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VMDegrain(src, thSAD=60, prefilter=2, smooth=True, block_size=32, overlap=16, **kwargs)

Just some convenience function for mvtools with a useable preset and temporal smoothing. Check the MVTools Docs for the params that aren't listed below.


Name Type Description Default
src VideoNode

Input to denoise

smooth bool

Run TTempsmooth on the denoised clip if True



Type Description

Denoised clip

Source code in vodesfunc/
def VMDegrain(
    src: vs.VideoNode,
    thSAD: int = 60,
    prefilter: vs.VideoNode | int = 2,
    smooth: bool = True,
    block_size: int = 32,
    overlap: int = 16,
    **kwargs: KwargsT,
) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Just some convenience function for mvtools with a useable preset and temporal smoothing.
    Check the MVTools Docs for the params that aren't listed below.

    :param src:             Input to denoise
    :param smooth:          Run TTempsmooth on the denoised clip if True
    :return:                Denoised clip
    from vsdenoise import MVTools, SADMode, SearchMode, MotionMode, PelType, Prefilter

    if isinstance(prefilter, int):
        prefilter = Prefilter(prefilter)
    y = depth(get_y(src), 16)
    d_args = KwargsT(

    out = MVTools.denoise(y, **d_args)
    if smooth:
        out = out.ttmpsm.TTempSmooth(maxr=1, thresh=1, mdiff=0, strength=1)

    out = depth(out, get_depth(src))
    return out if src.format.color_family == vs.GRAY else join(out, src)  # type: ignore

schizo_denoise(src, sigma=[0.8, 0.3], thSAD=60, radius=2, nlm_a=2, prefilter=2, cuda=True, csharp=False, **kwargs)

Convenience function for (k)nlm on chroma and mvtools + bm3d(cuda) on luma. Mostly for personal scripts so please don't complain too much unless it's an actual issue.


Name Type Description Default
src VideoNode

Input to denoise

sigma float | list[float]

Essentially strength for NLMeans and BM3D. Float or list of floats in this order [bm3d, nlm_uv] or [bm3d, nlm_u, nlm_v]

[0.8, 0.3]
thSAD int

Not exactly strength but something like that, for mvtools.

radius int | list[int]

Temporal Radius used for NLMeans and BM3D. Int or list of ints in this order [bm3d, nlm]

prefilter VideoNode | int

vsdenoise Prefilter or prefiltered clip to use for mvtools. Defaults to MINBLUR3

cuda bool | list[bool]

Uses NlmCuda and BM3DCuda respectively if available. The latter prefers RTC if available. Will fallback to BM3DHip if installed and no cuda available.

csharp int | bool

Apply contrasharpening after denoising. True defaults to 3 while False obviously disables it.


Any parameters you might wanna pass to bm3d or mvtools.



Type Description

Denoised clip

Source code in vodesfunc/
def schizo_denoise(
    src: vs.VideoNode,
    sigma: float | list[float] = [0.8, 0.3],
    thSAD: int = 60,
    radius: int | list[int] = 2,
    nlm_a: int = 2,
    prefilter: vs.VideoNode | int = 2,
    cuda: bool | list[bool] = True,
    csharp: int | bool = False,
) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Convenience function for (k)nlm on chroma and mvtools + bm3d(cuda) on luma.
    Mostly for personal scripts so please don't complain too much unless it's an actual issue.

    :param src:         Input to denoise
    :param sigma:       Essentially strength for NLMeans and BM3D.
                        Float or list of floats in this order [bm3d, nlm_uv] or [bm3d, nlm_u, nlm_v]
    :param thSAD:       Not exactly strength but something like that, for mvtools.
    :param radius:      Temporal Radius used for NLMeans and BM3D.
                        Int or list of ints in this order [bm3d, nlm]
    :param prefilter:   vsdenoise Prefilter or prefiltered clip to use for mvtools.
                        Defaults to MINBLUR3
    :param cuda:        Uses NlmCuda and BM3DCuda respectively if available. The latter prefers RTC if available.
                        Will fallback to BM3DHip if installed and no cuda available.
    :param csharp:      Apply contrasharpening after denoising. True defaults to 3 while False obviously disables it.
    :param kwargs:      Any parameters you might wanna pass to bm3d or mvtools.

    :return:            Denoised clip
    if src.format.color_family != vs.YUV:  # type: ignore
        raise ValueError("schizo_denoise: This function expects a full YUV clip.")

    if not isinstance(radius, list):
        radius = [radius, radius]

    if not isinstance(sigma, list):
        sigma = [sigma, sigma]

    if not isinstance(cuda, list):
        cuda = [cuda, cuda]

    if isinstance(prefilter, int):
        from vsdenoise import Prefilter

        prefilter = Prefilter(prefilter)

    clip = depth(src, 16)

    nlmfunc = core.knlm.KNLMeansCL if not hasattr(core, "nlm_cuda") or not cuda[0] else core.nlm_cuda.NLMeans

    if len(sigma) == 3:
        clip_u = nlmfunc(clip, a=nlm_a, d=radius[1], h=sigma[1], channels="U")
        clip_v = nlmfunc(clip, a=nlm_a, d=radius[1], h=sigma[2], channels="V")
        nlm = join(get_y(clip), get_u(clip_u), get_v(clip_v))  # type: ignore
        clip_uv = nlmfunc(clip, a=nlm_a, d=radius[1], h=sigma[1], channels="UV")
        nlm = join(clip, clip_uv)  # type: ignore

    # 'Extract' possible bm3d args before passing kwargs to mvtools :)
    bm3dargs = dict(
        block_step=kwargs.pop("block_step", 8),
        bm_range=kwargs.pop("bm_range", 9),
        ps_num=kwargs.pop("ps_num", 2),
        ps_range=kwargs.pop("ps_range", 4),
        fast=kwargs.pop("fast", True),

    y = get_y(clip)
    mv = VMDegrain(y, thSAD, prefilter, **kwargs)

    has_cuda = hasattr(core, "bm3dcuda") or hasattr(core, "bm3dcuda_rtc")
    has_hip = hasattr(core, "bm3dhip")

    if cuda[1] and (has_cuda or has_hip):
        if has_cuda:
            bm3dfunc = core.bm3dcuda if not hasattr(core, "bm3dcuda_rtc") else core.bm3dcuda_rtc
            bm3dfunc = core.bm3dhip
        bm3dfunc = core.bm3dcpu

    bm3d = bm3dfunc.BM3Dv2(depth(y, 32), depth(mv, 32), sigma[0], radius=radius[0], **bm3dargs)

    out = join(depth(bm3d, 16), nlm)  # type: ignore
    out = depth(out, get_depth(src))
    if csharp != False:
        out = contrasharpening(out, src, mode=3 if csharp == True else csharp)
    return out.std.CopyFrameProps(src)