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set_output(clip, name=None, frame_info=False, allow_comp=True, cache=None, **kwargs)

Outputs a clip. Less to type. Designed to be used with the good ol 'from vodesfunc import *' and the 'out' alias

Source code in vodesfunc/
def set_output(
    clip: vs.VideoNode, name: str | None = None, frame_info: bool = False, allow_comp: bool = True, cache: bool | None = None, **kwargs: KwargsT
) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Outputs a clip. Less to type.
    Designed to be used with the good ol 'from vodesfunc import *' and the 'out' alias
    if frame_info and name:
        clip = _print_frameinfo(clip, name)

        args = KwargsT(name=name, cache=cache, disable_comp=not allow_comp)
        if kwargs:
        from vspreview import is_preview, set_output as setsu_sucks

        if cache is None:
            cache = is_preview()
        setsu_sucks(clip, **args)
        if name is not None:
            clip = clip.std.SetFrameProp("Name", data=name)
    return clip

src(filePath, force_lsmas=False, delete_dgi_log=True, **kwargs)

Used dgindex as Source and requires dgindexnv in path to generate files if they don't exist.

Now deprecated in favour of the vsmuxtools implementation.


Name Type Description Default

Path to video or dgi file

force_lsmas bool

Skip dgsource entirely and use lsmas

delete_dgi_log bool

Delete the .log files dgindexnv creates



Type Description

Video Node

Source code in vodesfunc/
def src(filePath: PathLike, force_lsmas: bool = False, delete_dgi_log: bool = True, **kwargs) -> vs.VideoNode:
    Used dgindex as Source and requires dgindexnv in path to generate files if they don't exist.\n
    Now deprecated in favour of the vsmuxtools implementation.

    :param filepath:        Path to video or dgi file
    :param force_lsmas:     Skip dgsource entirely and use lsmas
    :param delete_dgi_log:  Delete the .log files dgindexnv creates
    :return:                Video Node
    print("vodesfunc.src is deprecated and currently only calls vsmuxtools.src!")
    print("It might get removed in the next update or two.")
    return vmt_src(ensure_path_exists(filePath, src), force_lsmas, **kwargs)