aa_ranges:            Ranges you might not wanna AA for one reason or another.
    :param hybrid_cl:               Use eedi3cl on one of the two interpolate calls.
                                    Not sure if this is useful or not. Just wrote it to test.

    def fmtc_args(kernel: Kernel) -> KwargsT:
        if isinstance(kernel, Bicubic):
            return KwargsT(kernel="bicubic", a1=kernel.b, a2=kernel.c)
            return KwargsT(kernel=kernel.__class__.__name__.lower(), taps=kernel.taps if isinstance(kernel, Lanczos) else None)

    if not isinstance(scaler, Sequence):
        scaler = [scaler, scaler]
    scalers = [Kernel.ensure_obj(s) if mode != CopeMode.UpDown else Scaler.ensure_obj(s) for s in scaler]

    if mask is True:
        from vsmasktools import KirschTCanny

        mask = KirschTCanny.edgemask(clip, lthr=60 / 255, hthr=150 / 255, planes=0)

    if not multiplier:
        multiplier = 1.2 if clip.height < 1700 else 1.0
    height = mod2(clip.height * multiplier)
    width = get_w(height, mod=None)
    if mask:
        mask = mask.resize.Bilinear(width, height) if len(scalers) < 3 else scalers[2].scale(mask, width, height)
        mask = mask.std.Binarize(scale_value(mask, 16))
    wclip = scalers[0].scale(clip, width, height)
    aa = wclip.std.Transpose()
    aa = antialiaser.interpolate(aa, False, sclip=aa, mclip=mask.std.Transpose() if mask else None, **kwargs).std.Transpose()
    if hybrid_cl and isinstance(antialiaser, Eedi3):
        from copy import deepcopy

        other_antialiaser = deepcopy(antialiaser)
        other_antialiaser.opencl = True
        aa = other_antialiaser.interpolate(aa, False, sclip=aa, **kwargs)
        aa = antialiaser.interpolate(aa, False, sclip=aa, mclip=mask if mask else None, **kwargs)
    aa = wclip.std.MaskedMerge(aa, mask)
    match mode:
        case CopeMode.Descale:
            aa = scalers[1].descale(aa, clip.width, clip.height)
        case CopeMode.Inverse:
            aa = aa.fmtc.resample(clip.width, clip.height, invks=True, **fmtc_args(scalers[1]))
        case _:
            aa = scalers[1].scale(aa, clip.width, clip.height)
    if not no_aa_ranges:
        return aa
            from jvsfunc import rfs

            return rfs(aa, clip, no_aa_ranges)
            from vstools import replace_ranges as rfs

            return rfs(aa, clip, no_aa_ranges)

pre_aa(clip, radius=1, strength=100, opencl=True, **nnedi3_args)

A prefilter to use in conjunction with an AA function. The idea is to fix the luminance uniformity on lineart and make AAing more effective.


Name Type Description Default
radius int

Radius used for the unsharp function

strength float

Strength used for the unsharp function

opencl bool

Use nnedi3cl instead of znedi3


Additional args passed to the respective nnedi function



Type Description

Processed clip

Source code in vodesfunc/
def pre_aa(clip: vs.VideoNode, radius: int = 1, strength: float = 100, opencl: bool = True, **nnedi3_args) -> vs.VideoNode:
    A prefilter to use in conjunction with an AA function.
    The idea is to fix the luminance uniformity on lineart and make AAing more effective.

    :param radius:      Radius used for the unsharp function
    :param strength:    Strength used for the unsharp function
    :param opencl:      Use nnedi3cl instead of znedi3
    :param nnedi3_args: Additional args passed to the respective nnedi function

    :return:            Processed clip
    args = {"qual": 2, "nsize": 0, "nns": 4, "pscrn": 1}
    clip_y = plane(clip, 0)

    if opencl:
        (left, right, top, bottom) = mod_padding(clip_y, 2, 2)
        width = clip.width + left + right
        height = clip.height + top + bottom
        clip_y = clip_y.resize.Point(width, height, src_left=-left, src_top=-top, src_width=width, src_height=height)

    for i in range(2):
        bob = clip_y.nnedi3cl.NNEDI3CL(field=3, **nnedi3_args) if opencl else clip_y.znedi3.nnedi3(field=3, **nnedi3_args)
        sharp = unsharp_masked(clip_y, radius, strength)
        limit = core.std.Expr([sharp, clip_y, bob[::2], bob[1::2]], "x y z a max max min y z a min min max")
        clip_y = limit.std.Transpose()

    if opencl:
        clip_y = clip_y.std.Crop(left, right, top, bottom)
        clip_y = clip_y.std.CopyFrameProps(clip)

    return clip_y if clip.format.color_family == vs.GRAY else join(clip_y, clip)


Bases: IntEnum

Source code in vodesfunc/
class CopeMode(IntEnum):
    UpDown = 1
    Descale = 2
    Inverse = 3

Descale = 2 class-attribute instance-attribute

Inverse = 3 class-attribute instance-attribute

UpDown = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute