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Bases: ABC

Source code in vodesfunc/
class Doubler(ABC):
    kwargs: dict[str, Any]
    """Arguments passed to the internal scale function"""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def double(self, clip: vs.VideoNode) -> vs.VideoNode:
        Returns doubled clip

kwargs: dict[str, Any] = kwargs instance-attribute

Arguments passed to the internal scale function

double(clip) abstractmethod

Returns doubled clip

Source code in vodesfunc/
def double(self, clip: vs.VideoNode) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Returns doubled clip

GenericOnnxScaler dataclass

Bases: GenericScaler

Generic scaler class for an onnx model.

Source code in vodesfunc/
class GenericOnnxScaler(GenericScaler):
    Generic scaler class for an onnx model.

    model: SPathLike | None = None
    """Path to the model."""
    backend: Any | None = None
    vs-mlrt backend. Will attempt to autoselect the most suitable one with fp16=True if None.\n
    In order of trt > cuda > nncn > cpu.
    tiles: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None
    """Splits up the frame into multiple tiles. Helps if you're lacking in vram but models may behave differently."""

    tilesize: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None
    overlap: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None

    _static_kernel_radius = 2

    def scale(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, width: int, height: int, shift: tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), **kwargs: KwargsT) -> vs.VideoNode:
        if self.backend is None:
            self.backend = autoselect_backend()

        clip_format = get_video_format(clip)
        if clip_format.subsampling_h != 0 or clip_format.subsampling_w != 0:
            raise ValueError("GenericOnnxScaler: This scaler requires non subsampled input!")

        wclip, og_depth = expect_bits(clip, 32)

        from vsmlrt import inference, calc_tilesize, init_backend

        if self.overlap is None:
            overlap_w = overlap_h = 8
            overlap_w, overlap_h = (self.overlap, self.overlap) if isinstance(self.overlap, int) else self.overlap

        (tile_w, tile_h), (overlap_w, overlap_h) = calc_tilesize(

        if tile_w % 1 != 0 or tile_h % 1 != 0:
            raise ValueError(f"GenericOnnxScaler: tile size must be divisible by 1 ({tile_w}, {tile_h})")

        backend = init_backend(backend=self.backend, trt_opt_shapes=(tile_w, tile_h))

        scaled = inference(
            wclip, network_path=str(SPath(self.model).resolve()), backend=backend, overlap=(overlap_w, overlap_h), tilesize=(tile_w, tile_h)
        scaled = self._finish_scale(scaled, wclip, width, height, shift)
        return depth(scaled, og_depth)

backend: Any | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

vs-mlrt backend. Will attempt to autoselect the most suitable one with fp16=True if None.

In order of trt > cuda > nncn > cpu.

model: SPathLike | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Path to the model.

tiles: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Splits up the frame into multiple tiles. Helps if you're lacking in vram but models may behave differently.


Bases: Lanczos

Convenience class to pass to a dehalo function. This serves the same purpose as NNEDI to double and reverse using point. Except it is a quite a bit faster and (if using opencl) takes a lot of load off the GPU.

Source code in vodesfunc/
class Lanczos_PreSS(Lanczos):
    Convenience class to pass to a dehalo function.
    This serves the same purpose as NNEDI to double and reverse using point.
    Except it is a quite a bit faster and (if using opencl) takes a lot of load off the GPU.

    def scale(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, width: int, height: int, shift: tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), **kwargs) -> vs.VideoNode:
        if width != clip.width * 2 or height != clip.height * 2:
            raise ValueError("Lanczos_PreSS: You're probably not using this correctly.")
        return Lanczos.scale(clip, width, height, (-0.25, -0.25))


Bases: Doubler

Source code in vodesfunc/
class NNEDI_Doubler(Doubler):
    ediargs: dict[str, Any]
    opencl: bool

    def __init__(self, opencl: bool = True, nns: int = 4, nsize: int = 4, qual: int = 2, pscrn: int = 1, **kwargs) -> None:
        Simple utility class for doubling a clip using znedi or nnedi3cl (also fixes the shift)

        :param opencl:          Will use nnedi3cl if True and znedi3 if False
        self.ediargs = {"qual": qual, "nsize": nsize, "nns": nns, "pscrn": pscrn}
        self.opencl = opencl

    def double(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, correct_shift: bool = True) -> vs.VideoNode:
        y = get_y(clip)
        # nnedi3cl needs padding, to avoid issues on edges (
        if self.opencl:
            (left, right, top, bottom) = mod_padding(y, 2, 2)
            width = clip.width + left + right
            height = clip.height + top + bottom
            pad = y.resize.Point(width, height, src_left=-left, src_top=-top, src_width=width, src_height=height).std.Transpose()
            doubled_y = pad.nnedi3cl.NNEDI3CL(dh=True, dw=True, field=0, **self.ediargs).std.Transpose()
            doubled_y = doubled_y.std.Crop(left * 2, right * 2, top * 2, bottom * 2)
            doubled_y = (
                depth(y, 16)
                .znedi3.nnedi3(dh=True, field=0, **self.ediargs)
                .znedi3.nnedi3(dh=True, field=0, **self.ediargs)
            doubled_y = depth(doubled_y, get_depth(clip))

        if correct_shift:
            doubled_y = doubled_y.resize.Bicubic(src_top=0.5, src_left=0.5)

        return doubled_y.std.CopyFrameProps(y)

__init__(opencl=True, nns=4, nsize=4, qual=2, pscrn=1, **kwargs)

Simple utility class for doubling a clip using znedi or nnedi3cl (also fixes the shift)


Name Type Description Default
opencl bool

Will use nnedi3cl if True and znedi3 if False

Source code in vodesfunc/
def __init__(self, opencl: bool = True, nns: int = 4, nsize: int = 4, qual: int = 2, pscrn: int = 1, **kwargs) -> None:
    Simple utility class for doubling a clip using znedi or nnedi3cl (also fixes the shift)

    :param opencl:          Will use nnedi3cl if True and znedi3 if False
    self.ediargs = {"qual": qual, "nsize": nsize, "nns": nns, "pscrn": pscrn}
    self.opencl = opencl


Bases: Doubler

Source code in vodesfunc/
class Waifu2x_Doubler(Doubler):
    backend: Any
    kwargs: KwargsT
    w2xargs: KwargsT = {}

    def __init__(
        cuda: bool | str | None = None,
        fp16: bool = True,
        num_streams: int = 1,
        tiles: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None,
        model: int = 6,
    ) -> None:
        Simple utility class for doubling a clip using Waifu2x

        :param cuda:            ORT-Cuda if True, NCNN-VK or CPU (depending on what you have installed) if False, TRT if some string
                                Automatically chosen and tuned when None
        :param fp16:            Uses 16 bit floating point internally if True.
        :param num_streams:     Amount of streams to use for Waifu2x; Sacrifices a lot of vram for a speedup.
        :param tiles:           Splits up the upscaling process into multiple tiles.
                                You will likely have to use atleast `2` if you have less than 16 GB of VRAM.
        :param model:           Model to use from vsmlrt.
        :param kwargs:          Args that get passed to both the Backend and actual scaling function.
        from vsmlrt import Backend, backendT

        self.kwargs = {"num_streams": num_streams, "fp16": fp16}

        if "backend" in kwargs.keys():
            cuda = False

        # Partially stolen from setsu but removed useless stuff that is default in mlrt already and added version checks
        if cuda is None:
            nv = get_nvidia_version()
            cuda = nv is not None
                if nv is not None and not hasattr(core, "trt") and hasattr(core, "ort"):
                    self.kwargs.update({"use_cuda_graph": True})
                    props: KwargsT = core.trt.DeviceProperties(kwargs.get("device_id", 0))  # type: ignore
                    version_props: KwargsT = core.trt.Version()  # type: ignore

                    vram = props.get("total_global_memory", 0)
                    trt_version = float(version_props.get("tensorrt_version", 0))

                    cuda = "trt"

                    presumedArgs = KwargsT(
                        workspace=vram / (1 << 22) if vram else None,
                        use_cudnn=trt_version < 8400,
                        heuristic=trt_version >= 8500,

                    # Swinunet doesn't like forced 16. Further testing for the other models needed.
                    if model <= 6:
                        presumedArgs.update({"tf32": not fp16, "force_fp16": fp16})

                cuda = nv is not None

        self.w2xargs = KwargsT(
            preprocess=kwargs.pop("preprocess", True),
            scale=kwargs.pop("scale", 2),
            tilesize=kwargs.pop("tilesize", None),
            overlap=kwargs.pop("overlap", None),


        if cuda is False:
            backend = kwargs.pop("backend", None)
            if backend and isinstance(backend, backendT):
                self.backend = backend
                if hasattr(core, "ncnn"):
                    self.backend = Backend.NCNN_VK(**self.kwargs)
                    self.backend = Backend.ORT_CPU(**self.kwargs) if hasattr(core, "ort") else Backend.OV_CPU(**self.kwargs)
        elif cuda is True:
            self.backend = Backend.ORT_CUDA(**self.kwargs) if hasattr(core, "ort") else Backend.OV_GPU(**self.kwargs)
            self.backend = Backend.TRT(**self.kwargs)
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.model = model

    def double(self, clip: vs.VideoNode) -> vs.VideoNode:
        from vsmlrt import Waifu2x

        pre = depth(clip, 32).std.Limiter()

        (left, right, top, bottom) = mod_padding(pre)
        width = pre.width + left + right
        height = pre.height + top + bottom
        pad = pre.resize.Point(width, height, src_left=-left, src_top=-top, src_width=width, src_height=height)

        # Model 0 wants a gray input
        needs_gray = self.w2xargs.get("model", 6) == 0
        was_444 = pre.format.color_family == vs.YUV and pre.format.subsampling_w == 0 and pre.format.subsampling_h == 0 and not needs_gray  # type: ignore

        if was_444:
            pad = Catrom().resample(pad, format=vs.RGBS, matrix=Matrix.RGB, matrix_in=Matrix.from_video(pre))
        elif needs_gray is True:
            pad = get_y(pad)
            pad = get_y(pad).std.ShufflePlanes(0, vs.RGB)

        up = Waifu2x(pad, noise=-1, backend=self.backend, **self.w2xargs)

        if was_444:
            up = Catrom().resample(up, format=vs.YUV444PS, matrix=Matrix.from_video(pre), matrix_in=Matrix.RGB)
        elif needs_gray is False:
            up = up.std.ShufflePlanes(0, vs.GRAY)

        up = up.std.Crop(left * 2, right * 2, top * 2, bottom * 2)

        # Only Model 6 has the tint
        if self.w2xargs.get("model", 6) == 6:
            up = up.std.Expr("x 0.5 255 / +")

        return depth(up, get_depth(clip)).std.CopyFrameProps(pre)

__init__(cuda=None, fp16=True, num_streams=1, tiles=None, model=6, **kwargs)

Simple utility class for doubling a clip using Waifu2x


Name Type Description Default
cuda bool | str | None

ORT-Cuda if True, NCNN-VK or CPU (depending on what you have installed) if False, TRT if some string Automatically chosen and tuned when None

fp16 bool

Uses 16 bit floating point internally if True.

num_streams int

Amount of streams to use for Waifu2x; Sacrifices a lot of vram for a speedup.

tiles int | tuple[int, int] | None

Splits up the upscaling process into multiple tiles. You will likely have to use atleast 2 if you have less than 16 GB of VRAM.

model int

Model to use from vsmlrt.


Args that get passed to both the Backend and actual scaling function.

Source code in vodesfunc/
def __init__(
    cuda: bool | str | None = None,
    fp16: bool = True,
    num_streams: int = 1,
    tiles: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    model: int = 6,
) -> None:
    Simple utility class for doubling a clip using Waifu2x

    :param cuda:            ORT-Cuda if True, NCNN-VK or CPU (depending on what you have installed) if False, TRT if some string
                            Automatically chosen and tuned when None
    :param fp16:            Uses 16 bit floating point internally if True.
    :param num_streams:     Amount of streams to use for Waifu2x; Sacrifices a lot of vram for a speedup.
    :param tiles:           Splits up the upscaling process into multiple tiles.
                            You will likely have to use atleast `2` if you have less than 16 GB of VRAM.
    :param model:           Model to use from vsmlrt.
    :param kwargs:          Args that get passed to both the Backend and actual scaling function.
    from vsmlrt import Backend, backendT

    self.kwargs = {"num_streams": num_streams, "fp16": fp16}

    if "backend" in kwargs.keys():
        cuda = False

    # Partially stolen from setsu but removed useless stuff that is default in mlrt already and added version checks
    if cuda is None:
        nv = get_nvidia_version()
        cuda = nv is not None
            if nv is not None and not hasattr(core, "trt") and hasattr(core, "ort"):
                self.kwargs.update({"use_cuda_graph": True})
                props: KwargsT = core.trt.DeviceProperties(kwargs.get("device_id", 0))  # type: ignore
                version_props: KwargsT = core.trt.Version()  # type: ignore

                vram = props.get("total_global_memory", 0)
                trt_version = float(version_props.get("tensorrt_version", 0))

                cuda = "trt"

                presumedArgs = KwargsT(
                    workspace=vram / (1 << 22) if vram else None,
                    use_cudnn=trt_version < 8400,
                    heuristic=trt_version >= 8500,

                # Swinunet doesn't like forced 16. Further testing for the other models needed.
                if model <= 6:
                    presumedArgs.update({"tf32": not fp16, "force_fp16": fp16})

            cuda = nv is not None

    self.w2xargs = KwargsT(
        preprocess=kwargs.pop("preprocess", True),
        scale=kwargs.pop("scale", 2),
        tilesize=kwargs.pop("tilesize", None),
        overlap=kwargs.pop("overlap", None),


    if cuda is False:
        backend = kwargs.pop("backend", None)
        if backend and isinstance(backend, backendT):
            self.backend = backend
            if hasattr(core, "ncnn"):
                self.backend = Backend.NCNN_VK(**self.kwargs)
                self.backend = Backend.ORT_CPU(**self.kwargs) if hasattr(core, "ort") else Backend.OV_CPU(**self.kwargs)
    elif cuda is True:
        self.backend = Backend.ORT_CUDA(**self.kwargs) if hasattr(core, "ort") else Backend.OV_GPU(**self.kwargs)
        self.backend = Backend.TRT(**self.kwargs)
    self.kwargs = kwargs
    self.model = model