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IntermediaryEncoder dataclass

Bases: VideoEncoder

Encoder that will create an intermediary first and then encode that intermediary to the target encoders.


Name Type Description Default

The intermediary encoder. Might recommend prores or ffv1.


Target encoders to use. You can also pass a tuple with a function to call on the clips before running. For example: (x265(), lambda clip: clip.nlm_cuda.NLMeans(h=2.0))


Here you can pass a custom indexing function ala FileInfo. Uses vsmuxtools.src otherwise.

Source code in vsmuxtools/video/encoders/
class IntermediaryEncoder(VideoEncoder):
    Encoder that will create an intermediary first and then encode that intermediary to the target encoders.

    :param encoder:             The intermediary encoder. Might recommend prores or ffv1.

    :param target_encoders:     Target encoders to use. You can also pass a tuple with a function to call on the clips before running.
                                For example: (x265(), lambda clip: clip.nlm_cuda.NLMeans(h=2.0))

    :param indexer:             Here you can pass a custom indexing function ala FileInfo. Uses vsmuxtools.src otherwise.

    encoder: VideoEncoder
    target_encoders: list[Union[VideoEncoder, tuple[VideoEncoder, GenericVSFunction]]]
    indexer: Callable[[str], vs.VideoNode] | None = None

    def encode(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, outfile: PathLike | None = None) -> list[VideoFile]:
        intermediary = self.encoder.encode(clip, get_workdir() / "intermediary")
        from vsmuxtools import src as src_index

        index_clip = self.indexer(str(intermediary.file)) if self.indexer else src_index(intermediary.file, force_lsmas=True)

        outputs = list[VideoFile]()

        for target in self.target_encoders:
            temp_clip = temp_clip = target[1](index_clip) if isinstance(target, tuple) else index_clip
            encoder = target[0] if isinstance(target, tuple) else target
            result = encoder.encode(temp_clip)

        return outputs

ProResIntermediary dataclass

Bases: VideoEncoder

This encodes to prores first and will upscale chroma to 422 with point if needed and undo it before passing to other encoders.


Name Type Description Default

Target encoders to use. You can also pass a tuple with a function to call on the clips before running. For example: (x265(), lambda clip: clip.nlm_cuda.NLMeans(h=2.0))


Here you can pass a custom indexing function ala FileInfo. Uses vsmuxtools.src otherwise.


The encoder profile. Basically Quality settings. Chooses the Standard/Default profile for 422 and the '4444' profile for 444 clips if None.

Source code in vsmuxtools/video/encoders/
class ProResIntermediary(VideoEncoder):
    This encodes to prores first and will upscale chroma to 422 with point if needed and undo it before passing to other encoders.

    :param target_encoders:     Target encoders to use. You can also pass a tuple with a function to call on the clips before running.
                                For example: (x265(), lambda clip: clip.nlm_cuda.NLMeans(h=2.0))

    :param indexer:             Here you can pass a custom indexing function ala FileInfo. Uses vsmuxtools.src otherwise.

    :param profile:             The encoder profile. Basically Quality settings.
                                Chooses the Standard/Default profile for 422 and the '4444' profile for 444 clips if None.

    target_encoders: list[VideoEncoder]
    indexer: Callable[[str], vs.VideoNode] | None = None
    profile: ProResProfile | int | None = None

    def encode(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, outfile: PathLike | None = None) -> list[VideoFile]:
        clipf = get_video_format(clip)
            from vskernels import Point
            raise error("You need to install vskernels for this", self)
        if clipf.subsampling_h != 0:
            clip = Point.resample(clip, format=clipf.replace(subsampling_h=0))

        encoder = IntermediaryEncoder(
            if clipf.subsampling_h == 0
            else [(enc, lambda x: depth(Point.resample(x, clipf), 10)) for enc in self.target_encoders],
        return encoder.encode(clip)